CEC Belt Drive CD Transports vs Jay's Audio CD Transports


I currently have a new LTA Aero Dac on order.  I have a feeling that I will be soon be ordering a new CD Transport to go with the new Dac and am trying to narrow down the options.

I am strongly considering either the Jay's CDT2MK3/CDT3MK3; but would also like to hear more about the CEC TL5 and the CEC TL-2N belt drive transports.

I'm curious if anyone has had the opportunity to compare CEC with the Jay's?

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences - whether they be good or bad before I decide to pull the trigger.

Thank you and best wishes to you all!


@mbmi Thank you for your tip on buying directly from Japan and the voltage difference, etc.  I’ll have to investigate that some more!

Id love to get the TL2N, but at US prices, it seems pretty steep. 

Thx again for your post!




Like you I am dedicated to LP playback because of the level of energy and musicality delivered.


I have not heard the Jays but listened to the CEC TL5 in my system which gives a sweet analog musicality, yet I found it a little too relaxed, albeit, I could live with a CEC happily.


I own a Teac PD-H600 CD player which can be bought used for $300-400 (easily serviced). This sounds very good. Virtually the same good sound as the 2000GBP Audio Analogue AAdrive CD Transport from Italy, with nearly the same TEAC drive.


But to my ears, this, and for example, the favoured Project RS2t, unmodified, sounds too detailed, sharp and wearying for longer listening sessions (in my system).


I settled on a Sparkler Audio notebook 507T transport (from Japan, there is a dealer in Canada, VK Music) and after installation of a new clock and linear power supply (from Fidelity Audio, UK) CD’s sound about as close to analog as I could imagine. Harpsichord and piano and everything else sounds real, in deep, big space.


I suspect many well engineered machines benefit markedly from reclocking and optimised power supplies, shifting them from digital sound much closer to natural.


Good luck in your search

No experience with Jay's but have owned a CEC since the North American distributor was in Canada. I've used it off and on for years with no problems. Would describe it as "smooth" "relaxed". Too smooth? Would depend on your system.

@psf4972 Hello and thank you for your post!  I must admit, that I have never heard of the Sparkler Audio notebook 507T transport.  I'm sure that there are many other products that I am not aware of too, so thank you for bringing it to my attention.  

I also appreciate the fact that you also shared your thoughts on the other products as well, to give it some context.

Thank you once again and best wishes to you,



not trying to go off topic or to muddy the waters, but you may find other options useful:

  • 1.3 Yamaha CD-S1000
  • 2.0 Rotel CD6000T
  • 2.1 LUMIN U1 mini
  • 2.5 Jay’s Audio CDT2-MK3
  • -2.7 Teac 701T
  • 3.2 Soundaware D300REF Transport
  • -3.2 Project CD Box RS2 T

I haven’t decided on adding a transport to my digital chain, so I compiled a list of positively reviewed transports. Prices not current.

I was debating between Jays and the Project CD Box RS2 T, and decided on the RS2….for now.




@rja Thank you for your post!  

Can you remind me which CEC transport you are using?

I'm happy to hear that it hasn't given you any problems!

I've been finally beginning to get a few good, positive comments about the CEC line on the various forums and the research that I've been doing.  I am intrigued!

I hate digital that sounds hard, glassy, grating, thread bare, 2-dimensional, etc.  It seems many comments of the CEC make it sound less digital that other products.  But at the same time, I don't want it to sound slow, lethargic, soft, mushy, etc either.  

I would imagine that it will be very much system dependent, just as any product would be.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with me!

Best wishes,



@kennyc Thank you for your post!

It's always good to be made aware of the various options that are available.

I've read great things about the Project, but the reliability aspect for me is disheartening.  I have enough stress in my life... I don't want to add more by buying a piece that seems to be having struggles.  I even heard that it is next to impossible to even get one right now as they had stopped the distribution until they resolved their QC issues.  Maybe all is well now, but I just don't really know.

I hope yours turns out to be a good one as from what I understand, when it works - it may be the one to beat!

Best wishes,


I was debating between Jays and the Project CD Box RS2 T, and decided on the RS2….for now.

@kennyc Not sure if you’ve seen but the RS2 has had more than its share of reliability issues.  Might wanna add this Shanling ET3 to your list as it’s getting some good buzz and like the Jays even offers an i2S output, which is pretty nice for this price.  Someone on this Shenzen site found it to be very close in performance to the Jays CD3, which says a lot but no clue on its reliability.  FWIW.


Hi no_regrets, 

I have a Jay’s CDT2 Mk.3  transport.  It is a great sounding unit and is built like a tank!  Never compared it to a CEC. I don’t use it anymore went to a Grimm MU1 streamer at 5 to 6x the price. The Grimm is better but it doesn’t blow away the Jays transport. I kept it as a backup but, would be willing to sell it for a good price.

It is in excellent condition and I bought an extra NOS transport mechanism which I will include.


@mofimadness Thank you for your comment!

I find the TL2N to be intriguing.  Is the TL2N the same as the TL2?

I'm curious if you had the opportunity to compare the TL2 to any other cd transports?  If yes, how did they differ?

Can you share what it is about the TL2 that you love so much?

How often does one need to replace the belts?  Where do you get the belts from?

Thank you so much for helping me understand better.

Best wishes to you,


@snopro Thank you for your post!  Which color is your CDT2mk3?

Thank you and best wishes to you,


@no_regrets - don’t have the TL2, but TL5 estimates the belt life as 5 years and Atelier13 threw in a spare at no charge. The TL5 has an easily replaceable belt, but I don’t know if the TL2 is the same. I suggest you call Constantin at Atelier13 and he can answer your questions. The price of a new belt for the TL5 is $100. Yes that is a lot for a little belt, but that’s what it costs. 

@chayro Ouch, $100 for a little rubber belt is an insane mark up. The TL2N needs two! I have to believe that you could find on, the same size, from a rubber belt manufacturer for probably less than $10.

I appreciate you sharing the information with me though! I’ll have to give Constantin a call.

Thank you and Best wishes,


@snopro Hello and thank you for your reply!  As nice as it looks in silver, if I go with the Jay's, I will want it in black, to go with the rest of my system components.

Best wishes,


With the TL-5 , they have a 1 belt system and give you a spare belt at no charge...Mine is over 2 years old and shows NO sign of wear.

I have not heard either CEC transports but will state that I am very happy with my Jay's CD2MK3.   Well built, easy to use, and an across the board improvement to the Cambridge CXC transport.

Take a look at the Pro-Ject CDT RS2 transport.  Add a Linear Tube Audio linear power supply to go with it.  Incredible sound and performance.

I've had my TL-2 for 7-8 years and have never had to replace the belts.  I did buy a spare set, just in case, and they were less than $10 each.

If repair is needed, I recommend Stephen Sank from Talking Dog Transducers.  He is really, really good!

FWIW, I have a CEC TL1x, which I bought new in 1991. It's had 1 belt replaced, I feel no need to replace it. It is very musical.

It’s a shame the prices for CEC CDTs have gone up so much over the years. After I got my Technics SU-G700M2, I was down to the matching SL-G700 Network SACD player and the CEC TL-5 CDT.

The Technics went for $3000 and the CEC TL-5 was going for around $1700 (there was always a deal going around for less), and that was the US model sold by the stateside dealer.

To hear about power supplies, upcharges for $10 replacement belts, etc., I’m glad I got the Technics. If anyone, Technics could make a fantastic top loader only model should they choose to do so and keep the price around $2,000 and I wish they would. They have two top loader, all in one models so the platform to start with is already there. If they made it, they’d sell like hotcakes and that’s a missed opportunity.

All the best,

@mbmi "With the TL-5 , they have a 1 belt system and give you a spare belt at no charge...Mine is over 2 years old and shows NO sign of wear."

That's great to know.  It's nice to know that CEC seems to be making a great product with reliability to match!

Best wishes,


@mesch Thank you for your post!  I love hearing that people are really enjoying the CDT2mk3.  If I get the Jay's it will be that model.

Thank you for sharing your experience with me!

Best wishes,


@jaudio1 Thank you for your post.  I will admit, I am afraid to order the Project, simply due to the many reports of reliability issues with the product.  I understand that if you happen to get one that works, that it performs at a very high level.  

However, I think I will be deciding between the Jays and CEC, as I am not hearing any negatives about reliability concerns and that their owners seem to be quite smitten the the sound quality too.

I appreciate you sharing your recommendation with me though!

Best wishes,


@mofimadness Thank you for your post!

It certainly seems as though CEC is providing some great longevity! 

I can handle $10 for new belts... but charging $100 I feel is insane.  I have to wonder if that might have been a typo?

I appreciate the recommendation for Stephen Sank from Talking Dog Transducers in case any repairs need to be made.

Best wishes,


@fthompson251 Hello and thank you for your post!  The reliability that you have experienced with your TL1X is a testament to CEC.

Comments like these give me more faith and trust in purchasing from CEC.

Thanks again for your comment!

Best wishes,


@nonoise Hello and thank you for your post!

When you say... "To hear about power supplies, upcharges for $10 replacement belts, etc.,"

I don't understand what you mean about the power supplies.  Are you talking about power supplies for CEC transports?  Are they having issues with them, or do you mean you need to add a LPS to the CEC transport?  I may have missed something, but I guess I am confused and am not quite understanding what you mean. 

I hope you can clarify for me.

Thank you and best wishes,



I was referring to what bigkidz said here:

Understand that power supply is where most of the sound comes from.  If it can filter the noise of the AC, then you get a blacker background, faster transits, more detail, better control of soft to loud and loud to soft speed, etc.  Transformers is where most of this begins. 

The fact that he felt the TL-5 wasn't as good as it's more expensive models and others that he's tried (he's mentioned this before in other threads over the years) helped me decide to go with the Technics.

As for going with a LPS, there is no way to do that as it's not plug 'n play or swappable. You only have an IEC outlet for a plug and that's it.

Hope that helps.

All the best,

@nonoise Oh, okay... now I understand.  Thank you for reminding me of the context... that makes sense to me now.

Best wishes,


@chayro  Bummer!  Well, they might just price me out of their market.  

Best wishes,


@no_regrets - maybe just get the Jays CD2 and be done. I don’t see how you can go wrong. 

@rja "Mine is the CEC TL3N model. Not sure if it's still available."


Thank you :)

Best wishes,


I have looked at and considered an older CEC T-1 and a Jays Audio. Curious where the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 T would land in the battle between these brands?