I agree. I set up my Anthem by ear... the software works OK... but I needed to tweak the settings for my liking.
Anthem ARC and Subwoofers - A quick review
For a while now I’ve been saying that a good room correction system was the best choice for most music lovers looking to integrate a subwoofer. Getting a subwoofer to sound glorious is hard work and ARC systems like the Anthem Genesis system promises to fix.
I’ve recently gotten to use an Anthem MRX 540 and evaluated it’s performance. To make a long story short it does a lot of things right, and stops juuuuuust short of doing great.
Like many ARC systems before it, Genesis leaves your system sounding too bright and lean. Not enough bass and too much treble. Here’s the good news: These issues are relatively easy to overcome and what it does right is the hard part:
- Setting the crossover slopes and points
- Minimizing bass nodes
- Integrating multiple measurement points
The overall process to getting great sound with Genesis is the following:
- Measure the room
- Let Genesis do it's math magic and accept all of the settings but then ...
- Change the slope of the subwoofer and main speakers
- Raise the bass about 4 dB
I’ve written about the technical steps in detail here:
Went through a very similar situation with my Anthem AVM60 a while ago. I did not like the dynamic limitation that ARC seemed to give. I ended up adding a MiniDSP 2x4HD and using REW to create my sub correction curves. I set distances, crossovers and levels manually in the Anthem and removed any ARC settings. |
Hi @bjp9738 I never tried Anthem ARC before but I think you didn't yet have access to Genesis. I will say that miniDSP and ARC Genesis is a completely different ballgame. What I love about miniDSP is the ability to personally select every single filter, not to mention that the delay measurements were far more precise than with my AVM 50. With the MRX and Genesis I have achieved a happy balance between not doing it all myself and getting it to do what I want via the tilt and bass boost settings. It's more of a happy partnership approach, where I let it do what it's good at and then color the final sound to taste. I lack however the ability to go in and tweak any given part of the ARC curve but the final results for me have worked out really really well. |
PS @bjp9738 One of my goals in this upgrade was also to get rid of excess gear. So yes, I've given up some control but I also gave up a miniDSP, 3 external monoblocks and about 13-15 cables associated with all of it. 🤣
To simplify I had to let go, and while I do feel the loss of control, I'm also reaping the benefits of consolidation here. |
I was using ARC2 initially for a couple years, but did upgrade to Genesis when it was released. It was pretty buggy when it first came out. The latest version is much better. It's probably just a matter of personal taste. I wish Genesis allowed more of a peek under the hood to see what it's actually doing. Even if I limit the max correction frequency to below the crossover point between mids and bass, I still feel like it's doing something that limits the overall dynamic range when ARC is engaged. I do recall reading somewhere that the new Anthem MRX and AVM models allow for more correction filters, so maybe that accounts for the difference in experiences. |
Hmmm, that’s not the impression I have so far, but I do feel the initial curves were too bright. I’ll keep an ear out. With a receiver I'm locked in though, there's no way for me to insert miniDSP except if I use it as a pure pre. |
@erik_squires Interesting you should mention this. I was very recently thinking about selling my AVM60 and associated Rotel RMB1585 5-channel HT amp and replacing with an Anthem 740. My system is set up for dual duty 2-channel music and multi-channel HT. I don't need the power of the Rotel anymore as I've added in some separates for 2-channel and using the HT passthru feature for movies. I'd only get rid of one box in the end, but that'd free up a good amount of space and weight in my cabinet. I'd love to hear your opinion on how the Anthem's internal amps do with loud, dynamic movie soundtracks. |
Post removed |
hi @bjp9738 - So I feed L and R to my Luxman 507. I just played Battlefield Los Angeles and it was pretty awesome. 5.1, all speakers high passed at 80 Hz.
I will say that even before calibration the MRX 540 sounded significantly more open and transparent than the AVM 50 it replaces. Absolutely no complaints. |
I have a pair of Martin Logan 11A. I might be in a minority here but I didn't like what the ARC room correction did to the dynamics or overall tonal balance: bass became much too rounded, with an almost nonexistant leading edge or tactility and generally speaking much too subdued (I\m not a basshead, mainly classical and jazz listener). Yes, I tried tweaking the results, did multiple measurements to eliminate any possible measurement related mistake, etc. |
Hi @donquichotte, I wonder which Anthem AVR / Pre were (are?) you pairing with your Martin Logan's speakers and if ever got it to happy place with your initial dislike or ARC? Was the sound ever bright / too bright? Thanks |
@sebna : ARC was integrated in my powered speakers (and applied only to the dynamic part, not to the electrostatic panel). It never convinced me at all. I've sold my speakers since then. Yes, you could call the sound bright but not in a sense there was too much treble, rather the bass (with ARC engaged) was light, not present enough and the midrange (regardless of the ARC contribution, it is simply these speakers' signature I'm afraid), albeit detailed and effortless in a very enticing way, lacked some warmth / body / color making the rendition of some timbres like violin somewhat unconvincing. This with Accuphase electronics, noted for their warm and colorful midrange, and with copper cables throughout. |
@donquichotte ahh ok, That is completely different setup and use case I guess. My system us purely HT, 0 music and multichannel vs stereo. I hope your experience will not translate 1:1 to my. Thank you for getting back to me on it. |
I should update this. While I could get the Anthem ARC to work, what I can’t get it to do is use Dolby Surround correctly, and I cannot set my own parametric EQ settings. It also seems to have trouble synching with my LG television, requiring several power cycles to get Atmos working correctly via streaming. Also, it seems to get too hot and the Roku signal starts flickering. My recommendation has therefore shifted to the Marantz units with advanced Audyssey capabilities. |
@erik_squires What make and model subwoofer are you using? How did you determine its position in your room? |
@m-db I'm using a large Hsu 15" but forgot the model number. I used the AM Acoustics room mode simulator. There were only 2 or 3 locations I could put it in and the simulator let me pick the lesser evil. I'm using miniDSP however for the subwoofer EQ and have disabled Anthem's ARC. |
@m-db - I should add that I have a number of GIK acoustics bass traps as well which really help control the worst of the room issues, so that gives me a little help in using sub-optimal locations. At the end my sub is against the left wall about 1/3rd of the way forward from the speaker wall. |
I’ve just begun tweaks using ARC Genesis on my STR pre/amp. Before doing any real analysis to create a correction curve, I used the tool (the name escapes me) to monitor the system as it plays. It allows you to take screenshots of the curve indefinitely until you turn it off. I’ve found it useful in adjusting room settings like speaker and sub location, spacing, distance from walls, etc (which I thought I had set pretty well). As the saying goes, numbers don’t lie. I’m still playing with these parameters while the software listens. Once I achieve the flattest curve I can get, I’ll run the real test for correction curve. This noob has a lot to learn. |
@erik_squires Hello. I enjoy your efforts on this site. My experience with the Johnson Bros, Anthem / Paradigm (no experience with Anthem Room Correction) eco system has been a disappointment. I'm guessing their take on, or house sound goals are quit different than my presentation tastes. Does ARC require or strongly suggest the subwoofer to be positioned within a rooms predetermined (measured or subwoofer crawl) standing wave bass mode prior to any adjustments? Does ARC provide a novice an easy to use auto/manual parameter adjustment process for a discreet low frequency audio system without digitizing the analog nature of the main system? Reading @letshearit above I'm frustrated by the lengths people must go to simply integrate a low frequency system. m |
Hi @m-db While I think ARC does a decent job in the bass area, the Anthem MRX does not properly allow for decoding of Dolby Surround encoded signals when they come from a Dolby Digital 2.0 source. 100% of Netflix seems to be Dolby Digital, but many are 2.0, and the Anthem refuses to use the center or surrounds in these cases. The ARC does not require the subwoofer to be positioned in any particular location, but if you are wondering arout room modes I strongly encourage you to check the AM Acoustics room mode simulator. ARC digitizes everything. Having said all that, I’m about to switch to Marantz. I’m not sure how good their room correction is, but the Audyssey system apparently allows me full control over parametric EQ settings which is kind of my jam.
Erik |