Bully pulpits

It’s pathetic that so many alleged audiophiles use a hobbyist site like Audiogon as a bully pulpit to express political or conspiracy opinions. Thank you for spoiling so much of what an enjoyable hobby forum used to be. 


In other advanced countries, politics is openly discussed as much as any other subject and has been since, forever. It's not frowned upon and merits one jumping up on the table and raising their skirts shreeking, "mouse!"

The topic of politics and religion became verboten back when movement conservatism (in it's nascent form) made it a cultural meme so as to keep people ignorant of what and how they were being hoodwinked. 

It took William F. Buckley to finalize it and broadcast it out via the leading medium of it's time, TV, on Firing Line. The rest, they say, is history.

All the best,

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It's pathetic that the mods here don't recognize a JOKE, no matter HOW obvious it is.

Yes it’s very sad when people insist on making fools of themselves in public then double down only to  appear twice as foolish. 

It’s pathetic that so many alleged audiophiles use a hobbyist site like Audiogon as a bully pulpit to express political or conspiracy opinions.

How right you are. Thank you so much for selflessly taking time out of your busy schedule enjoying your life to scold and school us. Can't speak for others but for myself I have taken your message to heart. Even if I have seen it all before.


Well, its really only one's reaction to bully posts that creates internal bother. I try to remain ever mindful to separate emotion from reason, certainly some posts are all emotion, nothing worthwhile. Other disagreeable posts may have some semblance of reasoned argument.


The excess emotional attachment to thoughts and ideas is where the problems begin. Compromise is sadly missing in this culture. The mere idea of pulpits is a problem, pontification emanates from pulpits, very religious like.

unavoidable downside to free speech in our society, still better than the alternative

on this site though, the added element is anonymity and that adds some additional problems

I dunno - I see a little of that, to be sure, but not a whole lot. I guess I'm not looking at the right threads! I think it's all really important, but just on more appropriate websites. 

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I remember taking an elective in college on eastern thought. One of the topics was thought- reactive vs creative. There is nothing wrong with reacting strongly when called for, but to react strongly to something that many likely laugh at, should be examined. The creative part was about the joy of building upon any conversation to see where it goes. We all have the skill to add to the discussion. It was a good class, thank for bringing up the memory. As for your topic, I get a few good laughs from this site, I wouldn't change anything- but the ignore button that facebook has would be nice at times.

Some things are worth knowing about and not acting on. 

Different points of view doesn’t mean any of them are correct. Does the universe revolve around the earth, is the earth flat and if you enjoy the music what really matters. 

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