Commander Cody

The Commander has left us at 77.  I wonder what St. Peter said to him at the Pearly Gates.  
RIP Commander Cody!  

Saw them several times.  

And saw Bill Kirchen many many times.

Bill built quite a career with his own band after playing with Cody for many years.

I once got to see Bill do Hot Rod Lincoln with Junior Brown live!!  Truly rockin'

Hot Rod.....Lincoln indeed!

Commander fans, do yourselves a favor and search for and listen to an extended live version of Hot Rod Lincoln from Seeds and Stems! I found it on Tidal. You won’t regret it 😎
RIP to the Commander.  Another great loss Bob Mathews , the origional roadie and sound engineer that brought us some great music from the start with the Grateful Dead
Fun stuff…CC brought joy humor and fine musicianship together and helped preserve a tradition of Texas Swing and Rockabilly for his generation. In countless local joints bands inspired by the LPA would entertain and delight. In Boston we had Memphis Rockabilly. I doubt they would have formed if not for the Commander. R. I. P. 
I just found him via his work with Jerry Garcia, New Riders, etc.. I really prefer Western Swing from the 1930’s 40’s and 50’s but I know Commander Cody was greatly influenced by that, as were many. His brother is a painter by the way.
@whart: "Hot Rod Lincoln" made it's first appearance on the 1971 debut Commander Cody album, Kirchen playing guitar. Bill's live version is fantastic, playing solos in a plethora of styles.
Never heard the Commander live, but heard Bill Kirchen a million times, (well not quite) in NY, and here in Austin. His extended version of Hot Rod Lincoln is always a joy as is his playing trombone, among other instruments. If he was a guy in the Commander's band, much respect. 
I was lucky enough to see and hear Cody & the boys in the early 70's, The West Virginia Creeper on pedal steel and Telecaster master Bill Kirchen on guitar. Anyone who doesn't enjoy "Seeds And Stems (Again)" is a square, man. How many bands in '71 were hip enough to record Ronnie Self's Rockabilly classic "Home In My Hand"? Only they and NRBQ. Dave Edmunds recorded it too, but not until the 80's.
More sad news!

RIP to family and friends!

 Great musician, both serious/humorous. Good songwriter!

Post removed 
@roxy54 "I don't think that it's a great loss musically"

Thank you for your contribution to this thread!
Wow, very sad indeed. There was a time that a day didn’t go by without spinning Commander and the Airman.

Yep, feeling old too.

RIP Mr Cody
Now I'm feeling old.  My wife and I saw him and the Lost Planet Airmen in Ann Arbor in the early 70s as a lead-in act for the Byrds.  RIP, and keep driving that hot rod Lincoln..
Love me some Commander Cody, RIP. Saw him live at a small venue in the late 90s. Helluva show.....


The Commander was a great musician with a unique sound and a great sense of humor.  His band put on great rockin' shows.  RIP
Sorry to hear that. I was never a big fan of that genre, but I did get to see him and the Lost Planet Airmen at my college gym back around 1971....
I don't think that it's a great loss musically. Sorry for his family and friends.