Anybody want a laugh?

Yes, that’s a network switch marketed to Audiophiles. 
So my post is removed because I hit the proverbial nail on the head after getting heaps of abusive comments by some thin skinned wanna bes who gets their fee fees hurt?

Goes to show you, doesn’t it? They don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to listening. Why they're on this site is beyond me.

All the best,
Post removed 
@dougeyjones That's right.  There are people here that are making profits out of plain lies...  The stupid "bit argument" i hear so often is so DUMB...

As for DD-WRT, i used it a while back on Linksys WRT54G, it was so much better that the stock crappy Linksys firmware!  Cool if it fits your needs!
But if you're a bit of a hacker / techie, buy a Mikrotik and try RouterOS, it's really top notch. It supports OSPF, MPLS and even BGP!!!  For QoS, sky is the limit so for people streaming in busy networks, you have complete fine grain control.  You could even download a tryout for x86 and run it inside a VM.
"When it comes to global warming and this criminally avoidable pandemic, I'm the guy you want in your corner."

How good are you with managing multiorgan system failure?

Holy cow, that was a lots of letters and numbers. Most of us have no clue what they meant, but hopefully someone does.
It’s nice to see this brought up, again, as no matter how long it’s been around, it’s either forgotten or misused or, in this case, derided by the tone deaf who find it objectionable for some reason to employ it when describing what one hears, so as to convey it to others.

All the best,
How good are you with managing multiorgan system failure?
I’ll let you know when I’m done assessing mine. 😄


"I’ll let you know when I’m done assessing mine. 😄"
Oooopsie, you may not be the one for the corner. You need to asses a few in a few at the same time.
Wow, that brought back some memories for me. I was raised Roman Catholic and both my dad and older brother were altar boys. My mom thought I'd make a good priest as well. Thank _____that didn't work out.

All the best,
What is noise on Ethernet? If you have noise, what does it sound like on Ethernet?
Since I installed corporate networks starting back in the late 80’s, I ran a few ip packet sniffers and used a few fluke meters, and you can determine if an ip packet has issues.
Before I spend this kind of money on a switch which has the easiest job to do in a lan/wan, I would start at making sure each Ethernet cable is certified by a fluke meter. If you have emi issues, use a good quality shielded Ethernet cable, preferably a cat7. Sniff the ip packets before hitting the switch and the look at the packets after the switch to see if you have any errors or do the packets look different. With today’s fast home networks, at 1G or higher, your cables could be your weakest link.
@glupson It's up to whom is interested.  I prefer to give more infos than less.
I just hope it can help audiophiles make good choices for themselves and better spend their money for the ultimate goal: Enjoy music and good sound!
Post removed 

I thought it was for a small group who will understand. It was just a "wow" to me how many letters and numbers were there. For those initiated, it was probably as clear as a day.
All the posturing could maybe have been avoided from the start by listening to what this guy had to say, who actually put in the time testing, listening and comparing - one of the few voices in audio who strives to be independent and objective, never shilling anything for anyone. His reviews are dry to a fault, so if you can't make it through the whole thing, just listen to his "bombshell" conclusion, which is note-worthy as he is not one prone to hyperbole:
HIs reviews are dry to the point as sounding like a German comedian. 

All kidding aside, this is going to greatly upset the measurement camp as he, too, measures like crazy but also listens and uses both approaches to decide. He doesn't seem to have an agenda.

All the best,
Post removed 
@nonoise  hey hey, easy tiger, there is a German here after all...

After the death of Germany's most beloved (and VERY FUNNY) comedian Loriot 9 years ago, there was an entertaining article in UK's The Guardian about the difficulty trying to translate his humor. A good line from the article is: "Empirically speaking, English people are among the least qualified in the world to pass judgment on comedy in other languages."  ;-)   

Anyhow, zero offense taken, us Germans have (or should have) developed a rather thick skin about how we are being stereo-typed.

I knew my humor kinda crossed the line but I'm from the old school, Johnny Carson type of humor that's verboten nowadays. I just couldn't resist as it's the only reference I could think of that was the least offensive. 

Back in high school, German was the language I chose to learn and my teacher said my accent was so good, that I could pass for a German since there are, If I remember correctly, about 300 rural districts and I could be thought to be from a different one than the one I was in.

I wish I would have kept up on it. Maybe something to consider now that I'm retired.

All the best,
Your bombshell is Hans Beekhuyzen ? I missed the bombshell it wasn't where he said this sounds better was it? He may be dry and not prone to hyperbole but I didn't see anything to back up his claim. I can say wow this Pepsi tastes better than this other Pepsi but without a chemical analysis I fail to see why anyone would believe me. He could have shown that this switch performed better than a cheap switch with some basic measurements of noise and jitter. 
@nonoise  I got you 100% and in fact appreciated the little stab! Good to know some people here have capacity left beyond preaching their own gospel... and very cool to hear you took German in school, kudos to you, I am aware it is a very tough language to learn.
@djones51  whatever

@nonoise , mine were cool for me being an altar a point when The Ritual had become already too obscure and obtuse to be taken seriously.  Now, I will admit that one of the young nuns was attactive in her way, but the potential of 'worship' with/of her wasn't terribly likely....*L*

'Young nuns' being a rarity even then...;)

'Carson humor'...*smirk*  It was more fun to watch Robin Williams destroy the place, the audience, and Johnny hisself.....;)  Or early Don Rickles act like a verbal pit bull to anyone and thing that came to mind....

'Scuse me, I'm showing my age....and lack of relative restraint....*G*
"....distributing a stream to multiple rooms?" sounds like very bad plumbing.....or a bladder infection....🙄
Go right ahead and show your age! We are part of the "Greatest Generation" and once we're gone, a  lot of institutional memory goes with us, leaving the rest to scratch their heads and say, "Whaaaat? How does that go again?"

All the best,
no kidding, noknows....I mean, Noise...;)
I am not reluctant to state my age....I've spent the better part of a lifetime to even get here in a relatively undamaged state....
As for an 'institutional memory', I've worked hard to forget That error, I mean, era.  The only entertainment was to act up to get something 'more entertaining'...."Can I have 4 more of...." NO!   "....*grumble*'re no fun...."
Let them scratch their heads...Both of them. Dumazz 40ish punks we've sired or misfired....not worth a Martian nickel on Mars anyway....*wheez*
(Here, punked....hold these wires....) I wuz complaining, these kidz don't have any tense of distortion anymore....always bluetoothed into oblivion, earduds up their noses....

Don't hold Those Wires LIK*LOUD FLASH*xmissioninterruptKV714/O-L
In other words, whether you are at home or not, EU Smart Light Switch you can connect to this socket through mobile devices such as mobile phones to control the lights or other household appliances connected to the socket. as a small device can be plugged into the wall, in addition to providing a three-plug port, it also provides two USB ports. The device can be connected to the home network and US Smart Plug controlled by mobile devices.

Mr. dougeyjones:

Your GUESS at what a piece of equipment will or will not do is not very logical.
Your demeanor is that of someone very upset with ??? people???
Try something else to do with your spare time for a while.                DON'T watch TV,  and avoid conversations that are not about puppies or other cute stuff.

Upset.. You’re seeing the neutered version, I think I’ve had more of my posts here moderated than any forum I’ve posted on in the last 20 years. 

As for limiting my media consumption to “cute stuff”, judging by how flimsy people’s confidence in their purchasing is around here, I think I’ve struck a nerve. 

Though I don’t expect this thread to have any lasting effect, I do think it’s brought out some people with real technical expertise. Those individuals have tried (maybe in vain) to color in some missing details, which has power washed some of the snake oil that accumulated back into the drain where it belongs. 
“Though I don’t expect this thread to have any lasting effect”

You got atleast one thing right and it didn’t even provide any real laughs. Total waste of time, better luck next time 😎

I believe that if you use shielded ethernet cables, there actually is a chance of affecting your sound output... because they have the potential to create a ground loop if the switch and streamer are on different outlets. Most people, however, don’t use shielded cables so that’s generally not an issue.

I’m assuming these audiocentric switches are for streaming within your own home - otherwise, there is a whole world of internet infrastructure out there between you and the streaming data source.

Assuming the streaming protocol is TCP based, it’s packets over the line, into a buffer for reconstruction, then into another buffer for decoding. The transfer rates are significantly high enough that unless you’re dealing with major network congestion (something these tweaks won’t help with), you should have no problem keeping the buffers full.

If for some reason, your home network is sufficiently congested, the best thing you can probably do to ensure good quality audio is to implement some kind of QoS policy in your switch to prioritize traffic between the source and the streamer.

Hope to keep this discussion respectful - this is my view from a computer/software engineering perspective.
These cheap off the shelf made expensive switches are layer 2 you can’t do any priority with them. A $50 netgear managed switch would do more for a busy home network.