Can't we all just get along?

I have not been a member for a very long time, and joined Agon to discuss audio with others in my hobby. Seems to me that almost every post devolves into a hijacked  negative argument between a few members that seem to think it's their platform to preach their opinions to any who would listen, and any dissent to what they have to say is met with ridicule/insults, and just downright rudeness.

There will always be differences in opinion, BUT, we can be civilized in how we disagree.

There is already too much negativity in the world. Is it not possible to insulate that from our hobby in this forum, or is this what we have become? Hiding behind our keyboards and not having the courtesy to treat our fellow audio lovers with decency, open-mindedness, and RESPECT !



I suspected as much! We Canadians on the other hand, enjoy our beer as cold as our winters!!!! 

If anyone cares to hear about the rare day I had yesterday. I'll elaborate. It all seems pretty comical today, but it had me in a strange frame of mind yesterday. Perhaps this will be entertaining to some.

First I must say that I am the owner of a welding/fabrication company, and a job that is time critical had myself, and one other employee working through the weekend to get it done for Monday. Said employee decided that yesterday morning was a great time to quit, with no notice. GRRR

Then, A piece of equipment needed for the job died. Ok, so I solve that problem, only to have another issue with incorrect material from one of our suppliers. Solve that problem, and then, (believe it or not) a single engine aircraft crashes in the field right behind my shop !! I kid you not.

Lucky for the pilot, no serious injuries. So, by this point in my day my exasperation is at an all time high. I decide that trying to get anything done with work related issues will be foolish. Sometimes you just have to realize its an off day, and give up. So.... I decide to log in to Agon. First post I visit is, well lets just say, as negative as my day had been. Hence my post.

I know this is way off topic, but I'll bet most can relate to such a crappy day. But... I think I have the bragging rights to a plane crash on my property.

Good news though. Today has been stellar. All work is complete and ready for shipping. Now the new Manley Steelhaed phono stage I ordered last week is well paid for :)

Hope you all have a good week



You know us Brits only drink warm
Zoned out on Audioslave right now.



That's good sound advise !! I think I'll be heading home soon to do just that (still at work. The joys of being self employed) Perhaps I'll substitute the tea for a nice cold beer though :)  Cheers!!


Yep bad days happen, we all get them!
Put some music on, make a pot of tea, sit back and relax....
Works for me.

A few members have pointed out that I have resorted to what I'm complaining about. I have re-read my comments,and yes, you are absolutely  correct.

My bad!! Sorry guys, I was having a really crappy day, and I guess it just got the better of me.

My sincerest apologies.

Wow, talk about the kettle calling the pot black !!

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I thought the OP original thread post was fair but then he sort of shot himself in both feet with his next post which was along the lines of exactly the sort of thing he dislikes. Although it was more in context to a real life meeting , not online it did not help his cause any I fear!
The ultimate condescension is the triumph of confirmation bias over engineering.
Honestly I think people worry too much about this stuff. Just move on when you see something disagreeable. There are enough of us here legitimately trying to share our passion for audio to still make it worthwhile.
@tooblue @jl35  +1 to both of you. I understand the frustration of the OP and I concur to a degree, but you can’t then resort to what you are disputing...
Would like to question the intent of this thread by the OP as he ask "why can't we all just get along", and then states that he would send some one to the dentist. Somethings just need to be ignored and move on.
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+1 @hifiman5     This is exactly why I joined in the first place.

@whart  you make a good point in regards to how sometimes the intent is not to be snarky or harsh, but it comes off that way due to the medium we are using. No inflection of tone, hand gestures, etc. that we would be able to read if we were face to face. But, there are many times when this is obviously not the case.

I agree that some of these threads get side tracked into “ego feats” and people with a need to degradadate others to satisfy their own insecurities. As mentioned above, with the autonomous nature of internet and a moniker to hide behind, that lashing out is only self serving at best. I look at the forum almost everyday in hopes of maybe gathering knowledge to help me in my passion or to participate and maybe share. I am sadly certain that this thread too, will fall victim to someone’s inner desire to lash out in a negative response and attempt to establish his/her point as the absolute point we all must accept as fact not opinion. Yes, civility would be much more enjoyable for all. 
One last point of my own, an analogy if I may, it is not dissimilar to how drivers become brazen and aggressive in their car, but yet meek and mild on foot.

I think it is largely a function of the Internet. In my career, now retired, I dealt with a lot of hackers and Internet trolls. Many were these meek individuals in person, but had an entirely different persona behind a keyboard.
There is also an inherent shortcoming in writing postings in a terse, informative way that doesn’t sound condescending. I think sometimes people don’t intend to sound snarky or harsh, but it comes off that way. (True of email sometimes too-).
I agree that one can have a constructive argument without name calling or rancor. Sometimes, though, we are arguing about things that leave little room for consensus. I still like this forum a lot- there are some very well-informed participants, and people are generally willing to help on trouble shooting or system problems.
My view is that you really can’t change other people’s behavior. If someone is constantly obnoxious, eventually others reach the same conclusion. And their views, no matter how strongly held, are given less credence because of the manner of delivery.
My motto in life: do good; be kind. it’s infectious! :) Having survived NYC for 36 years as a lawyer, I don’t know how I got so mellow. I think it is because I was in the mosh pit for so long, I got tired of it. I’m now in laid back Austin, and my type A persona hasn’t completely gone away, but I’m more aware of it than ever in a place where people are pretty gracious.
@dlcockrum +1!!! I totally agree with the OP that, finally, some folks who feed on negativity, had found yet another platform to feed their needs. Sad... 
The condescension sharks are beginning to appear. One so far and the others will start circling shortly. 

the real problem is people posting things without doing valid listening tests, often things that violate known laws of electricity

so, yes clowns

@phillyb I believe this type of behavior preceded Trump. I believe the majority of ‘goners are passionate about our hobby or else why would they hang out in an audiophile forum? Where we differ is on opinion and qualifications. Some here are technically sound engineers, others are crack novice ‘engineers’ (me) and others have a business driven agenda. 

I’ve derived a lot of value from others’ insights however it’s not the final measure as we must consider preferences amongst other things.

for the OP, to raise this topic and proceed to call people clowns and threaten physical violence probably doesn’t help matters...if you don’t like the clap backs from some, just ignore them.
Perhaps this forum should be more about sharing our individual experiences and trying to help one another with questions we may have about gear, our systems etc. than putting on our opposing jerseys and doing battle.
This is the time of Trump when only the negative matters to some and is focused on with the lack of respect for others. I dropped out of Audio Asylum because of the attacks on anything I mentioned. This should be a fun hobby with each one of us having our own experiences.
Yeah, I agree on the whole human nature thing, but these clowns are hiding behind keyboards with total impunity. Imagine, as I do, having such discussions "face to face" with a real live human. We would not act in such a rude fashion. With this new way (internet) of dialog between individuals there is no check valve on speech. If I was in a real live social setting with those that would behave in such an opinionated/rude/disrespectful attitude, I can assure you that they would be seeing the dentist the next day.
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