Come Back Geoff Kait!

Has anyone heard from Geoff? 

I miss his humour and acerbic wit. 

"I'm takin' little white pills and my eyes are open wide", from the classic C&W song "Six Days On The Road, written by Earl Green and Carl Montgomery. First made famous by Dave Dudley, covered by just about everyone, including Merle Haggard, The Flying Burrito Brothers (Gram Parsons, Chris Hillman, Chris Ethridge, Sneaky Pete), Steve Earle, hundreds of others.

I myself have performed the song in honkytonks from Northern and Southern California to Springfield Missouri (home to the great roots bands The Skeletons and The Morells, both including the great Telecaster player D. Clinton Thompson and his partner-in-crime Lou Whitney, a solid bass player and producer. Fans of theirs include not just myself and my musician pals, but also Dave Edmunds, Nick Lowe, and Elvis Costello). The song is a certified classic, audience members regularly requesting it. If you're going to play honkytonks, you had BETTER know it!

Those little white pills are the cross-tops referred to above. Also known as bennies, short for benzedrine. Popular not only with long-distance truck drivers, but also bands on the road. The bands that travel the white version of the black "chitlin' circuit"; one night stands in bars, roadhouses, dancehalls, granges, etc., miles apart, scattered from sea to shining sea. Play the gig, pack up the gear (unless its a 2-nighter), go back to the motel for beers (Evan Johns drank Budweiser in the can, at room temperature. Oy!) and whiskey (and weed for those so inclined). Sometimes just the band, sometimes with a few females from that night's audience. You wanna get to know the country? Travel it in a band. ;-)

Up in the morning and back on the road, washing down the bennies with a fresh beer or Bloody Mary. It was on that circuit and in these venues that The Hawks (later known as The Band) worked for years, in the process becoming the best ensemble Rock 'n' Roll band in the world. Dylan could have hired anyone, he chose them. Best band he ever had. 

Carpathain, as long as I don't leave you cursing " did he Mean by That?!" *L*  You'll know when my hinges fail....;)  Not quite yet...*G*

Meth....hmmm....meth od...method....understood....I had a fancy 'bout speed and internasals...put the brakes on, and set the parking brake.
Resorted to too strong coffee instead.... No, no Red Bull BS...

The caffeine is from urea....a component of fertilizer.  Look it up.
Stop drinking sh*t, really..... 

BTW...I can Xlate myself, but fear the result might prove to be worse.

(This forum is actually being kinda fun, get everyone tradin' jibes 'n asides...The Forum About Nuthin', shades of Seinfeld....'Philes Phoolin' About'...;)...)

Keep your Babel fish amused...when pissed, they eat towards the center.  You can spot the symptoms; flapping mouth syndrome, much adverbs about nothing....😏

I'm a journeyman on a serious quest to solve a guess.

GK missing all the fun...assuming he'd find this fun....;)

As a very occasional poster here I still managed to get that GK did thoroughly enjoy yanking people's chains. Especially if it had to do with Tekton Moabs for some reason. Not sure exactly why as they are perfectly adequate speakers.
That was a cute story about your childhood, but I want to correct you about the white crosses (cross tops). They are not meth, which is a whole lot worse.
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SHANE !!! Come back Shane...... Father wants you.......Mother wants you... Shane.. come back Shane......
"oldhvymec, Is altruistically offering geoff absolution through baptism by the local river.....with hvy even offering to go to him."

I got it. oldhvymec will bring local river from Texas to geoffkait. I'd buy a ticket for that. VIP lounge a little higher up. I do not like being sprinkled. Just in case that current problem is contagious.
Not good to have a dead, raw fish in your ear.
May I suggest tweezers, soy sauce and a bit of wasabi....
Is altruistically offering geoff absolution through baptism by the local river. It seems that geoff has yet to accept his proposal. If geoff is sincere, absolution will cost him nothing, with hvy even offering to go to him. If geoff is insincere, the price is $50. hvy also alludes to geoff having multiple personalities, which may require several dunkings, with one extra long one at the end. Then, hvy is off with his faithful dog to feed the chickens, feeling good to be alive on this fine autumn day.
I tried, I really did but even the Babel fish went belly up!

Prattville, Alabama, been there too many times for work.......
Probably so, I use to work on a little sweet pine farm, (mostly) it had all types of trees standing on it. It was 55 acr. or so. This was Prattville, AL. (about 15-20 miles from Selma) 1960, I was 6 years old. It was my job to drive the tractor, pretty straight, and keep it from driving over my brother, father and mother. Father was station there USAF, my mother was a nurse (full time), where ever we were at.

There was this OLD church, across the road, EVERY sunday this place would get to hoppin’, I mean JUMPIN’. Until about 1:00, then they would let out the church, and about an hour later, the old Juke Joint across the river, would take off. The whole time my mother was singing along, from the church music, to the Juke Joint music across the river, she never missed a note. Just one of those universal things..

I was raised on it, ol time religion, AND MUSIC.. Never done me wrong.


Meth does this to people. 

My methods, are different, but I haven't done meth in almost 50 years, they use to call it cross tops
(benzedrine, and dexedrine), and the military had BLACK Beauties.  Made me sleepy, OCD would
get to kickin' Heck didn't drink coffee until I was 49. Yup..

If anyone needs a translation, I’d be happy to oblige.
Call it a divine gift, but I can somehow inexplicably understand both avsjerry AND oldhvymec...
Not sure if I'm blessed or cursed!😇👿
Come on in Brother, the water’s fine, We shall gather at the river, the wonderful....... LOL.
Wasn't We Shall Gather at the River the song that was sung in the beginning of The Wild Bunch, right before best shoot out ever filmed?

All the best,
What no PM? GK, GK, ......................................crickets, and an a bullfrog every now and then.

 I can hear the Bullfrogs callin' me now. CCR

Repent, GK, Repent, more crickets, and another bullfrog, ribbit, ribbit!!

Maybe "Silence is Golden", by the Organic Mechanic, on Steroids.
Kind of an oxymoron...

BTW That will be a FIFTY, for the dunk if your not sincere, if you are.
REALLY you are, really sincere, I'll come wherever you're at, and do it, no cost to you, what so ever,..NOT A DIME!!!

Here is the thing though, multiple personalities, may take a few time, I'd say at least, 4-5 good DUNKS,  aught to do.  30 seconds on the last one for good measure, start wigglin' I'd have to hold ya there until ya stop...

Get my drift?

On the sweet, By and By. Come on dog, lets go feed the chickens..
Wonderful first day of the week.. Time for some fall cleanup..


6,338 posts09-19-2020 8:54pmThis is a strange thread. It is about geoffkait, but posts mentioning geoffkait get deleted.

At the same time, he sends private messages through Audiogon that are anything but nice.


Yes it is strange, same with me. UNLIKE, "the goofy guy".
A whole "new personality", rising, from the Phoenix.


Oh my, Brother GK welcome, have you converted, I’ll warm up the
Baptismal Pool, or we can do LIVING water, any river you prefer,
I say the River Brazos in Texas, my mother was baptised there in 1940.

Come on in Brother, the water’s fine, We shall gather at the river, the wonderful....... LOL.
Give you a good dunk and come up a whole new person... No Charge!....It’s free, can’t pay for it, can’t buy it..
Can’t earn it, can ONLY ask for it... YUP....

MERCY, Welcome to the fold, brother... :-)

Lyons, and Tigers, and Bears, oh yea...

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...think of me as a better-looking 'altGK', exposed to alien radiations...

*getting ready to duck...*L*
glupson, I gather GK lives too close to DC to remain unaffected by the 'negative energy' emanations...I fear I'd be tempted to be put some of my 'bad vibes' into play...( don't need my bad dreams, no...)...but it's best that I live where I do:  Far Enough Away.😒

Thank you, Friend carpathian *S*  And, Yes, my meds are not only up to date, but SOTA as well....including the Watchman in my shoulder...💖's the 'enhancements' that allow for my magnetic messes with my ATM cards periodically as well....*shrug* 

As was said, "The drugs that Mother gives you don't Do anything at all..."
...except keep me alive, perhaps much to somes' chagrin...or grins...;)

I attempt the latter...invoke the first as well, but everything is hit or miss to some degree....🤞

Beside myself, I really don't know how to write...type differently...🤨


Unpleasantness will depend on tolerance, but sending an unprovoked message with only one short sentence how an entire geographical area " the scum of the Earth" is puzzling. There is some serious anger built in there.
If GK is really sending unpleasant messages to other members then that is definitely not in the spirit of this site.
Just submit a report to admin and let them know what he is doing.
His return will be swiftly curtailed.
This is a strange thread. It is about geoffkait, but posts mentioning geoffkait get deleted.

At the same time, he sends private messages through Audiogon that are anything but nice.

I am not sure where geoffkait is striking from, but he was less than his usual self. Maybe as the weather gets colder his temperament becomes cooler, too.
You do me wrong sir!
Never said it was feeble.
Just not on the wavelength we were on.
However it was a nice piece of deductive work I admit.

Oh lordy, he is striking back from beyond the grave then.
Is nothing sacred?
Post removed 

Why are you coming down to that other guy's level of no class? I expected more from you.
Maybe you need try a little harder Glupson.
It seems just myself and Carp are Douglas Adams fans.....
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It’s obvious what happened to GK: he bought a new AC cable and it blew him away!
OH, the ignominy!
Hey, tooblue!

The secret to understanding jerry's posts is that he is an expert in the utilization of obscure references. He's also quite good at word play, which he cleverly uses in his imaginative stories, which can change from sentence to sentence.
You have to think of them in the vein of a word puzzle.
Either that, or the doctors haven't quite figured out his proper dosages.....

I was given mine while trying to figure out what the question was to the answer of 42.......

Now I cant get the darn thing out!
You have a Babel fish too?
I got mine at a little shop next to the restaurant at the end of the universe...

I always enjoy reading your posts.
They are creative and quite fun to decipher.
tooblue....As usual, warlockcraft and weird science (the cable slicing..) does entrail, I mean, Entail 'results' that not everybody appreciates...🤦‍♂️

GK hisself is likely ticked at me for interrupting his hiatus....😒
Perhaps...*sigh*  No....I need to drive, step off curbs, use sharp implements....that 'existence' stuff....

Oh, well....Accept nasty, grimacing Fate, with it's slavering jowls.
Just don't open packages with no return address... ;) 😷
He said "I was full of s&%$ as usual!"  Then he added a silly emoticon.  my post got removed because I quoted him.  Go figure.
I received an email (via audiogon) from GK proving he is still kicking
Well you sure know how to ruin somebody's weekend......