Do Audiophile Cables Matter? Here's PROOF!

I seriously doubt that this will make any difference to the naysayers. But here it is.
In my systems I never changed cables, they just existed like wheels on a car.  So I cannot say whether my existing cables are any good or not as I never made any comparisons.  I think I prefer this kind of situation rather than get obsessed and worried whether my cables are an asset or a hindrance to my system.  Maybe I am the living proof that 'ignorance is bliss' and feel I am healthier for it.....
I haven’t even watched the YouTube video, and I can ALREADY hear the difference!


Waste Of money.
"They totally ignore the vast chorus of voices who have tried it out for themselves..."

Is there anyone on audiogon forum who has had only one cable in her/his life?

"...and claim it represents the population as a whole."

Population as a whole uses Bluetooth.
+ steakster 
agreed - waste of time to naysayers who refuse to look at it objectively likely driven by some sort of emotional resentment which entrenches them in their position.  Nothing is 100% so they often point to the very small minority disgruntled outliers and claim it represents the population as a whole.  They totally ignore the vast chorus of voices who have tried it out for themselves, disregard any professional engineers who are specialist in the audio cable field, thinking that their limited/personal/skewed experience represents reality for all.

I think it's wonderful that audiophiles support each other to help elevate our audio chain's performance.  I feel badly for those duped by the naysayers to not even try for themselves, placing an self imposed limiting restriction on elevating their audio quality/experience.
I was a naysayer big time. I've worked around electricity all my adult life. I was sure cables were snake oil.
When I got my amp back from being rebuilt they had installed a power cord receptical & a lite cord. I thought, what the the heck & bought a PS Audio power cord.  Our house keeper, my wife & I were in the room. We listened to a song then changed he cord out. Played the same song & we all could hear a big difference.
" wires at all, now there’s progress!"
If only all the cable gurus put their talent behind inventing better wireless instead of better-marketed cables...

Instead, we get "progress" with better wires. Thank goodness that people at Bose are more progressive than that.

By the way, Nikola. Not Nicola.
So sad Nicola Tesla died before he invented the totally wireless transfer of electrical power. If he has discovered the way - no wires at all, now there's progress!
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I clicked on the link under the video and this is what I got...

"Your connection isn't private

Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards)."

A pattern?
Too late, just when I stumbled on this scientific jewel, I stopped using antenae altogether.

How does the cable know which signal is noise and which one is soprano so it can filter the noise out?

Is there a reason that advertisement at the beginning of the video was for a Disney story?

It's like twisting wire creates some sort of filter for radio frequency. I wonder if I could patent that idea?? 
OH MAN!! there it is clear as a bell. On Youtube with myPC speakers I could hear the difference so clearly it was amazing. I am going to run right out and drop $$$ on hoodoo wires and all will be well.
OK so?  They may sound better or worse but how much improvement in sound or where are there improvements and how much do they cost?  Again for the 1000th time, caps, resistors AC filter chokes at 100th the price.

Happy Listening.
Or the other way around,  I wonder how the DNM Reson IC wires I like that happen to look a lot  like 300 ohm FM antenna wire would work as an antenna?  Maybe they are the best!!!
How speaker wire performs as an antenna is PROOF that it makes a difference in sound quality when used as speaker wire?
 It’s an excellent use of time to encourage newbies to try better cabling - and power conditioning.
I intended to say this @steakster but got in a hurry. Good call.
Are you still a naysayer if you've done your own tests but still don't hear a significant difference? Or are you just automatically considered deaf and tasteless?

I've tried Shunyata power cables, a $900 Shunyata power conditioner bar with the $250 Shunyata defender plug, various levels of Transparent interconnects,  various levels of Transparent speaker cables from multi-thousand dollar ones to their very basic 14ga wire ones.

I just don't get anything from all that. I'm certainly not going to claim that my various tests apply to anyone but me but I am certain that for me there is no need to drop big cash on cables.
Sorry I dont hear any noise coming from my out side power towers ,my power line ,my electric outside connection ,my inside electronic panel.,my power amp ,my pre amp or phono stage ,or cart or speaker cable .Oh ! Wait I didn't turn my system on .....
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I can hear. That's all the proof I need.  

The best comment on the video: 

"we're not going to listen to it"... Literally the only test that actually matters for audio 

Mic drop.