I have the opportunity to get a mint pair of Wilson Watt puppy 8's for 6 grand. How does the performance of this loudspeaker stack up with current stuff and is this a good deal? 
Bigger question, do have the gear and the room setup to make them sound good? You know they are gonna sound good.. but sound GREAT? Like I said, how's that room setup?

I'd be asking what does it take to make them sound great for LESS?

Just me though..

equipment is Krell evolution 302e amplifier, Ayre K5xe mp preamp, Wadia 321 Dac, Audiolab 6000cdt transport, VPI classic 1 turntable with Hana MH cartridge, bluesound node 2i, Manley Chinook phono preamp. Room is 9 ft tall by 14.5 feet deep and 17 ft wide. Will this equipment work oldhvymec?
I heard them once in a good set up at a dealer.  I did not like them.  I listened to the 1st generation Sophias the same day and like them better than the eights.  Listener fatigue set in after listening to the eights for about 20 minutes.  But there was something I didn't like about them right away.  Just my option, but you couldn't give me a pair of eights based on what I heard.
Is Wilson Audio just a big name speaker with a big price? or are they really that good?
The newer model are much better than the old.
But, a Vandersteen always seems to come out ahead, and at a more reasonable price.
I listened to treo CT and quatro Vandersteen and I was not impressed. poor dynamics. Too laid back. Lack of excitement.  boomy bass. I have owned Vandersteen 2ci, 3a and 4a back in the 90's so I like Vandersteens but I only like the model 7 and the Quinto. They are out of my price range. Model 5a is good but they are too old. 5a carbon too much money. 
Is Wilson Audio just a big name speaker with a big price? or are they really that good?


Of course they are, but you have to make your mind up on something. 

I did 35 years ago.. Only changes I've made are number of drivers I use. 3 years ago I went from PRs tuning my subs to full blown DSP from 80-300 hz and OB servo 80hz and <. More parts but easy to tune.. Everything else is just monitors.. I like small planars and ribbons.. Nothing beats them for speed, I've yet to blow a Neo 3, 8, or 10" planar.. Close to 80 here. 40 or so ribbons..

Look at GRs stuff.. That is really cool.. Better than Wilson..AND a lot less money.. Still the room ay? Room treatment.. really the key to it all..


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6k is an excellent price for the 8’s. Go for it, set them up correctly, and you will be happy.
If I remember correctly, the top end of the Watt 8 could take your ears off.  Too bright, fatigueing, and Hi FI sounding,  Not for me.  If you want somnething that will go loud, get the Klipsch Cornwall IV.  That 15 inch woofer will really pound and the mids and highs are horns and very efficient.  I actually like the sound of them very much.  They are right at your 6 grand price point too.  Very efficient too.   The Audiophiliac really loves them (Steve Guttenberg).
I currently have Watt Puppy 5.1`s and they are fantastic. In the last ten years i have had Raidho, Magico, DeVore and Audio Note speakers, none to me are as good as the Watt Puppy 5.1`s. In my system they are truly magical. I just got tired of paying 10k-20k and not being truly happy. The 5.1`s do everything i could ask for, they are kick back when appropriate and can also rock the house when needed it`s a true high end speaker that can rock. A very dynamic speaker that`s at home with any type of music.

Not into the shouting sound of horns and nothing shouts more than a Klipsch. Plus the poor cabinet and horrible resonances.  That is one crappy loudspeaker.  
Why do you hesitate ?
Agree with you on Magico and horns.
Speakers that can't rock, or in my case can't jazzrock, are not speakers, as you said.
You can poo poo klipsch all you want. But if you haven’t heard the CW IV, you know nothing of what you speak. None of what you said is true of this speaker.  But if you think you’d like the Hi Fi, artificial sound of Wilsons, you might be right, the CW is not for you.
By many accounts the current generation of Klipsch (At lease the Heritage series) is better than you probably appreciate. As I’m sure you would acknowledge, insert /substitute any brand of speaker and you’ll receive a broad range of responses.

It’s apparent that you are attracted (They have a large and loyal customer base) to the Wilson Audio sound, I say go for it. Buying them used offers you an opportunity for what seems to be reasonable value. I suspect that you will not be disappointed.
Addressing your original question(s),
a) yes it is a good deal for Watt+Puppy 8sb) current stuff at this level are generally better but they come at a HUGE premium -- +26k is more like it:)!

For $6k you will have no problem re-selling them without taking a loss if you don’t like them.  I can’t tell you what you will like, but I can tell you that $6k for a mint pair of WP8 is a great deal.  
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trust your own ears.
no one knows your gear and your music so your lack of info here sets you up for a crap shoot.

just do it, the F up and buy EM!!

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Quite arrogant, aren’t we?   People are trying to help you, show a little class. 
After some of the threads he has started and the remarks he has made to others here, I'm surprised anyone is willing to help him. If he's not a teenager living in mom's basement, he is sure trying to fool everyone into believing that.


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“I need a speaker that can rock”.

Forget Wilson’s, christen your dungeon with Tekton monstrosity :-)