Done, really done!

The last component upgrade I did was in December 2015- 2 years ago and since then I’ve had zero interest in any component changes. I’m done, I’m really done! My system is excellent and there’s nothing I feel I can seriously upgrade that would be worth my while. What a terrific place to be in! 
Money to spend on audio is gone, really gone! Therefore, I am ... Done, really done!
Although I am completely satisfied with the audio quality of my system, had I cash to spend I'd attempt to lower its required power, consolidate components, and change my source from CDs to a hard drive. But only if that were possible without reducing its audio qualities.
I have been using the same components in my system for about 20 yrs now. VPI HW19 MKiv with SAMA, Moerch UP4 tonearm (did upgrade to precision arm wand recently) Audio Note M2 phono pre-amp and step-up, Perreau PMF 1850 Mosfet amp - maybe only 10 yrs in rotation with Jadis DA30 Integrated, all feeding my very special - to me - JBL S3100 hybrid horn. I will not be changing anything out as I am super happy with it all still! I did spend about 5 years or so going through all manner of gear before achieving my sound. The thought of doing that again leaves me cold!

Glad that you are serene. I am in the same zone. .....But it's only been 23 days since my last purchase.  
May I suggest Roon and Tidal subscriptions and then you can truly say you are done. 
zavato -

Just wondering.....that system that you purchased in 1974 for $700.....did that come from the long-defunct CMC stereo chain? I still have one of their catalogs from 1976 and all of those brands are in it.
I reached that state just a couple of days ago. Upgraded cartridge and bought tube linestage in June.  bought a Bob Latino tube amp in November.  Weak link was Moon 5.3 phono stage. Bought a Whest ps 30rdt-special edition.  I live in a rural area, so don't get much opportunity to hear equipment in stores or the like;  Didn't realize you can hear changes in prat and timing, but not have a fleshed out sense of drive.  The Whest brought it all together. drive, Timbre, and space  just exploded.  When you finally get it where it works, kick back and enjoy it.

I know, I know, I am so hard done
Yes I figure she is a keeper!

Your boss gives you a huge bonus and your wife accommodates your hobby...well if that ain't the absolute lowdown dirtiest trick, Lol!!

We should all have it that good!

Here's to your 'predicament'.

Zavato, I'm happy for you!
In the past I went two years without a change however then a transport went bad or in the last case Bob of Cerious Technologies came out with his new Matrix line of interconnects etc. and here I go again with experimentation! 
Hope you can maintain that Zen like status quo mindset...lot more wallet friendly and relaxing.
I was in the same space about 2 years ago, my then existing setup had been unchanged for about 22 months and I was just enjoying the music every opportunity I had.
Then my employer dished out a huge Xmas bonus which even after splitting down the middle with the wife still left me a goodly amount of play money.
And so it
I would say I am now just about back to that same mindset of being extremely happy with my main rig and has been playing music approx 8 hours a day at least for last month or so.
But I think I will never say never again!
Enjoy and happy holidays!
Charles- you are correct. Once you give up the chase for the absolute best and appreciate what you have, the equipment, though a means to an end, melts away and the music stands as the priority. Said another way, if nothing stands between the music and your enjoyment of the music, you've reached the sweet spot. I'm in the sweet spot. 
Zavato ,
You find your current audio system "incredibly satisfying " that’s commendable and I hope this feeling continues for years to come. I believe that this state is more achievable if the priority is on the music as opposed to chasing "sound" in an attempt at perfection (which doesn’t exist).

If the quest is for so called absolute best sound then the search never ends and there’s the potential for frustration and in some cases angst. I think it’s fair to say we indeed want terrific sound quality but in the context of "music" reproduction and engagement in our homes.

I’ve had the same system for 8 years and I am as happy and satisfied with it today (maybe more so) than when new. Utterly and thoroughly musically and emotionally connecting without fail. What is very gratifying is that it is a personal endeavor for each of us as we construct a system based on individual and unique preference.
Personally,  I'll never say I'm done again. I've had several components for almost two years, but if I came into a lot of money I know I would upgrade my preamp and speakers. 

I too think that Pass has taken me to the end of this Journey and brought me home.

A vacation, road trip, after any journey; we’are always happy to be Home.

Best to All on their Journey 
Ivan- the journey was fun, but the destination is great!!

Ozzy- I've been down the tubed journey- First CJ Premier and then Rogue. Very happy I've landed in the land of Pass. 

I know skeptics will say famous last words, but two years is pretty good!!

Happy listening all- 
Zavato, glad you got things to that point. You are right, it's a great place to be! And while the journey is definitely important in its own way, I have to say that final destination counts for a helluva lot! ;)

Usually to get there is more a matter of sheer persistence than anything else I think, but it IS doable as you know, and I'd say it's worth the reminder when things can conspire to make us doubt the outcome or lose our way.

Happy listening!
Zavato, your system looks great and it is always nice to get to the point where you can just turn it on and listen to music. I too was at that point until just recently and had a failure of an older tube amp, bought new amps while old ones are being rebuilt by VTL and have almost got them settled in, looking forward to just the music again.

I hate to be a downer but we have all said the same thing... but, eventually a product will come along that gets us curious and bingo another upgrade!

Perhaps it will be just a software change.

For for me (I owned the Pass X350.8) it was going to tubes in the Amplifier. I changed from the Pass to Atmasphere M-60's and what a shear difference in sound quality. So much more pleasurable sound.
Of course then I needed to source some high efficiency 8 ohm speakers and a way I go... 


I just read your profile and we both started out with the same type of systems around the same time. I purchased a Pioneer receiver, Dual turntable and Altec speakers right out of HS in 74 for $700 which was a lot of money for me back then. It bested my all in one Zenith system that was passed down from my older brother. I really enjoyed that system for many years as I do now. I guess my audiophile life has come full circle :-)
Nonrags, you are right. There are many paths that lead to total satisfaction with your music in your own environment. The sooner anyone gets to the destination, the sooner you can forget about the system and just enjoy th music. Unfortunately, some people can’t recognize or appreciate the destination. 

I can totally understand and appreciate your decision. It's wonderful you are really satisfied with your equipment especially after 2 years. What matters most is when you can sit back and just enjoy the music. 

I'm also very happy with my system and listen quite often now that I'm retired. The equipment I now own is less expensive than I've previously owned but it's so much more musical and rewarding. I went from SS to tubes and from multi-way towers to a stand mounted 2 way. This past year I experimented with various tubes and cables but now I'm done. ENJOY
jaybe, I feel the same way- I feel that with my X250.8 and XP20 I lack for nothing in amplification

my Digital is based on a Bricasti M1, being driven by either a Simaudio Neo 260D or a MacBook Pro. Again, in digital, I lack for nothing.

in analog, I spin a Linn LP12,Ekos 2, Kore, Arkiv B, Lingo, and again, I feel I lack for nothing

in FM, it’s an MR78

All heard throu Revel Studio 2’s 

Are these the bleeding edge and absolute best in each category? No, but it doesn’t matter as everything I own is incredibly satisfying. That’s why I’m done. 
Can agree that after I too bought Pass amplification I had no more reason to upgrade that part of the system.
Well, those “last words” have held true for 2 years- in the equipment world that is a long time for many!