Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
The long-term effects of the vaccine aren't known, as there was no testing. Short-term are many deaths and many injuries, numbers are being hidden or played down, but truth is known. Long-term?? We have to wait and see. I pray for the best.
"Dr" Vernon Coleman a GP who lost his license in the 80s and is a newspaper columnist not a scientist, and RFK Jr who is sadly a rabid anti-vaxxer are your "authorities"?


Luc Montagnier A nobel prize winner...On one side...With many other great scientist like Robert Malone creator of the mRNA tech... or Geert vanden Bossche....

On the other side Fauci associate with Robert Gallo the PROVEN  thief against Montagnier in the HIV war...

Now the same players against each other in the covid war...

But think about it:

Fauci command a science budget research of 40 billions dollars, Montagnier, Malone,Vanden Bossche had no money they do research....Now think who is the most powerful? I will not speak about Gates bigger budget and his association with Fauci... It will be too conspirationist for this thread....If you vwant to call Fauci a scientist you are deluded...

Only these name and their history is enough to understand what is at stake...If you read books....Not youtube or google fact chekers.....

"Dr" Vernon Coleman a GP who lost his license in the 80s and is a newspaper columnist not a scientist, and RFK Jr who is sadly a rabid anti-vaxxer are your "authorities"?
I see the same four or five posters pontificating ad nauseam, on endless repeat. You offer up information culled from sources self determined as delivering truth. You never question your sources, any and all opposing sources subjected to character assassination.

And then you continue to whine about the consequence of the choices you've made. On top of that, you want others to feel compassion and empathy for you.

Again, you're only preaching to the choir. I don't understand your intentions with this endless thread. Are you trying to convince the opposition to change sides, or do you still have the need to convince yourselves of the truth of your convictions? Or perhaps you take sustenance from belittling and trashing your opponents?

Those seeking understanding and compassion should bear the consequence of their freely made choices with courage, quit whining about how they're treated so unfairly. People don't like whiners, plenty of much more deserving people and causes in this world use up empathy capacity.

 All this craziness and divisiveness driven by this wonderful innovation we call information technology. Apt name, takes a microscope to locate the knowledge content.

You wrote the most terrifying post i read here because you stay very factual...

But writing clearly about this problem illuminate it...

You just describe Orwellian society cleaning itself...

Are you a conspirationist?

By the way i hate nobody here, i like discussion, and i try to understand everyone...

But we cannot undo seeing....

your post illustrate my point....

We cannot undo seeing...

« Seeing is thinking with the 2 arms and legs»-Anonymus Smith

« Even the blind go where they see»-Groucho Marx 🤓

«What you see is where you will go»-Anonymus Cherokee hunter
Ladies and Gentlemen (I know, a diverse group is unlikely but just trying to be respectful in the unlikely event…):

There are a few certainties in this discussion;

1) Sincere people have absolutely inflexible and opposite viewpoints. Person A isnt going to flip to person B’s way of thinking and vice versa.

2) The pandemic (real or imagined) has polarized those who were once capable of being friendlywith one another. Was political division a nasty cause or an effect. Doesn’t really matter. Its here and people can choose to pour fuel on the division or move on. Its an individual choice to get along or not, not a circumstance.

3) Here is something that may upset some, and it absolutely isn’t intended to. Here is an example. During the lockdown, many worked from home….and some didn’t want to return to the office. This was the first moment where employers culled the rolls. Come back to the office or you are gone.

4) And now we find the workplace at an inflection point…get vaccinated or you are gone. Im not going to litigate the morality or whose rights are at stake. The point I want to make is many who lose their job during this time will vehemently believe it is a result of their politics or a matter of freedom or an infringement of their rights as a purported child of a higher being. The reality may be much more troubling.

5) That reality will be hard to stomach by some but in the months to come, the vaccination requirement and those resistent to complying is actually going to be a natural filter in the workplace. In short, it will be used as an absolute point where employers will use this as a moment to identify an overtly inflexible employee. In years past, people would keep certain things to themselves. Now days, many are emboldened to come out of the closet and communicate (to some) their extreme viewpoints, one of which is their stance on the vax.

6) I contend a great many in the workplace who are difficult to manage may have also taken a stand against mandatory vaccinations. This will be a convenient moment to flush that group out of certain organizations. Right or wrong, if someone is hard to work with, it will be a convenient and legal way to get rid of someone they think is a pain in the ass. Right or wrong, if someone critical to the success of an organization refuses the vaccine, you can be certain that the organization will find a way to make it work.

I’m not saying everyone who loses their job over their refusal to vaccinate is a pain but every organization will have to determine the lengths they are willing to go to retain the employee who refuse to vaccinate.
@mahgister - if you knew that safe and effective treatments for Ebola exists, and existed before a new Ebola vaccine was introduced.

Would you be more inclined to take the known safe medications (that have been used many millions of times over decades and succeeded with a high level of safety in the world of performance, proven even safe for pregnancy) over a relatively new technology that has reports of being unsafe from many personal, and professional sources?
Good post...

Sometimes clearly asking the right question is also answering it...

It is like thinking out loud...

Ebola ,polio, bubonic plague, are viruses that dont mutate at the same speed than flu and coronavirus...Vaxx dont have the same efficacy here with flu and coronaviruses...

What do we do with flu : we vaccinate the old and we treat early the rest...

Coronavirus is not the flu indeed, a worst disease, but the same cure is there to be pondered: early treatment and risk benefit vaccinations for those which own a compromised immune system that cannot win over the virus  WORLDWIDE not for the rich ONLY...

Is it not simple even me know this....

Then why MANDATED FORCED VACCINATIONS FOR ALL if not, no jab, no job?

Did you not see the results of fear on the economic transmission belt?

Asking the question is answering it...

No need to conspiracy theory here, simple real criminal usual activities will do the job....Read books...

In our history criminal activities benefit always from technological progress...

It is not a conspiracy it is business as usual....

People dont learn swiftly.... After more than a century Edison is always credited and others with the invention of only one man....Open your journals and read...

Where is truth?

No conspiracy here....

 Criminal activity business  as usual....

If you think i am a conspiracy theorist i will agree.... But if this is so you are an ostrich....

I dont mind about the calling, the names....

Truth has no robe....
Studying is not claiming to be true...

What is the emerging perspective for human kind?

Is big pharma instructing us is saying the truth, only the truth?

It is not necessary to be paranoiac to doubt them...Read about their history.... Dont listen sports events for a month... Dont upgrade your audio system....Dont even embed it, only read what we called books...

Simple questions are asked ...

Who among you are able to deny the new perspective: censorship, vaccinations mandated at the global scale, irationality in the conduct of medecine and epidemiology, veiled threats against reputed scientists, and all the other numerous facts....It is not even necessary to debate micro clotting, or spike toxicity or not, or the number of adverse events....

Denying that is very human....

Ostrich and men are almost alike with their common DNA....

Dinosaurs were denying fire to the last minute...

But relax, love each other, death dont exist....

Only suffering for few instants....

i know suffering could be longer for some tough by the way they create their own hell...

There is no paradise or hell which has not been created by men themselves...

God gives us the keys and walk with us...

In the infinite....

The only judge that cannot be bought is yourself.... You can argue with God and bought it by love like Abraham and some other did .... You cannot argue with your own consciousness...

I apologize for my rant here....

But times are strange and most of my friends are here now .....

If all things were equal with one exception—the disease was ebola. Would you take the vaccine then?
@mahgister - if you knew that safe and effective treatments for Ebola exists, and existed before a new Ebola vaccine was introduced.

Would you be more inclined to take the known safe medications (that have been used many millions of times over decades and succeeded with a high level of safety in the world of performance, proven even safe for pregnancy) over a relatively new technology that has reports of being unsafe from many personal, and professional sources?

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You are wasting your time arguing with these glitches in the simulation.
Funny that, I had come to exactly the same conclusion….
And if y'all would like to see the TRUE spirit of humanity, hang with the VERY sick as I did, juiced up with heavy doses of infusion. 

I'm happy to be alive

Carry on
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Yes isochronism, the worse is yet to come. Maybe some should pick that book up more often. Many are sheep and this thread is great for the herding. But some will listen and some will not. It's what keeps me coming back. TO LISTEN

I'll give credit where credit is do. Y'all know who you are

RELAX.....deep breaths 
But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. - 2 Timothy 3:13
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A few here are just doing what they are told to do. Believing what they are told to believe. Then trying to convince us to follow the orders along with them, or we're WRONG. Use some imagination.

He breaks down the last 60 years of US history very well. No wonder they banned him from YouTube.  wow
Sure. Believe whatever you want... I bet Pfizer has never been caught lying.....Oh wait... :)
The Doctors in question have verified credentials, active practices and are actually seeing patients on the ground. Unlike, America’s Favorite Big Pharma Pimp, Only in name Dr Fauci.

This is an old interview and his findings have been confirmed by many Doctors and Researchers all over the world. If you have gotten the vaccines, get a complete blood panel done. 
Just to be safe
Doctors in Florida, and Spain (and Canada) ran D-Dimer tests on over 2000 patients 1 week after their vaccinations. 63% showed signs of Micro Clotting.
How the hell do you see the results of peoples blood work after vaccination?
For what it’s worth. Certain people in this discussion I couldn’t agree more with.

Frankly, I’m happy this thread is no longer living RENT FREE in my head. At least I’d like to think so

millercarbon, had to use your line. Effective tactic/tool indeed

For now if someone want to change the color of the day and listen to a true unbelievable documentary listen to this almost 4 hours and say to my face that this film does not beat most hollywood movie...

It is about Bruno Groening, one of the most verified case of a faith healing in history....the story is UNBELIEVABLE and anyway true with more testimonies of all kind about all diseases...

Anything to see but Dr. Fauci.... Yes....

I hear the sceptic here, this is pure religious non sense OK, then try to debunk this Bruno Groning if you can....

I could not.... Help me....And listen to this 2 videos if you dare....


part one:

Part 2:

By the way if they are dunces here by bad chance , i must say for them that i dont suggest in this post to go to faith healer instead of taking a vaxx...Is it clear?

I just proposed a marvellous true story...

I refuse the vaxx because i have reason to not take it after my covid natural immunization and anyway i dont trust this new tech which has never been tested....Too much adverse events...

I am sad that many people loose their job because they had no trust in this new technology or simply they are not ignorant and read a lot about it and decide that this "vaxx" cannot be for them....

I am sad that so many people are unable to understand what is at stake, what is at play, and what is the goal....

«History is not blind it is a spiraling wheel»-Anonymus Smith

« What do you call a kid’s wheel ride that goes somewhere?»-Groucho Marx 🤓

«I called it a miracle brothers : evolution becoming history»-Groucho Marx 🤓

«Is it not the "omega" point ? » - Harpo Marx

« You are all dunces, it is only a simple spiral»- Gummo Marx

«Even in mathematics we dont know what a spiral is...Or better said the object "spiral" is like a fractal impossible to pin on one point, it escape limiting definitions»- A mathematician whom i dont recall the name
@ghasley There are Labor Shortages everywhere.. The same friend I was talking about, knows people that work at the Long Beach Harbor. It is the biggest cargo port on this side of the continent, they enforced a vaccine mandate 2 months ago, and a huge percentage of the workers quit.... They have about 80 or so ships waiting to be offloaded, can’t find workers to do it. (usual backlog is 0-1) They Don’t have truckers to transport the containers, yeah vaccine mandates again.... same story in hospitals all across the country. The supply chain is breaking..
we are in for a very very rough winter.
He will be fine, he has a graduate degree in some specialized accounting, whatever it is that he does, but the last few months were unbelievably stressful for him, but he stood strong, and he’ll be better off for it in the long run. Thank you for your concern :)

@mahgister thank you for your kind words as well. Gives me hope to see people such as yourself, and others, standing up for what they believe in. we change this world one person at a time :)

Once again mahgister, thank you.
Dont thank me please , they will think that i have voted for Trump... 😁😊

I listen to many other videos of Dr. McCullough and he is a man of his words....
He moved the heart....Glad you enjoy it...Illuminating videos... in his field speciality he is top in the world....
@mahgister. All things being equal includes "ALL nemerous factors at play..."
By reducing the argument to the absurd, the only difference being the severity of the disease, then all that is left is the notion that you believe you are being coerced into taking a preventative measure to save lives. It wouldn’t be an issue if the disease was horribly fatal for 90% of victims. You’d be begging for the vaccine.
i dont want to discuss anymore...

But think about that in your head:

What if the new vaxx technology not only is not able to erase the disease but is the cause of long term adverse problems? i do not even  count actual adverse events for  now.....They are numerous ...

Put that in your head and stir it in your head....

Comparing covid-19 to polio or the black death has no meaning here for the present discussion....

Maghister stop with the Nazi/Holocaust references and stop now.
 Because you dont seem to understand the content of my post  i apologize and i correct it....

 Do you catch it better now?
@mahgister. All things being equal includes "ALL nemerous factors at play..."
By reducing the argument to the absurd, the only difference being the severity of the disease, then all that is left is the notion that you believe you are being coerced into taking a preventative measure to save lives. It wouldn't be an issue if the disease was horribly fatal for 90% of victims. You'd be begging for the vaccine.
Such drama queens dear lord the needle takes about 10 seconds is basically painless administered by a professional. 

Maghister stop with the Nazi/Holocaust references and stop now.
I would be against forced vaccines even if the Death rate was 50000%.
Great words thanks

It remind me of free Socrates...

 I work all my life in a job i was loving so much that loosing it would have been to lost my life...

I am truly sorry for you and this useless sufferring imposed by stupidity and greed....

It’s so funny...The side coming down with the political edicts, forcing compliance, is then complaining about the refusal of said edicts as being political.

As far as Ebola goes, again...You can do whatever you want, and I will do whatever I decide is best for myself in that hypothetical situation, after I look at all the information as I have done in this case. I would be against forced vaccines even if the Death rate was 50000%.

Too stupid ... I will stay mute...

No i will not stay mute.... I will tell you a story:

" Dear mr. Rostoff your friend did not get fired of his job or put in a concentration camp, his employer and our comrade Stalin  give him a choice, he could have accepted what is recommended and keep his job"
yuviarora your friend didn't get fired his employer gave him a choice he could have gotten vaccinated and kept his job. We all have to do things we don't want to at times to take care of ourselves and families. You all need to grow up already.
No. It is a valid hypothesis. My guess is that your instinct to survive would override political motivation to stir up trouble where none exists.

Instinct to survive?

No need to speak about what is at play here anymore...

 Sorry your hypothesis make no sense....

And your reasoning about the decision to be vaxx or not to be vaxx, being only a politically motivated wise or  unwise decision compared to the survival instinct is totally preposterous...

The decision to be vaxx or not is a complex  risk calculus decision motivated and illuminated by ALL nemerous factors at play...

It is mostly and mainly a political decision only for dunces....

 Then opposing political decision to instinct here  is simplistic .....
No. It is a valid hypothesis.  My guess is that your instinct to survive would override political motivation to stir up trouble where none exists. 
If all things were equal with one exception—the disease was ebola. Would you take the vaccine then?
Your question is meaningless....

Try to guess why?

Even if our friend is an antivaxx or against this particular vaxx only, MASS MANDATED VACCINATION for an airborne mutating virus make no sense on all front...Selective but free choice  vaccination for people ar risk make sense, treatment for the others like with the flu....Threatening people and excluding them from their work is a crime... 

@yuviarora Is your friend experienced enough, capitalized or otherwise qualified to start his own firm? If he isnt at that level yet, then he could certainly replace his income workinh in a restaurant….a huge labor shortage in that industry.
If all things were equal with one exception—the disease was ebola. Would you take the vaccine then?
This is not ignorance..... They believe this in their heart of hearts.
They really really believe it. Yes, the TV is shaping their Worldview, I would not argue that... but they have bought this way of thinking hook line and sinker.
Taking a living away from a man is akin to killing him, and they make these proclamations so callously.
One of my friends, has a 1.5 year old daughter, has a wife 7 months pregnant, he recently got fired from his job at his accounting firm. Do what we tell you, or you and your family starve to death. ( He will land on his feet/ how many others won’t ?)
They really believe this...... what else will they not be willing to do, if the TV tells them it is okay?
You people are monsters.
They have blinders like working horses or sheeps lead by fear....They are not monsters....The monsters lead corporations ....
"Which leaves you folks with individual choice to not take vaccine. No one is denying you this choice, you only have to pay the cost of losing some level of privilege."

They are not "Privileges" They are basic Human Rights.
You people are monsters.

Like Seriously...
Which leaves you folks with individual choice to not take vaccine. No one is denying you this choice, you only have to pay the cost of losing some level of privilege.
Your post make no sense...

The vaccination decision is an act of freedom...

Which means NO employers or state or President can FORCE people to take this choice at the cost of their job if not...

The medical and legal reason are simple: the massive vaccination DECIDED by authorities is not a scientific decision but a political one...

You dont seem to understand elementary epidemiology at all...

An airborne mutating virus like sars-2 is NOT a polio virus for example...We need vaxx for at risk people and treatment for the majority of healthy people, like in another airborne mutating virus the "flu"...

This is reason...And elementary epidemiology fact ...

Forbidding all low cost treatments and promoting MASS vaccination is a crime....