Anybody want a laugh?

Yes, that’s a network switch marketed to Audiophiles. 

Showing 17 responses by nonoise

Go right ahead and show your age! We are part of the "Greatest Generation" and once we're gone, a  lot of institutional memory goes with us, leaving the rest to scratch their heads and say, "Whaaaat? How does that go again?"

All the best,
I knew my humor kinda crossed the line but I'm from the old school, Johnny Carson type of humor that's verboten nowadays. I just couldn't resist as it's the only reference I could think of that was the least offensive. 

Back in high school, German was the language I chose to learn and my teacher said my accent was so good, that I could pass for a German since there are, If I remember correctly, about 300 rural districts and I could be thought to be from a different one than the one I was in.

I wish I would have kept up on it. Maybe something to consider now that I'm retired.

All the best,
HIs reviews are dry to the point as sounding like a German comedian. 

All kidding aside, this is going to greatly upset the measurement camp as he, too, measures like crazy but also listens and uses both approaches to decide. He doesn't seem to have an agenda.

All the best,
Wow, that brought back some memories for me. I was raised Roman Catholic and both my dad and older brother were altar boys. My mom thought I'd make a good priest as well. Thank _____that didn't work out.

All the best,
How good are you with managing multiorgan system failure?
I’ll let you know when I’m done assessing mine. 😄

It’s nice to see this brought up, again, as no matter how long it’s been around, it’s either forgotten or misused or, in this case, derided by the tone deaf who find it objectionable for some reason to employ it when describing what one hears, so as to convey it to others.

All the best,
So my post is removed because I hit the proverbial nail on the head after getting heaps of abusive comments by some thin skinned wanna bes who gets their fee fees hurt?

Goes to show you, doesn’t it? They don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to listening. Why they're on this site is beyond me.

All the best,
This whole thread is reminding me of the current political climate in the US. Half the population seems to have zero interest in expert opinions (engineers), facts, or science, and only want to hear what they already believe echo’d back at them.
Careful there, Dougie.....
When it comes to global warming and this criminally avoidable pandemic, I'm the guy you want in your corner. To conflate the two for purposes of scoring points would not serve your interests well.

All the best,

Who took the jelly out of your donut?

What I linked to was simply food for thought, nothing more. I don't have a dog in this fight as I don't use any kind of networking in my audio gear.

And that wasn't an article, if you cared to read it, but a review on a USB cable that's mid priced, at best. 

It's really amazing how the calls to authority come out of the woodwork when implying that music is not impervious to noise on the line.

All the best,
I've read here, in these threads, posts about conflicts of interest and all sorts of accusations about reviewers and their reviews. 6moons has been, for some reason, singled out as not being on the up and up for reasons I can't fathom.

Srajan has addressed these issues at length in the past so maybe he put that up there so no one can accuse them of not being up front about it. That, and I've seen where he's taken some really obnoxious and accusatory emails about his practices and posted them with their names on his "letters" section and addressed them for the public to read for themselves.

I don't see why he wouldn't answer any inquiries you'd have.

All the best,
Hey, if you have issues with 6moons, contact them directly. 
I'm not their spokesperson. 
"Financial interests" link in the beginning of above 6moons article lists what people do in their lives, but does not really state that they have no conflict of interest in this particular matter. A little unusual approach, one could say.
I don't know of any other review sites out there that list any kind of financial or conflict of interest in the header of the reviewers bio. Some do go so far as to mention in in the body of the review if pertinent so I can't see why you'd bring that up.

All the best,

There are one or two members here who personally knew Peter Aczel and he had notoriously very bad hearing, to the point where he really couldn't hear readily discernible differences that everyone else could.

Back in the day, before I knew that, I read The Audio Critic and took solace in my modest system and wrote off all the more expensive stuff as just that: expensive. I know better now.

All the best,
Understanding how networks work is just that: a primer on how it’s designed to work and not how it will sound if noise is introduced at some juncture. Knowing how it works doesn’t preclude that something poorly designed won’t have an effect.

I have a funny feeling that there are some who actually believe that since it’s just ones and zeros, that they’re so small as to be unimportant. That’s fine for printing text but reproducing sound is another matter.

Here’s a link that shows just how fragile those ones and zeros are since they are an electrical representation of them and are just as susceptible to damage as anything else in the audio chain:

Just the first two pages or so are needed to be read and even though the review is on a USB cable, the primer at the beginning still applies, I would think.

All the best,
They seem to come in waves, oblivious to what happened to the ones that preceded them, thinking themselves the tip of the spear.

Old news.

All the best,