Component isolation

Let’s say you’re going to add isolation feet to a component with no moving parts, such as a preamp, phono stage, DAC, amp, tuner, etc. 

Which one is most critical to the extent would get your attention first? 
Nobody talks about the fact that component isolation can lead to component loneliness. Sad.

+++ ;-)

Nobody talks about the fact that component isolation can lead to component loneliness. Sad.
Yet another t shirt reads, “If I could explain it to the average Joe they wouldn’t have given me the Nobel prize.” 
Another t-shirt reads "Just because you explained it doesn't mean you have a clue"
To get the best results with roller bearing isolators its best to use injunction with a spring of some kind. This may be an air, magnetic or mechanical spring.
My townsend seismic sink is a superb anti-vibration device for my VPI TNT VI.  For all my other equipment, I am using Stillpoints of various sizes based on how I perceive the benefit (Ultra minis are often better than larger units depending on the equipment).  I have 11 sets of Stillpoints.  Otherwise, I would have chosen the latest versions of Townsend seismic products which are more expensive and non-hydraulic (air bladder) any longer.
I spent a good portion of my professional life dealing with the, sometimes catastrophic, effects of vibration in rotating industrial machinery. Aside from out of balance, many of the same problems with many of the same solutions as involved with audio - looseness and resonance - excited by internal and external forces including frequencies, resonate frequencies and their harmonic and sub-harmonic frequencies with solutions being accomplished through tightening, dampening, isolating, or coupling.
Generally solutions in audio are a matter of working individually with each component and does not/should not have to cost thousands of $$$.
While I agree with the importance of eliminating vibration and resonance in components, I also agree with what some others have said here - sometimes things (dampening, coupling, etc. etc.) can go to far, leaving everything sounding dry and sterile. I've never heard a live performance that sounded sterile. The world is full of harmonics and resonance - just gotta to know where to draw the line, to help your system produce something that sounds like music.....Jim
I have roller bearings by both Ingress Engineering and Symposium Acoustics, as well as Townshend Audio Seismic Pods. Roller bearings provide good isolation in all planes but vertical, in which they act as not isolators, but couplers. The Seismic Pods are very effective in all planes, a great product imo. Available in many load-specific versions, around $100/pod.

This s a great post...I'm really a novice trying to better understand the intricacies of damping and isolation, etc.  My takeaway is that there's no one solution, but rather a combination of solutions dependent upon one's system and environment.  A lot is devoted to reducing component internal vibration, which makes sense to me because its the closest to the signal path, sometimes actually in the path. 

So does room acoustic treatment come into play, in terms of reducing airborne vibration that can find its way into the audio signal? Can this vibration enter the cable or component and disrupt or alter the audio signal?

Probably a really stupid question, but like I said, I'm trying to learn first - spend later.


@select-hifi, how do you justify saying "there are no better products" than Townsend isolators? What else have you tried? Have you tried Stacore or Vibraplane for example?

I am not knocking Max Townsends designs, I am sure they are very good but to say there is nothing else to compare, is unjustified.

Currently we are testing an air spring/slate platform/ Ingress cup and ball set up which is giving very good results. Ingress footers are now available through us in the UK.
Jimmie,  this topic will drive me nuts   i only needed to read two   good luck
Post removed 
Thank you Geoffkait for your informed observation,for sure you are certainly right...I will be more cautious in my explanations and think more in term of piezoelectricity...The effect is so audibly evident that I had looked for the beginning of an explanation...

geoffkait14,385 posts03-20-2019 6:54amNot sure I go along with your detective work. Radio frequencies, like light, are not affected by magnetic materials or by charged materials. Photons, which comprise radio frequencies, have no charge. So, crystals by themselves or “charged crystals” would not make them RFI/EMI attractors or absorbers.

Not sure I go along with your detective work. Radio frequencies, like light, are not affected by magnetic materials or by charged materials. Photons, which comprise radio frequencies, have no charge. So, crystals by themselves or “charged crystals” would not make them RFI/EMI attractors or absorbers.
geoffkait14,365 posts03-19-2019 6:38amReverse piezoelectric effect is probably the operating principle.

Thanks Geoffkait… This is food for my thinking...If I understand you the stones " filters" the EM of my interconnected audio gear by transforming a part of the distortion cause by the interactive EMF induced resonance in heat...Then  the stones placed along the main electrical line of my house act in the same manner: by piezo-electrical reverse effect? They "filters" by absorbing a portion of the electrical field and transforming  that into heat ? 

Thanks for your time I want to understand this effect, that was eyes opening for me with my audio hobby more than any purchase and more than any upgrade...
Reverse piezoelectric effect is probably the operating principle. 
Ok ...Thanks for your observations,that makes sense...But You dont explain to me why stones connected with batteries+magnets act the way they act on the sound … I have experimented with that for the last year and the results are so great I am curious the reason why and you seems one of the few people who understand something about stones in audio...

104 posts03-18-2019 2:57pmThanks very much GeoffKait...I appreciate your explanation and it seems to me very clear....

I use a grid of stones connected by cable and with many batteries+magnet nodes like a passive grid parallel to the normal audio grid(speakers+dac+amp) and the impact is astounding , do you have an explanation why this passive grid(stones+batteries+magnets) work?

>>>>I used to have “grids of stones” unconnected by cable and without magnets or batteries with excellent results. After mapping the entire 3D space of the room I was able to identify locations in that 3D space where sound pressure levels were more than 6 dB higher than the average sound pressure in the room, reflection points on wall, standing waves, etc. where xtals would have a high probability of success. At one time, in fact, I had so many crystals in the room, have built up the number over a long period of time, that you would only allow someone in the room if he agreed to be blindfolded. Loose lips sink ships. 💋

As I have intimated elsewhere I’m a big fan of magnets for specific audio applications. That is a long story that I’ll save for another day.

Last night and early this morning while posting on Agon I was using my split screen tuning up a system on the other side of the world. I mentioned this here, I think maybe on this thread, don’t recall will have to look. While folks here were saying this can’t happen type of thing and "schooling me", way over in Asia here’s what I was getting back from a listener in real time.

I copied some notable posts for you.


Yes yes yes sound so much more better!!!! More body more girth more bass. Wow damm this is huge! Difference is huge!!!! There better coherence to each note !! Yes they just need more wood more resonance this is truly a musical instrument. This is definately a new learning experience. Lol i feel like a kid !!! This it’s so crazy the change is huge now. Lol huge stage!!!!! I dropped the volume down by 2dB. This is crazy that attack and dynamics is perfect!!! The splash of cymbals is life like crazy good!!! Lol im lierally having goosebumps moment here !!! Yes this is a very different listening experience im getting now. Very involving and the presence is good. Beyond any thing in high end audio! The sound is very robust yet large and its dynamic swings is very good. I used it for jazz,rock and vocals and they just sound fantastic. Its more 3D and this time it fill the whole room front to back. It sounds big lol!! once i have got the full picture on your speakers with the platforms in and am able to sell the Arcs and sonus for a good price lol!! Theres no way the sonus can get this kind of sound its so lively and realistic. Im gonna go all out with this setup theres no need to look back too much of goodness here in the tune than in HEA lol!!!


There was a lot more to the conversation but I wanted to give you a feel for what listeners go through converting from HEA to Tuning. Above were his words not mine. Last night we happened to be talking about the speakers, but there are other conversations about going from the ARC to a $300.00 unit.

What I’ve been saying the last few years "Is" happening in our hobby. Listeners (very top of the line listeners) are moving to variable tuning systems. These are serious listeners with no budget restraints. They purchased their dream systems and took them as far as they could to realize it’s not far enough. This is when they contact me and I work with them from the view point of how audio works and how they can get the sound they want. I don’t throw theory at them, and they do the work on their own without me being there most of the time. I don’t lead them by whispering in their ear, I simply make them the tools and guide them through the tuning. They tell me what they are hearing and I show them how to tune their setup. Most convert to a better setup while selling off their HEA components and speakers (their choice and idea).

This has always been very exciting for me to watch and now even more so because of the internet.

Michael Green

Thanks very much GeoffKait...I appreciate your explanation and it seems to me very clear....

I use a grid of stones connected by cable and with many batteries+magnet nodes like a passive grid parallel to the normal audio grid(speakers+dac+amp) and the impact is astounding , do you have an explanation why this passive grid(stones+batteries+magnets) work?
mahgister103 posts03-18-2019 12:52pmThanks Geoffkait for the clear explanation...But Geoff how my stones or crystals act on that loop? I sense that these stones "filtrates" in some way but I dont understand exactly how and why... Do you have an answer?

>>>>Crystals almost always work via resonance control. Even when they are used around AC circuits or wall outlets, or on circuit breaker panels, they work via vibration control/absorption. Other notable locations for crystals that demonstrate this concept are on room walls and glass windows and doors p, wherever a sound pressure peak occurs, and on top of Tube Traps. Crystals’ principle of operation is due to their atoms acting like mass-on-springs, albeit teeny tiny masses and teeny tiny springs, thus converting external energy to heat.
Thanks Geoofkait for the clear explanation...But Geoff how my stones or crystals act on that loop? I sense that these stones "filtrates" in some way but I dont understand exactly how and why... Do you have an answer?
We hear electricity not original sound, a helpless imitation of reality. Don't fool yourself. Well, that was wrong - fool yourself and keep it that way. But Michael is right, you some guys don't get it. Passing signal causes vibrations that change it, that's the problem. Dealing with external vibrations is easy by comparison.
jburidan678 posts03-18-2019 7:34amThe room is full of vibrations -- that’s what sound is. So, I’m not a true believer....

>>>>>Actually, that statement is patently false. I know what you’re thinking, that the sound musical instruments make and the sound speakers make is acoustic vibration. But that is not what the audio signal is. The audio signal in CD players, turntable tonearm wires, preamps, amplifiers, cables is not acoustic vibration or any vibration. It’s electromagnetic waves, an entirely different animal. The problem is that audio signal, the electromagnetic waves, no matter where that signal is in the audio chain, is subject to external vibration - acoustic, seismic, transformer vibration, capacitor vibration, footfall, etc. a common example is acoustic feedback. The cabinet resonance and or acoustic waves from the speakers affecting the audio components via the air and or floor and producing distortion. That’s why isolating components and speakers improves the sound. Hel-loo! 

I'm sure as time goes on some of those Tunees will be coming here to share their experiences. When they do you can ask them directly. As for me I'm here to help them get started on their journey and design tools, where they take it is up to their own passions bdp24. While I listened with both JGH and HP we spent our time tuning and often making fun of the HEA. So my take on my friends may have also been different from yours.

as always, appreciating your points of view even if they do differ from my experiences


Doug Sax had the best method of determining the transparency of any given piece of equipment---the bypass test. He would compare a live feed from his studio with the sound of the same signal passing through the device being evaluated. Any difference between the sound of the two was the component adding it’s own sound to the signal---aka distortion. The idea of high fidelity is to minimize that difference. Hi-fi components aren’t musical instruments, they reproduce them. The sound of musical instruments and voices contain timbres and textures; a hi-fi system should have none of it’s own. In fact, the less it has, the better able is it to reproduce that of instruments and voices.

It’s a very old dilemma: Do you want your system to reproduce the sound contained in recordings---whatever that sound may be, or do you want it to create sound you "like", regardless of the sound contained in recordings? J. Gordon Holt, the pioneer of subjective reviewing, argued for the former and against the latter. Harry Pearson’s standard was what he called, as we all know, the absolute sound---the sound of acoustic instruments in a real space, like a concert hall, cathedral, or even recording studio. But that construct relies upon the assumption of recordings containing such sound, waiting only for it to be reproduced. Very few recordings contain pure acoustic sound in a real space (in Pop music, virtually none do), yet Harry and his believers continue(d) to evaluate components based on their ability to create sound like that heard in those real spaces.

That is not so different from Amar Bose designing a loudspeaker that mimicked the 11% direct / 89% reflected sound heard in concert halls. That is imo an inherently flawed concept (recordings made in those spaces contain the direct and reflected sound; to play them back on the Bose 901 doubles the effect. For Bose’s concept to work, recordings would need to be made in an anechoic chamber). So imo is the notion of a hi-fi system itself being approached as a musical instrument, "tuned" to one’s liking. Minimizing the sound added by the system, on the other hand, is a noble pursuit. A hi-fi system (and perhaps I ;-) should not editorialize. The sound of the listening room is itself, of course, part of the system. Perhaps the largest part, along with the recordings. Minimizing the deleterious contributions of the listening room is imo the biggest challenge facing music listeners.

Guitarists who play in more than one tuning often have multiple guitars on stage, one (or more) for each tuning. They don’t play one guitar, retuning it for different songs. I find it hard to believe many here have any desire to re-"tune" their system for each recording they want to listen to. Am I mistaken? Don’t most of us want a system that makes ALL recordings sound as much like what we think music does (or perhaps should)?

Kind of a fun thread for me, cause while posts are going up I am also on my split screen walking people through tuning their components in real time.


millercarbon419 posts03-17-2019 7:25pm
“If I could explain it to the average dude they wouldn’t have given me the Nobel prize.”

Oddly enough, no Nobel Prize winner ever said that.


“Hell, if I could explain it to the average person, it wouldn’t have been worth the Nobel prize.”
>>>>>Duh! 😳
The room is full of vibrations -- that’s what sound is. So, I’m not a true believer in vibration control, mostly because there’s no such thing IMHO. Tube dampers will make a difference with microphonic tubes. And you want something to stabilize your turntable from external shocks. But other than that, it's a waste of money.

14 posts03-17-2019 9:40pm**Leaving to ask what would be the incremental benefit of *any* expensive vibration resolution solutions.

>>>>>Generally, the two determining factors for isolation device performance are resonant frequency Fr of the iso device and number of directions of isolation (degrees of freedom). Thus, the spring rate of the spring should be as low as possible for a given weight of the component. Very Stiff Springs 🏋🏻‍♂️ must obviously be used under very heavy amps, speakers and turntables, otherwise the component will topple over due to insufficient lateral support.

As I already pointed out a Fr of 5 Hz will result in transmission of 90% of vibrations with frequency of 10 Hz, whereas if the Fr can be reduced to 2 Hz the percentage of transmission for 10 Hz vibration can be reduced to 50%. The low pass filter characteristics of mass on spring isolators provide very low transmissibility for frequencies greater than 20 Hz. But obviously there’s an incentive for trying to achieve very low Fr. My Nimbus Sub Hertz Platform was the first audiophile iso stand to provide six degree of freedom isolation. By contrast, most audiophile iso stands provide one or two directions of isolation, the vertical direction 🔝 and horizontal plane 🔛.

There are six directions of motion for any object, including three rotational directions around the x,y, z axes, respectively. Forces in rotational directions are usually caused by Earth crust motion that is analogous to shaking out a carpet or a wave 🌊 passing under a boat 🚣‍♀️.Thus, the ideal vibration isolator addresses all 6 directions. But the more directions addressed by an isolator the greater the complexity and cost, generally speaking. A combination of mass-on-spring isolators and roller bearing assemblies can provide isolation in most of the six directions, for example.

There are additional factors involved in effective vibration isolation, such as method of mounting the component on the top plate of the iso stand, method of mounting the iso stand on the floor or rack, and method of reducing “residual vibration” on the top plate of the iso stand. The geometry of the spring or airspring is yet another variable. A bicycle 🚲inner tube, for example, has a very non-ideal geometry. And the airspring used in my Nimbus Sub Hertz Platform had ideal geometry, whereas the air bladders used in some iso devices are not at all ideal geometry-wise.
tt1man4 posts03-17-2019 8:47pmHello all,
As a manufacturer of pneumatic isolation devices (feet), am I permitted topost our website which contains pertinent isolation/vibration information, and an informative White Paper? If so, can our technical director also join in on this discussion? Thanks in advance for your feedback and consideration.

>>>>>Go for it! Don’t be shy.


"Components should simply reproduce the sound of instruments (and voices) contained in recordings, having or adding no sound of their own."

Wouldn’t that be nice! Or our ears, or our rooms, or our brains, or our locations, or our planet on it’s revolving. Or our orbit...and on and on it goes.

the variables buddy, don't leave out the variables


Hi Terry9

you said

"Michael, you say that," ... when you dampen vibrations you’re also dampening part of the audio signal." In my system, parasitic resonances (all resonances are a form of vibration) such as those excited in the tonearm, are not part of the audio signal. So I damp them out. Don't think you can have thought this through."

As I've said above, I'm a do it guy. If your ears have given you a different result of course you have to be true to your ears.


Hi millercarbon, thanks!

When I got into the HEA part of this industry I did so with some good advice from the guys who I worked with in the studios and on the road. I was known among some for coming in, doing my thing and quietly staying off to the side while the sessions went on not getting involved in the debates, credits, money or theory building. The advice was "never change that rule of mine". It's served my goals well and has given me valued friendships and a clear understanding of what it takes to become a long term standard.

We have a wonderful industry and hobby, all the way from instruments to the ear, and I have tried to be in every position of "Doing" I could have so I can be a forever student of this passion. The only way I knew to do this was jump in, do, and learn for myself without being influenced by talk minus the doing. There's a completeness about doing something for ourselves and if we do so in time the truth makes it's way to us. It's a process that may happen in a moment or one that may take a lifetime but truth itself is never false, and the learning of it is truly a matter of doing.

So for me, when people say that's not the case, can't be true, he's full of it, wow that made an amazing difference or whatever suits their proclamation, I know if they have really done for themselves they know. And as important, if they haven't done for themselves they may never know what has been waiting for them to yet be discovered.

Audio is not a world of assumptions, neither is audio recording and playback. Audio is a science that we will either do or not do.

Again thanks, it means a lot to me. Not that I was right or wrong, but that you saw I was a student of sound just like you with the same goal and passion! all my best


Good questions and comments Terry. Damping the vibrations in a component, vibrations that the component may potentially add to the signal, is not "dampening (sic) part of the audio signal." Where in hell did THAT idea come from?! This idea that components themselves should be considered musical instruments, free to resonate, is SUCH an anti-high fidelity concept. Components should simply reproduce the sound of instruments (and voices) contained in recordings, having or adding no sound of their own. My God, that’s the first truth of hi-fi!

"Low mass frees the sound" and "High mass squeezes the sound" are just overly-simplistic bumper sticker slogans. Audio engineers don’t think in those terms. The high-mass VPI turntable platters (the purely stainless steel, the stainless steel/Delrin, and the aluminum/lead/Delrin) sound MUCH better than the low-mass acrylic platters. My Townshend Audio Elite Rock table has a plinth of a metal frame filled with bitumen pads and plaster-of-Paris, built that way so as to be non-resonant. Designer/engineer Frank Van Alstine suggests lining the inside surfaces of the wood bases of suspended subchassis designs (Linn Sondek, Acoustic Research, etc.) with modeling clay for the same reason. If high mass achieves low resonance, that’s a good thing. Of course, that too is an over-simplification, as there is the matter of resonant frequency, Q factor, etc.

Michael, you say that," ... when you dampen vibrations you’re also dampening part of the audio signal." In my system, parasitic resonances (all resonances are a form of vibration) such as those excited in the tonearm, are not part of the audio signal. So I damp them out. Don't think you can have thought this through.

You also say, "Another tip. Low mass frees the sound high mass squeeze the sound. The more weight and compressed mass your system has the more squeezed the signal will sound. The lighter mass you have, the more open the sound will be." Don't quite know what you are getting at here. Do you really mean that a high mass platter will "squeeze the sound?" If so, what do you mean by 'squeeze'? Is this a frequency effect? And what on earth is a 'compressed mass'?  What is being compressed, and what force is doing the compressing? 

I try too play it safe and do everything including speakers, though don"t buy expensive feet etc.On another note the picture of your ? sure is hot!!!
Any expansive vibration solution is certainly not worth it,because the money invest would be more useful at any other link of an audio system... I eliminate audible vibration at low cost in my system...

The greatest underestimated problem and more difficult to solve atlow cost is cleaning the electrical line and the audio line system...
**Leaving to ask what would be the incremental benefit of *any* expensive vibration resolution solutions.
Hi all,

This issue of vibration resolution and the science behind it can get overwhelming and out of proportion with the cost of mitigating it in my opinion. I certainly may be naive in this regard but I have used a cork mat on my turntable, the little cork or cork-like inserts in Shunyata steel feet boxes for small devices, and even wine bottle corks that I have cut in half length-wise to use under components. More recently I have also used Vibrapods. At only $24 for a pack of 4 Vibrapods, I think it has hard to go very wrong. At best, I have solved any vibration issues I may have and can perceive. At worst, it’s a good start and not expensive. Leaving to ask what would be the incremental benefit of my expensive vibration resolution solutions. 

418 posts
03-17-2019 3:17pm
Don't tease me, bro! The Nimbus Sub Hertz Platform is no longer available!
Can't imagine why this didn't catch on.

I'm with you. I have three of them and they all work great!!!  ;)))

I've never seen a convincing argument that vibration isolation effects electricity. Sure, turntables and speakers, but not sure electronics goes beyond the "seems like" rationalization.
Hello all,
As a manufacturer of pneumatic isolation devices (feet), am I permitted topost our website which contains pertinent isolation/vibration information, and an informative White Paper? If so, can our technical director also join in on this discussion? Thanks in advance for your feedback and consideration.
Or as the T-shirt says : "I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you."
“If I could explain it to the average dude they wouldn’t have given me the Nobel prize.”

Oddly enough, no Nobel Prize winner ever said that.

On the other hand Richard Feynman, who really did win a Nobel Prize, actually did say, "If you can't explain something in simple terms you don't understand it."

Frank Van Alstine was recommending a paving stone sitting on an under-inflated inner tube as a turntable isolation platform way back in the mid-80’s. I believe the idea was already very old even then, dating back to the 1950’s. The early, WWII-generation engineers and audiophiles got a lot right.
“If I could explain it to the average dude they wouldn’t have given me the Nobel prize.”