Bookshelf speakers on a bookshelf (Sad)

Ok, building new house wife killed my stereo ambitions with an awful built in tv console cabinet.  Room is large, there is Sonos in the ceiling and outdoor area so that’s fine for background.  She sold my B&W 802s when we moved but thinks the McIntosh stuff looks cool so that can stay.  MA352 int amp and a mt5 turntable.  I thought there was room for floor standing speakers next to the built in but sadly there isn’t room.  I can put a sub in, budget is whatever, but I don’t want want to turn 20k Focals into $4000 speakers buried on a bookshelf.  Any suggestions?  Thanks, Mark 


What?!!  Bookshelf speakers not good on bookshelves?

There was a study that concluded duct tape was not good for ducts.

It”s all coming into focus now. 


I think it's good that you have a sense of humor about all this and are able to keep your chin up. Very admirable.



Interesting comments here. I ran into the same problem when my wife hired a designer to advise us on our ongoing renovation project. Her first thoughts were to get rid of my hifi system!!!! Then said we didn’t need the 65” tv, next was the dogs crates, she said they could be locked up in the bedroom or outside. Then she went on to the furniture. Our recently purchased stressless sofa and chairs had to go. I was flabbergasted. Then she left and came back with her builder to give us a quote for the construction work. The contractor couldn’t speak much English told us 25k and 3 weeks to do it all. With cash payment “up front”. 
  Needless to say fired right away. The designer had the gall to send us a substantial bill, which we did not pay…

  I understand the op problems. My recommendation is to get into the house. Find something the wife agrees to live with. Not expensive, then look for a solution to the audio needs/wants. The Kef speakers are a great initial idea. 
  One final thought, if you now live on a golf course. Make sure you have protection for your windows. My father in law had hurricane shutters installed over his windows after getting hit a bazillion times. Sliding glass doors are a pain to have fixed. Enjoy your new house, welcome to Florida. It’s a great state to live in.


Focal makes some wall mount speakers that sounded fantastic at Axpona. Maybe they could work for you. Good luck !

Very sad story. I don’t understand how she can sell something that belongs to you. No bookshelf speaker will give taste of B&W 802. You need a sub if you get bookshelf speaker. Sub will occupy also a lot of space and usually hated by wife. Try Wilson Sabrina. They occupy as much space as bookshelf on a stand. 

@mduffy18d You’ve certainly entrusted us with a lot of personal information.

What happens in the forum, STAYS in the forum.

 Eh, stereo guys can be trusted. Back to the speakers, Raidho is out, 3-4 months and i gotta pay upfront.   Seems a bad option as 3-4 months can be 6-8 quickly in this world.   Thoughts now, maybe something used I can flip out of later?   

As for the get a pair stuff, LOL you guys are funny.  If you only knew.  All good just need some dope speakers.   

but I think that the biggest single enemy of the High End is women.

Not in my home.

When my wife and I were first married and house shopping, the number one criteria was the music room. Not the neighborhood, not the school system, not the property taxes, not the kitchen design. The music room.

That's when I knew I had made the right choice. 😁

I think that I was way too hard on the OP. as well as presumptive. Nothing is black and white, and marriages are give and take as I know well.

ozzy, you are very lucky as I am to have an understanding spouse concerning audio, but I think that it's the exception.

We never buy a home with fewer bedrooms than we have beds. So, if you have three beds, you buy a four bedroom home...


OP, what in your system is staying and what are you willing to part with to achieve excellent sound? I've mentioned the Audio Note K's are tailor made for your application, however, your Mac amplification would be a poor match. You may not believe they could be that good but I've heard a $50k plus system built around the K's and the musical presentation was exceptional. Of course, if your Mac amp is staying then we can all focus on something in that regard. I no longer own K's but it's because the system that was relegated to a built in wall unit like you will have was reconfigured for another room.


Best wishes but again, a home demo in your room placed like they will be placed will save you a great deal of heartache. Too many of us have assembled a hypothetically good system destined for an unsuitable application. You can either learn from our mistakes or repeat them...we will all be here to help either way. Good luck!

Im keeping the mac MA352 integrated, the MT5 turntable and an Aurender A10,  the rest is up for grabs.   

Scanning ebay for online used stuff, i see a few eh options to tide me over??

Paradigm Persona B 3700

Kef Ref 1 4250

Alta Audio Celesta FRM-2 9,000

Focal Diablo Utopia Colour Evo 12,500

OK went w Scansonic MB-1 and if I like em im going to order the Raidho XT-1s.  If not I’ll dump and find new idea.  Got em 1700 used.  

@mduffy18d  Congrats and I hope you really enjoy the MB1s (the better short term decision, I agree).    I had the 2.5s for a year and a half and loved them immensely.     A decent small sub helped (I had an REL). I only traded them (and other stuff) and was able to move to used Raidho D2s which are kind of an end-game speaker for me.    I think a good small sub will enhance your nice speakers. The tweeter is superb. Have fun.

Look into Aerial 5T bookshelf speakers.  These speakers were designed to be placed close to a back wall.  Read the reviews.  The look and finish are beautiful.  Cost is around 4K depending on finish.  Good luck with your search?

Why oh why is it always the wives that act like the squelch on a radio scanner?!? Goodness, I hear this so often in more audio forums!, and just some of the comments I poked at in this thread, found similar remarks.

I am 70, have a beautiful home inside and out, neat, clean nicely furnished and retired, NO wife. Have audio systems in a few rooms. How many here in this camp ?

Well, good luck there ’duffy’, enjoy what you can get away with 😉 ! (it is all about the major choices we make in life.)

NO wife. Have audio systems in a few rooms. How many here in this camp ?

Be sure to kiss your gear good night and tell it how much you love it and all the things you do together, and how much more meaning to your life it brings...

I’m sure it’s not the end of the world. Ignore the drama queens. Post the photos so we can better assess the damage incurred with what is probably a lovely new house and perhaps make some better informed suggestions. 😉

@gw_smith how sad and lonely, Do the children in the neighborhood run away when they see you on the street?