Diana Krall

I was in Fort Lauderdale last Thursday and saw/heard Diana Krall.  Second time, first was in Wilkes Barre PA after Wallflower cd, this one after her recent one.  Two quite different concerts, both outstanding.  This one was "jazzy", an upright bass, a drummer, guitarist, fiddle/violinist (and a pianist/vocalist).  5 great musicians on the stage, and a wonderful singer.  She is wonderful live.  Highly recommended, as equipment reviewers often say.  Worth the price of admission.  
1extreme ...

If you like inexpensive wine, try the "California Roots" brand being sold at Target stores. The "Red Blend" is amazing at only 5 bucks a bottle.

There are singers who outclass DK in every respect, no doubt. But, she can be quite enjoyable to listen to in her own right. She has her own style that brings out the best of what she has.

One thing I’ve learned over the years ... there is no right or wrong when it comes to music. Human taste differs dramatically.

I subscribe to both Stereophile and TAS and read the music reviews each month. I always check the recommended recordings out on Spotify. More often than not, I’m left wondering how in the world reviewers review equipment listening to crap that is drenched in artificial digital reverb.

Even a lot of music that is recommended in this forum is truly crap ... more digital reverb. I’ll tell you ... the master tapes don’t sound like that. The recordings are either drenched in artificial reverb in an attempt to cover up a untalented "artist," or in an effort to get the tape hiss off of digitally remastered analog recordings, they’ve erased the highs as well. Then, there are the screamers who try to pass themselves off as singers and their fans who turn their noses up at anything musically sophisticated.

Guess how many Bruce Springsteen albums I have? None.

Guess how many DK albums I have? A lot. :-)

We have to be careful not to conflate "music" with "recording quality".  I'm sure we all have various examples of fine music in less than satisfying sound...albums we would never be without.🧐
^^^  Correcto Mundo (as they say in So. Cal).

I have a collection of Charlie Parker albums that have pretty awful sound ... but Parker's ideas are preserved for our enjoyment. 

I don't collect 78 rpm records, but I have some friends that do. They are really into the performances. 

I don't think anyone is trying to prove that DK is a better vocalist than the jazz legends like Sarah Vaugh, Nina Simone, etc. But the level of disrespect on display here (comparing her to someone's toenail, a lowly bar singer, cheap wine) is rather unbecoming. It's one thing to argue that Nina Simone is a better singer (she is), but to denigrate another popular singer like DK to make a crude point is more a reflection on those making the comments rather than DK or her fans. Jeez, get over yourselves fellas!

No one is an idiot and we can all read between the lines... basically, what they are saying is that anyone who likes DK doesn't know how to appreciate 'real' music. That is exactly what's rubbing folks the wrong way. 


That was not my point so I hope you’re commentary is not aimed at me. I happen to love DK music as a matter of fact I own mostly ever album she has ever made. However I do agree with some of the comments that vocally she is not in the same class as other female vocalist. Does that mean she is not a good singer, not at all... Again she is a very talented singer and pianist. 

I have audiophile friends who put down Harry Connick Jr.  I have some of his recordings ... the guy has chops. He can sing and play the piano really well to my ears. 

It's all a matter of personal taste.  I have two Nina Simone CD's but prefer DK by a wide margin.   There is no wrong or right when it comes to personal preferences.  My Dad loved Perry Como and the Lawrence Welk show, whereas I like DK and The Daily Show.  
That is true 
there are folks that love justins, Marc Anthony, Rick Martin, but it doesn’t mean they are musicians — they are pop artists and so is DK
DK just knows how to market her best.  Even her's is well below many other's 'best', its kinda make some people happy thru music.  Nothing wrong with that.

If you're sold on her performance style, all her CDs are awesome.  Otherwise, Live in Paris CD is likely the only one for repeated listening.

Diana's big influence was Nat King Cole. She can't play like Cole, nor sing as well, but she's a decent jazz piano player. Not the greatest, but not bad. 

The late-great bassist Ray Brown may have been the first to get her signed. 

Can she sing? She's no Dee Dee Bridgewater, or Shirley Horn, who btw is a lifetime talent, but DK created a niche for her music when music executives wrapped themselves into her and what do you know, her career took off. 

DK's best album, isn't an album...it's a DVD - Live In Paris. The LIP cd isn't the same music. Now you know all there is to know about DK. What makes the DVD so good? If you like jazz, and Paris, you're in for a treat. You can order the blu ray version on Amazon. 
I like Dianna Krall. She has her own style and doesn't copy anyone else. She does her own interpretations of songs. I have about six of her cds. The Girl in the Other Room and Live in Paris are my favorites. She shows enough emotion on Black Crow with excellent arrangements and  a great band.
I've never understood her appeal. Like Patricia Barber, she seems to be particularly favored by audiophiles.

I live in Ft L. I was down the street at RokBrgr that night when I heard she was playing. I was on my motorcycle, when I got the top of the hill and found out it was sold out, I got back on my big ass (700#+ bike) and my foot slipped on the cobble stones and the bike fell over. One of the cops directing traffic down on the street ran up, and could smell the alcohol and would not let me ride it. I called a friend to come get me, which took 20 minutes, the cops were preoccupied down below, so I hopped on my bike and went home. I have 4-5 of her albums, both redbook and DVD-A. Back in 1998 she came out with a calendar (along with a CD) that it took me a half hour to locate.

I have seen Patricia Barber live twice, once at the Broward Center of Performing Arts (same place as DKrall). I have 4 of her albums

Different strokes...

tweak1, I saw you that night, I was on the deck overlooking the hill there, saw you fall over, the cop come up, all of it.  I thought you were going to be arrested.  

What a coincidence!!

Me too!

The saving grace was they were so busy directing traffic, so he quickly picked the bike up and moved it to the side and went back down the hill
DK remains one of my favorite artist, just picked up Limited run of ‘Live In Paris’ SACD. This concert is one of the best live recordings captured on any format and it sounds even better on the Japanese SACD…Wow! 

"Different strokes..."

Yes, of course...

I guess the bottom line is that DK sounds more like a lounge singer than a Jazz singer to me and I simply prefer the latter. Helen Merrill, Sarah Vaughan, Sheila Jordan, Betty Carter and-- to mention one of DK's contemporaries, Jacki Ryan-- are some of my favorites. 

"What, no Billie Holiday... no Ella?"


I listen to what pleases me. My CD collection is definitely not set up to mimic an encyclopedia of Jazz. Many "greats" are missing, simply because, there are other artists whose work I much prefer. 

This may ruffle feathers, but Ella has always sounded bland and emotionally uninvolving to me, while B. Holiday occupies the opposite extreme. I can't listen to Sandy Denny's solo recordings for the same reason-- too depressing.  

I should see her live as her studio albums somehow leave me cold at times.

I posteda  topic some time back about how some/mo0st studio recordigs are tinkered, adjusted, EQed, Doctored up, tweaked thus emblishing their natural vocals.
In this topic , Krall was mentioned as foremost in my OP,,
I have to now recant.
That opinion was based on her cd, When I Look into Your Eyes, (tahts all i have of Diana Krall) and someone in the 1st post, *I knew upon reading the OP, that Diana Krall
s name was going to be there..** and it was.
It was this Diana Krall and perhaps also Sophie Milman's cds, that prompted this recation to studio **enhancements**
Well lately, as of yesterday in fact,, there's a  new twist to my impressions of Diana Krall's talents in the studio.
I LOVE her poetic gifts.
(Less one track, which I find Sophie Milman OWNs that song) 
This new experience of Diana's voice was all due to my new speaker experiements.
See I am in the middle of creating a  WBer + xover style speaker,,and listening to Diana after initial setup, made me more aware of her gifts,,
But it was not until I addeda  **sleeping* (sitting on shelf past 6 monthsA) DavidLouis 4 inch WBer , it was then Diana Krall's voice transformed into magic, poety just flowing like a gentle mountain stream.
I now *GOT* Diana's natural gifts.

Speakers can make or break music.
With a true high fidelity speaker,, our old music now transforms into something new, if not magical and stunning.

My sincere aplogogy to Diana Krall, as  i made some innuendos that were not at all acurrate or courteous to a woman who has wonder-FULL gifts of poetic soulful vocals. 
Once you hear Dinana Krall's  music via my speaker,, you will not want to stop the cd til the end,,,and then perhaps, press play yet again after the last track.
The fault lies not with Diana Krall, she has the magic.
Its our speakers that  filter out and block  this magic.

And I understand why this added DL4 opened up this fidelity in my system.

I have admired Diana Krall for many years. As many have pointed out the "Live in Paris" album and video is good. I would also recommend the album, "Girl in the Other Room" as her finest album since she collaborated with her husband Elvis Costello and it is genuine and original.
I have heard people talk about audiophiles and vendors playing her songs at audio shows far too much. As a result of this, and the fact some do not care for her music.... many are not fans at all. I think she is similar o Adele in that her style may not appeal to many, but her talent is still top notch. She is a sublime singer and piano player and her somewhat "easy on the eyes" appearance often works against her and not for her.