hardisj - All great points. Room is L-shaped. Main part is 24’ long by 16’ wide with a 12’ by 12’ kitchen off to the right side of the listening area. One speaker in a corner the other will have 14’ of space beside it.
Listening position will be about 9’ away, still in the open space with the kitchen to the right. Then open space behind the listening position. Vaulted ceilings starting at 8’ behind the speakers going to 11’ in the middle (just above the listening position. I have a maximum width of 12’ to place the speakers on the backwall. Lots of hard surfaces and irregular shapes, a hard room to tame acoustically. This is why I’m looking to active speakers. My original speaker option was KEF R11s as they only need to be 9" off the back wall, but the room is to lively, I’m thinking, for a conventional speaker.
I like to listen loud at times, but 96 db is pretty loud, I would say?
A little off the technical stuff, I think the Kiis look better, it would be nice if the D&Ds had some kind of a grill.
Both offer their speakers in white but neither offer their stands in white (my color preference).
Kind of a weird controller for the Kiis. In a way, I’m trying to minimalize, but then you have this big volume knob with a bunch of cables hanging out of it, just not sure where I would keep it?
rego - great point, I will ask!