DIY interconnect just arrived ~~navships~~, true High Fidelity

So i invested $$$$$ ona  DIY interconnect a  few weeks ago, and it was a failure,,,So thought I'd search ebay, founda  Iwoa seller ~~navships~~~ offeringa  16 ga copper/silver coated for under $50,,, just arrived, and wow,,, now the highs not rolled off,,,sound does not break up at high volume, details not heard before,,,comparsion made with  basic generic interconnects,,but honestly what I am hearing,,I have no thoughts of looking further.
These are The Interconnects that deliver all I could expect in a  cable.
Now i am a  believer than Interconnects do make a  difference in sonics/resolution. 
He offers money back guarantee.
The drum cymbals can be heard and other details of Gatemouth Brown's guitar comes through cleanly. , The over all sound is clean,   more separated the fq's. ,,,
If we imagine a rating score of 10,,I'd give navships cables a  10/10. 
If you want to send me your high price interconnects and make a  shootout, please do,,I'll pay shipping.both ways.
Right. I'm gonna go without my awesome system transforming Synergistic Euphoria for a couple weeks for the satisfaction of making you eat your words. Good one. 

Imagine for just one minute and for the sake of the argument that you are correct. You really have found the $50 IC as good as $1k wire. Right. That's the deal. Reality. Okay. So here's the question: why would he be selling it for $50? Eh? Who in their right mind is gonna walk away from $950 of pure profit? Per cable? Anyone? Beuller?

Enjoy your pipe dream. I'll be enjoying my SR.

PS- I bet you can find used SR for less than $50 that you will prefer. Throw a dart. Take it to the bank. Cash the check. Spend the money.
I watched the You Tube video.. I got to admit, the two different socks on the guy in the video, did catch my eye. But the two speakers up against the wall, 4-6 feet apart, and the painters tape on the PC really gave it away.

Sounded better? OK... I'll take your word for it..

The socks though.. LOL great stuff

Tell you what,, you know its my hobby to do shootouts,,so tell ya what,, i will conisder (my paypal is a bit high) look for a  used pair of Syngeristic Inters,,maybe not your $1K,,but something i can buy and resell and not take much of a  loss. The shootout will be w/o bias, fair and equitable.
@ oldhvmec
Yeah i did note the embrassing shot of my socks in the vid,,, was too late, vid was posted,,, speakers are not perfectly aligned, will work on that,,,maybe another 6 inches will be a  good balance for that narrow room.
Look all I am trying to show in this video is that these IC's, really have impressed me to the point that i can  not even imagine going higher. OK lets say Millercarbon's SE's present the music ~~miniscule~~ superior to my navsships,, ,,and ,,so,, thats a  mod wayyy out my budget, I paid $1500(maybe less, have to ck with tech geek) , which was well worth the money. All high quality modern tech components,,,I just can't justify spending more than say,,,well $50 on a  excellent IC,,,If navships had asked $100, I'd feel I got a good bargain, considering what other high quality IC's are going for. I spent over $300 in my DIY all high quality(??) parts, yet failed to acheive  high fidelity results, 
This tech geek somehow found the right IC conductor and I went ona  hunch after cking out hundreds of IC's on ebay,, that i may have found the one that i am happy with. 
There may be others out there in that vast market at a  price near equal,, perhaps,, but after spending on mods past year,, my experimental budget is busted. 
Later on I will ck out a few others,,perhaps navships are not anything special,, its just that the no name generic copper IC's are that bad. 
All I am trying to do is report that if  audiogonners are looking fora  hifi IC w/o breaking the bank, these navships  should be in your consideration.. Thats all this topic is about. 
That hifi does not always have to break the bank. Some DIY mods can actually be  as good /superior to the big names. 
I've noted others here promoting these same  opinions about DIY vs big names. 
Last, I noted when i opened the box, the cables had small plastic sleeve covers on the term ends,,,shows this tech geek takes pride in his IC;s. He just didn't throw them in a box,  so that right off let me know,, these indeed might be ~~winners~~~, Heck you've paid $$$$ for big names,,why not try navshisp for under $50,,make a  shootout,, don't find any better/equal  to your $$$$, send them back for a  refund....tongueincheek...which ones are you going to return, the $$$$$ or the $ :-))
I watched the You Tube video.. I got to admit, the two different socks on the guy in the video, did catch my eye. But the two speakers up against the wall, 4-6 feet apart, and the painters tape on the PC really gave it away.

Sounded better? OK... I'll take your word for it..

The socks though.. LOL great stuff


OMG. My post was before watching the video. Now I feel really bad. Not at all sporting of me. 

(Note to self: remove tags before shooting video.)

Seriously though. Mozartfan. Just in this one video it looks like you've got $350 into interconnects. Or at any rate you were willing to spend $300 on one. For that kind of money you could go on line right now, pick any random Synergistic Research used interconnect $300 OR LESS - literally at random- and be surprised how much better it is.
well yeah, true,, what happened is that I bought the pure copper IC terminals from chian,,over paid, now I know,,$120 for the 4,,, another seller has them for $60/4 ends..anwyway,,had these copper ends sitting,,and ask my tech guy to pick outa  high tech cable,,so i went for the super duper thich wire, with silver plated copper,,anyway,,long story short,, the chinese generic's sounded superior,, that WAS that,, out $350,,,now I surfed ebay,,came across the navship IC's,...hummm, looks interesting,,, figured he'd take them  back = no loss on, surprise,,,had to ck all my refernce cds to make sure i was unbiased and not * really truly hearing* a gain, 
So after 4 ref cds, 2X's each,,,it was clear and a  sound result. No doubt, these IC's really made my system come to life,, Now the Sparksolab Descrete Opamps, all the Mundorf caps in the cayin, Pre and defy, + new tubes, + Teles in the AU/AX section,,all can dance and sing , all b/c the IC's opened the doors for those electrons to pass through freely, delightfully.
I plan to makea   topic on that subject. 
Something along the idea,,we have all these mods, tube rolls, new components,, etc,,but all have to pass through ~~A~~ if not ~~THE~~~ most over looked/least considered  component, = the IC cable. 
I was completely unaware of how  the IC cable affects the sonics, either for the better or the worse.
I always used generic's, , well actually i've been out of hifi since 2008,, as katrina hit my home, luckly had the stereo on 2nd floor, and now having sold my Lakeview home,,have the cash to play with audio stuff, so aIC's are a  new thing , as now having completed all the mods in the Cayin , Defy7. 
This is where i am at, not having tested other IC's. just saying, I've found the IC that works best for me, and have no interest in hearing any others. 
as i KNOW what i am hearing. 
= ~Don;'t get  no better~
Nice day

ok just cked ebay used Syngeristics,,, lowest pair @ $300,l OK, lets say these navships@t $40,, and big name brand X are @ $400.. Is it possible that Big Name brand X's are 10X's superior? 
Or is it a  slim possibility, that navships might be  just as near equal to Big name X. 
Yeah I made a  flop of spending $300++ on the DIY, and should have bought the used Syngeristics,, but thats THAT.
As I say, one day I hope to hear Syngeristics, and then we can all know whats up with that shootout. 
IMHO the onus is on you.
Here is my point, Yeah i shoulda/woulda/coulda put that 350 IC budget ina  Syngeristic used at say $400. ,,that 350 wasted in my DIY IC is long gone.
Here i have what i believe, w/o hearing any other big name hugh tech IC, is a  really excellent HiFi IC. Again my 3 categories
High Fidelity, Mid Fidelity and worthless trash(chinese generics).
Lets say the  navships ina  shootout with 3 of the big names,,turns out to rate very close to the 3 Big Three IC's. 
Say 5-10% superior,,,hypothetically. 
Is it worth my interest to go more in debt, just to have a 10% gain in sonics? 
Of course not, For 15% gain, yes I would be willing to spend ,,say $150 ona  IC cable. But 15% gain over navships,, I just can not even imagine this 15% nuance a  real possibility. 
Just can't. 
The navships 16 gague are,, 25% superior to chinese generics, rat shak special IC's. Now thats a   huge sonic gain. 
But I just don't see any big name gaining say 10%  vs navships. Sorry just can't. 
My apologies to all the engineers overa t the Big name brands if  you feel i am being unfair,,even biased. 
Just ordered a  2nd set for cd>preamp. ,, forgot about that,, wow, could be even more gains to be had.
 Christmas in July.
If you do any research on this guy, all that he's selling is military surplus, so it starts life as mil spec.  Whether that offers good applications for home stereo is up for debate, but at least it's a reasonable starting point. I'd say at the least he's a viable competitor to Blue Jeans and the like.
My guess is that Navships is just some guy in his kitchen selling DIY cables to the public. The design is averagely OK, and at a decent price. It’s not going to stand up to the better AQ, or other company cables, but that’s just my opinion.
All his ebay items  has to do with IC cable's. So if it is military surplus cable,,i have no idea. maybe it is military surplus cable,,  who cares where he got this wire from. 
All I am saying is that, no I have not heard big brand IC's ever in my life,,I was brought up on buying Radio Shak IC's, then moved up to say the $19.99 - $29.99 Best Buy IC's, (figured the $49.99 were just a more fancy package/cable , but better??),,so thats all I know,, What I am hearing in navships IC's, is amzing, I was expecting the same sound as the  cheap $50 generics ,,,really, maybea  bit more or equal,, I was pleasantly surprised right off, 1st 10 seconds,, after 4 reference cds, 1 song from each,, it was a  solid confirmation. 
I was delighted, as some of the pain of the $350 DIY flop, was resolved by these $45 IC's, = problem resolved, solution found,,and with the 1st pick of the countless IC's out there. 
Maybe there are superior IC's, for a few bucks more,
My mod budget is scheduled for other projects. 
navsips will be the last IC cable I will ever buy. I think some audiophies chase after all these high tech IC's, as if by some magic , THIS IC will be the one that rasies the bar of fidelity in my system. = Not going to happen.
Let me explain what I mean. The IC cable, a  transparent one, such as navships, will carry whatever electorns that are comming from the source/amplification. 
If the electrons are colored, muddy, murky at that source,,, = not even a  $$$$$IC Cable will resolve that distortion issue. 
All this time using the cheap no name brand generic cable,,I thought it was the preamp jadis clone that was at issue,,,the reality was the IC cable was of low quality. 
Pluged in navships, now  all my mods in the 3 components, Sparksolab Descrete Opamps, Mundorf Caps, Takman meatl resistors, Tele tubes, Svetlana 6550s;  can not function  at their best, . 
This is why i believe the IC component is critical. It is the pathway which can be colored/distorted, or is it allowing high fidelity to pass through. , 

A speaker cable is a  speaker cable,,,,, a  12 gague copper speaker cable, = all are exactly identical in carry the electrons,, One that costs $$$$$$$ is not going to offer even a  miniscule gain over Home Depots $15/50 ft spool of 12 gague THHN stranded wire. 
,,Ok so it was noted that navships is **selling military surplus, nothing much there,,,** so I decided to takea  closer look at his listings, as only just glanced the other day,, as i scrooled down, I note a  listing of ~~silver plated copper 12 gague stranded~~~, so now for another shootout, HD's 12 gague copper vs navships  silver/copper. 
But 1st I have tio find out if this is real silver,, or just silver colored copper wire. 
If real silver coating,,how is the price so low?? waiting on John;'s reply.
Stay tuned,,,might have to eat words from my post above,,,~~a  12 gague ,,,are all identical in sonic reproduction...~~~ that might not be  the truth...
hi i use the same wire 12 awg #M22759/11-12 black and orange in a HELIX geometry for my speaker cables my speakers cables are 2' long speakers are jbl 4435 and 4425 studio monitors i run mono blocks silver plating on that wire is thick its nice the helix gemetry minmizes noise in the ac line and RFI/EMI on the signal cable
well I might just have to eat my opinions above ~~ a  12 ga speaker wire is equal to any other,,blah blahh ~~~, I searched ebay 1 hour, and did not find a  12 ga silver/copper speaker wire which did not have that teflon coating that you have to strip away witha  razor.
His 12 ga silver coated copper is The Real Deal..Now again, the shootout will be as per all my posts, Unbiased, unfiltered, stright up shooting from the holster,,no gimmck shooting .
This is all we should expect from  shootouts, unbiased and stright up shooting.
Just order 25 ft, suggested he needs to raise his prices, as i am not at all convinced there aresuperior IC's out there. 
Others claim there are,,But I have yet to hear it, and have no interest, Why? How much gains can be had, another 5%,,whats that??= less than miniscule = not interested. 10% gain, yeah maybe,, But at what price tag?? whats that did I hear,,,did you say $$$$ or $$$$$. 
 Ck this out, fora  less 10% pop in sonics I paid  $ vs your 10% gain @ $$$. 
I'm a  happy camper paying $ with a  hypothetical 10% loss in fidelity. 
I asked John about his silver/copper speaker,,is it real silver,,or that cheap silver colored copper 12 ga,,unpon closer inspec of photo,,i could  clearly see it is inddeed shiny real deal silver,,,,, but he wrote back afterwards,, his wire is from some super high tech space projects and such. 
THAT explaisn why I am hearing a  superior gain in sonics. 
This IC wire is futuristic, 21st C tech. 
PTFE= Teflon
OK that explains why cutting the sleeve off the THHN Home Depot wire was so dif with a  new razor blade. I was like , what is this stuff. 
Tougher than leather. 
MOZATFAN teflon is good i bought navships orange and black 12 awg m22759/11-12 is the best for speaker wire if you use the helix geometry it will be great google helix geometry i made mine low cost 12-14awg sound the same to me i went 12awg i have 2-amps one 760 watts one 250 watts if not helix geometry run the cables 4'' apart bare wire tined is the best way no brass junk
OP, I admire your honesty. My old Journeyman was from, New Orleans’

I heard you on the video, it brought back a lot of memories of me and him crawdaddin’. We would come home with a 5 gallon bucket of water bugs, another of catfish, and another of asparagus. One of the best Master Mechanics I ever met. 6th grade education... But had his Masters through Mitchell. He was also our arm wrestling champ..Teamsters...
Man could he drink... WOW..

He built our shop valve amps out of 2 old Philco automotive valve tuners and a bunch of surplus Navy tinned copper wire for speaker wire.. I think they were 2-3 watts each.. he used a few to get the two.. Speakers were pole style horns, you know like in M.A.S.H. 4077 and ol Radar giving the Updates, via the stick RCA mic..

10 times the cost, 10 times better? Have to be pretty bad cable to start with. ay!! It is a journey when we hear that big of an improvement, with a cable change.. I’ve been VERY happy with a few of my own cable concoctions.. Yes it can get spendy to get what you want, with DIY.
The learning curve can be expensive..
BUT if your learning, like fiddling, have the skills, and patience, have fun..
If not, best to buy someone else’s stuff.

Seems like you found a gem. If you know that a 12 ga. copper wire works for you.
Don't be surprised if it doesn't for someone else...
There is a lot of STUFF in some of the network cable with 2-9 different conductors...
Very complex, crap for the most part.. GREAT speakers don't need high $$$$ cables, very simple. 
I found that out 25 years ago, and prove it EVERY DAY...

The speaker placement though.. come forth... from the wall..LOL.  2-3-4-5 feet, at least 2-4 from the side walls...spread them apart, toe them in. That will amaze you...A tape measure, a square... placement, don’t cost a thing...

Better is better.... SG1 "Upgrades", great one...

Time to eat some plums and feed the chickens.....yup yup...

apart bare wire tined is the best way no brass junk

@ ditusa
Yes I just ordered his silcer coated copper 12 ga for speaker use,,,not sure if it is **helix**, not sure what that concept is all about,,helix,,will look it up, and ask John about your code number.
Brass tips on high quality speaker wire,, makes no sense,,just go direct, bare ends. 
Which is why i bought pure copper IC's ends ,,maybe the copper ends are not the issue in my DIY,,its the super thick cable at $17/ft,, ,,might ship those ends to navships, , have him dismatle the IC's and  get his opinion.
Just curious,,, not trying to salvage,, as i am very satisfied with his IC's. Upgrade to what? I am not seeking ~~utopiia ICs's~,, not after that $350 DIY disaster. 

@ oldhvmec
Yeah this high tech conductor for my DIY has like 2-4 conductors,,, = trash. 
= 1 lone high tech wire is superior to 4 low grade wire,,is what i learned. 
Yes these navships are gems, and surprised me, in further comparisons with the cheap generics. 
Instead of usinga   reference cd, thought I'd usea   poor sound cd, such as Jonny Winter Live And from mid 790's,  Sure enough the vanships allows more current (high db level) to pass through and not as compressed, = superior sound stage/. , as you say,if others read my comments, and add navships to their collection of IC cables with the hopes of  making same gaisn in sonics as i am hearing,,, they may be in fora  disappointment,... 
Just had all compnents modded with new caps, new IC's  were like the finishing touch, allowing the caps , Descrete opamps,  to channle through freely, /less restriction. 


MOZARTFAN;all cables are pure bs marketing i remove my power cords from my amps hard wire them to pannel no change in sound google floyd toole loudspeakers and rooms speakers are 50% of the sound the room is 50% of the sound all new tube amps are 80 years old whats new they all go back to the 1920s its bs
amps hard wire them to pannel no change in sou

Now why would you even think, by hard wiring power cord to wall outlet,,would makea   dif in sound????
I already went through all that.. 
The only reason I made a  DIY power cord with pure copper terms + gorgeous 12 gague THHN stranded from Home Depot, is to give my components all the juice they may want, more cleanly, vs the tiny stranded  cord that comes with every amp we buy,,I bet Jadis ships that 2 cent generic black cord even with their JA 800 monos. 
My top line DIY cord,,did sound change?? Not one bit.
But in IC's,,,did you see the listing of the wire navships empliys in his 16 gague IC?? 
UNREAll, now that explians why I am hearing what i know i hear.
Super High Fidelity. 
No I do not own stock in navships company. 
I am shocked he has been around, and so few know about his IC;'s. You guys live in the dark ages, Wake up, these navships are The Real Deal. 
You can keep your big name high tech IC's,.  I have zero interest in a  shootout. of IC's. 

Good plan. Because the last guy who tried a shootout never recovered.
MOZATFAN hard wiring a amp is removing the power cord the line from panel with a iec plug direct in the amp should sound better no cord ?you do not hard wire a power cord to the wall dum
MOZATFAN do not forget empiredon on ebay same as navships great wire i bought wire from him to make my speaker cables no your jaw wont drop just great cable
OK hard wired, direct to power trans, Got it,,, hummm not really interested.
Helix IC,,Ok got it,,, too complex for my level. 
Yeah the silver coated copper speaker wire 12 gague,,, due in this week, will upload another YTvid for those who might be interested in that shootout. 
Yeah the navships are worthy to be connected to the Jadis Defy7. 
I mean why sopend $4500 ona  amp + $$$ on mods,, then have some low down generic pull the sonics down??
Navships senta  ebay link to the IC 16 ga wire he uses,,,again, silver coated copper. a  whole bunch of strands. Now i understand why his IC's sound hifi. 
was thinking about employing some of his wire in the Defy and preamp, from the out board to the RCA outs. let  me see what my tech would  charge for that lil mod. 
MOZARTFAN thats fine my point was removing the power cord or having a power cord in the line the sound is the same to me you said the better cord you made sounds the same as the junk cord the amp came with my point is power cords are marketing bs you think so to the ac wall plug 120v 15 amps 14/2 awg wire in the wall put a 12awg power cord on the amp to the plug you will not get 20amps for the amp more juice the way i did it i will get up to 30 amps max for my crown studio ref1 amp that it needs no power cord is not hard to do its cost $0000 to do how much money do good power cord cost you know that all i was saying
A bit off topic, but wire connected

I hooked up my Emerald Physics 3.4s, which have outboard power supplies, but the crap jumper wire that was included is, well....

I replaced the CJs with Wire World OCC which was designed for internal speaker wiring. While initially the OCC was 'better', after about an hour it got better and better. Just upgrading the jumpers literally transformed the 3.4s to a much more musical speaker

marketing bs you think so to the ac wall plug 120v 15 amps 14/2 awg wire in the wall put a 12awg power cord on the amp to the plug you will not get 20amps for the amp more juice the way i did it i will get up to 30 amps max for my crown

OK got it,, so direct hard wire to the trans , from  trans connects, direct to wall, skip connect at rear of amp,, OK clear, 
you get more amps... hummm , nah I 'll pass. 
That mod will cost me cash that i can not budget in.
I am happy to have the 12 ga DIY cord,, I am sure Jadis made the read connect acceptable to draw as much current as required by the trans. 
But agree the 2 cent cord that comes with every amp/component you buy,,even jadis' $$$$$$$ amps, no doubt are supplied with that cheap 10 hair thin stranded cord. 
We all have at least 5 in our closet,,everyone should go cut one open,,,you'll see what I am talking about,, Trash that thing and get either navships 12 ga silver coated copper or Home Depot
's THHN 12 ga. 
I see no reason to use navships silver 12 ga, , juice is  juice on any medium of material,,and yes, its very likely the 2 cent power cord actually brings same current amperage as the 12 ga,,At least tahts on specs,,But in actual performance after 5 hrs of use,, the 12 ga will be more consistent/solid current 
... power cords are marketing bs you think so to the ac wall plug 120v 15 amps 14/2 awg wire in the wall put a 12awg power cord on the amp to the plug you will not get 20amps for the amp ...
Correct, you should not be able to draw 20A from a 15A line.
... i will get up to 30 amps max for my crown studio ref1 amp that it needs no power cord ...
No, you won’t get "30 amps max" for your Crown amp.

First - as you acknowledged on another thread - you have a proper 20A breaker on that circuit. Second, your Crown amp just won’t draw 20A. It won’t draw 15A, either.
CLEEDS when i run my crown ref 1 amp i change the break to 30 amps i hard wire the crown no power cord no plug i have 10/3 awg wire in the wall thats 30amps 250v max my crown amp comes with a 125v 30 amp plug when new i can change the volts on the crown 120v to 230 how much power the amp draws changes but it will have the juice to its max 250v at 30 amps no power cord no plug pure sound thats how you connected dan’s amps the relentless monos google d’agostino dan amps his relentless amps do not have power cord or plug pure sound dan knows
CLEEDS when i run my crown ref 1 amp i change the break to 30 amps i hard wire the crown no power cord no plug ...
Whoa, that’s quite a code violation, as explained to you in another thread, especially with the 20A receptacles you’re using.
i have 10/3 awg wire in the wall thats 30amps 250v max ...
Yes, that’s the rating of the wire, but that’s completely independent of how much current will actually be in the circuit at any moment.
... my crown amp comes with a 125v 30 amp plug when new ....
Not likely, because a 30A plug wouldn’t fit in a traditional household outlet. It probably left the factory with a 15A or 20A plug.
i can change the volts on the crown 120v to 230 how much power the amp draws changes ...
No , that’s not how it works. For any given output, the power drawn by the amplifier will be the same at 120VAC as at 240VAC (setting aside possible trivial differences because of losses in the transformer).
... it will have the juice to its max 250v at 30 amps ...
Check your amp's specs. The Crown never draws 20A let alone 30A.
CLEEDS no code violation no plug go back and read less amps draw at 230v then at120v did you google dan's amps the rich man that buys his amps cant buy a $8,000 power cord or a $500 plug what will he foolish spend his money on dan knows all so when i bought my crown amp they give you the wall plug in the box a 30 amp plug in the manual they tell you to call a electrician no you cant plug a 30 amp plug in a 20 amp plug
when i bought my amp no way to plug it in did not know that a the time thats why now i do not have a power cord or plug on my amps i call a electrician  and learn the dan way the power cord and the plug are out of the circuit on my amps at my place what power cord sounds the best i do not know
Ok so my tech guy suggested I go back once more to make Double Blindly positive I am hearing what i **think/perceive/imagine** that i am hearing .
so feeling a bit lazy, I figured ok why not,,now i really was not sure if I heard what i heard,,so in went the DIY blue super thicks i made,,OK, not bad,, then his older high tech ICs someone gave him yrs ago, (they look from the 70's),,and told him these were hifi IC's..Not bad, not bad at all..These were 1 minute tests,, as i say feelinga  bit desprsssed, I lost all interest in these shootouts,,back in the navships,, and as i say, you are not going to boost the hifi in your system by a  **significant margin** , A Tweet is a tweek,, a  mod is a  mod,, a  new component is a  new component...= Each will result ina  certian gain of fidelity/or loss of fidelity = add/take away coloration = lessen/add to  the fq voicing. 
Thats all we should expect from a IC shootout,. = a  IC = a IC = a IC.. 
There is no IC that will  trump all others bya  significant margin,, a  Modification might, = a new cap, a new resistor ,a  new tube. That is to say a  Tele AX/AU, I can hear  a  gain over all others, making that a  tweek modification., = just more than a tweek, but not as significant as a  component mod = New suilver or copper caps vs the stock paper/plastic film caps.
A new high tech cap is a modification,,not a  tweek.
. A new preamp is a  New Component modification
So to clarifiy
a) tweeks = miniscule (my baton Rouge tech guy taught me that term)
B) tweeks/modifications (Substantial gain overa  regular tweek)
C) Modifications ( replacing stock/old parts adding new high resolution parts, caps, resistors, descrete opamps)
D ) New Component. (sometimes you win, sometimes you lose)

Bottom line navships  in my imagination/short testing shootout, had the best draw on the gun. 
Miniscule, but thats all we should expect froma  IC shootout, which was IMHO a  nice gain for the few bucks spend and can be consicered a  tweek/mod.
My new DIY power cord 12 ga THHN strand was nothing more than a tweek. = no fidelity, yet making sure all my components receive all the juice they need vs that 10 hair thin stranded  ~~MADE in China by the millions~~ 2 cent~~power  cord. 
That cord might be OK fora  8 watt SET amp, which really needs not much juice to function,,whereas a  big trans amp, yeah, bring on the 12 ga THHN stranded cord.
So if you add navships IC to your system, please do not expect a  miraculous gain in fidelity, If you do you will be disappointed.  1st get rid of a  component that is not up to the level as other components,, then get navships IC. 

2nd pair NAVSHIPS ~~16 gague silvercopper IC~~~ just arrived,,, UEmployed twix the
~~Cayin CD17 Mark1 ~~~ modified with 8 Mundorf Silver caps + ~~Sparksolabs Descrete Opamps Singles__ Runninga pair of E288’s in the ^922 section,,, and the jadis Clone LS9 with Mundorf Silver Oil caps,,(which will be up for sale soon)
Reference CD:: Faith Hill Title track to the movie,,,Yes sir,, further opening up of the sound stage,, You can actually hear what the recording  engineers were trying to acomnplish in this song recording,, build, cresendos, lowerings, yes sir, = The Real Deal. Not fake, not hyped, not propagandized.
Will upload a vid tonight and post here....
I am sure there are many other IC's which convey music like navships IC's, No doubt,, But I am not interested
Over and Out
The Snakeoil Buster strikes again
I want to be crystal clear,, You may already havea IC which equals/surpasses navships, So why bother adding navs?? No reason at all, As I mentioned previously I feel there are basically 3 levels of IC’s. Chinese generic garden variety which we bought back in the 70’s at radio Shak, and can be found by the hundreds on ebay and Best Buy,, then we have good/nice/adequate IC’s ,,
Then we come to that 3rd IC range of carrying the musical signals.. Prices range from ,,well nasvships all the way, to $$, $$$ even $$$$. Where navships falls in this 3rd ~~elite~~ category,, I have no idea. Thats for others with resources to figure out.
I have the IC which blends/matches very nice with my other components.
Thats all I am saying here
This 2nd pair is connecting the Cayin CD17 Mark1 with the LS9 jadis clone preamp
navships speaker wire arrived,,ohh maybe saturday,, or monaday,, my hunch says will be no dif in the Home Depot THHN 12 gague and navships silver/copper. ,,I just don't see silver making much if any somic gains.. . IC's yes, But speaker?? ,,adding a  pinch of silver...,how should that equate in a  gain of fq resolution??? However at that price offered,,how could i refuse,, for at least a shootout. 
25 feet will get me the 16 wires i need each @ 3 foot. for $25,,,sheeshhh, I will be more than surprised if that   pinch of silver makes any gains on speaker wires,,,.. My ears will be perked for even the slightest tweek on any fq range.
I like to be fair and unbaised,,,,,honestly I will have a  good hunch in 1st 15 secs of the 1st reference cd.. But as i say, i am gratfeful and feel lucky to have found navships IC's. 
since we speak of shootouts,,, ~~Luck of the draw~~~ :-))

That said, when i upgrade my xovers,, the silvercopper might kick in,,,that will be late 2020. Swamped with mod budget at this moment....
well navships 25 feet of silver copper 12 ga stranded wire arrived FAST SHIP,,so the outer caoting is super tough,,,,the cable is thin,,, i thought **this can't be,,,12 ga, too thin....** wrong,,,when you cut the plastic coating off, the wire pops out,,,  how the labs make this wire/costing is a mystery,,anyway,,took me sometime to make a  true shootout,,,1st I had  ran one speaker with HD 12 ga copper stranded vs nabships silvercopper 12 ga stranded,,,hummmm, definetly the copper had certain upper mid fq;'s a  bit more pronounced/warm/forward,,,nothing bad,,just not sure what exactly was going on,,,so aftera  few more test cd songs,, i figured, lets have only navships on both speakers,,, Then it became claer,, navships had a  purer balance on all midrange fq,s = thus allowing one to nudge the volume up w/o compromising the mid fq's = that is at a  louder vol, now the sound stage completely opened up. 
WOW factor = high = as in what we audiophiles are always seeking out= High Fidelity, 
Bottom line, navships are far superior to pure copper stranded, this is not a  nuance, not a  tweek, this is a  ~~modification.  = That is to say the gains in fq resolutions  were significant, not at all miniscule, 
= The Real deal,>>> Not  snakeoil
If you wanta  quick fix on your system which may be too *8warm**, murky mids etc, try navships,,this may ameliorate/quell some of the blare N glare of your forward mids. may/maynot bea  long term solution, depends if the speakers are murky/muddy/coughing in upper mids. Isssues which no speaker cable can fix. 
These silvercopper can be a  fix for a  mild case of a  overly warm sound system. 
These cables exceeded my expectations.

Just amazing no one is talking about navships cables??  The IC's worked magic, each set,, the speaker cable took my system near the pinnacle. Sure there may be other cables out there that match nabships, but where? Which? I have no funds to start rolling cables.
= THese are The Real Deal. Sorry high tech labs, to throw a bucket of ice water on your lab's head,,,,,Look you made money on high tech cables, with huge markups, 
Now in this economy, folks are looking for best deal in town.,,so you guys need to be prepared to take ,, The Hit...some labs will not survive during the year 2021. 
It would be impossible for you to match navships, prices, quality, customized ordering. 
Adios amigos,, 
Please NOTE
The Home Depot 12 ga THHN copper did not work as a DIY power cord for my Jadis DPL preamp, This preamp does not draw much current and flat out rejected the 12 ga copper,,so what i a doing is order a  20 ga silvercopper dual cable and will use this in my 3 power cords,,,deleting the 12 ga copper.
will posta  YT upload on arri9val next week. stay tuned,,,
OK just arrived navships new  Interconnects, with high quality silver or Rhodium plated RCA connects, 
The vid will show all 3 models, but I prefer the silver plated just slightly over the greyish silver (or Rhodium?) and the copper RCA connects, Nothing wrong with his original Brass RCA, as he mentioned, 90%+ of the sonics are in the wire composition and a  smaller nuance gains in the metal connects.
I believe navships plans to offera  Rhodium plated with screw lock type connect. 
Lets say you have a  component with jacks which do not make a  snug fit with your cables,, These lock down style will resolve that issue.
As I've said, you could spend more on other advertised IC's, and get less, alot less.
These IC's are truly high fidelity with a  open sound stage.