Analog Upgrade - Where to start?

I am looking to upgrade my LP playback system.  My current system is a mixed bag of new and old: SME 20/2 turntable (from about 2005), Kuzma 4 point nine Tonearm and the SME Series V Tonearm, Dynavector MC DRT XV-1s (retipped by Soundsmith), PS Audio Stellar phono pre.  I am looking to introduce more dynamic sound, detail (without edge) and musicality.  The rest of my system supports this end.  Any suggestions on where might be the best place to start the upgrade?
Dear @chilli42 : Yes, 2-3 or more different cartridges is a good alternative to define which ones are the nearest to your MUSIC/sound priorities and this must do it in your room/system and you have to be skillful enough to fine tunning each cartridge in its main parameters: tonearm/cartridge alignment, VTA/SRA, VTF AZ and the like.

Specially in the cartridge/tonearm alignment set up as more accurated as better quality performance.


 I am looking to introduce more dynamic sound, detail (without edge) and musicality.

Put the turntable on a Townshend Platform, with Synergistic PHT Green and Black on the cartridge and ECT on the motor pod. 

Put your speakers on Townshend Podiums, and Synergistic HFT Speaker Kits on the speakers. 

These will absolutely deliver everything you are looking for, in spades. You will be shocked at the improvement, all exactly in the direction you want, at the ability to delve deeper into records than ever with tremendous detail and yet even slightly smoother overall than now. The great increase in musicality will be coming from the Townshend, that will remove a huge layer of resonance coloring the sound that when gone allows all instruments to shine with their natural timbre.  

You have good gear now but frankly will be shocked at how much performance is laying on the table waiting to be released. These will do it. Big time. 

Your system is at a high level now - to try and extract even more - you are venturing into the trailing end of the graph and trying things that don't work any better - to your ear - would be quite expensive.

Do what I did - put in money to acquire more records instead.  And maybe some room treatment of it is needed.

(I run a VPI TNT V/SME V/ Koetsu Urushi/ Vendetta SCP-2D)
I've got a Herron Audio phono stage and line stage preamps, and I love the sound of both of them.... 
@rauliruegas @rauliruegas I recently purchased the Kuzma 4Point 9 to replace the SME Series V.  I have not used the Series V in some time.  The main reason for the change on Tonearm was that the Kuzma (and I know there are others) has a replaceable headshell.  My intent, along the line of what has been suggested on this thread, is to have cartridges with different sonic characteristics which I can easily switch between (I am not very “handy” replacing cartridges on the SME - the Kuzma much easier).  I did not notice much sonic difference moving from the SME  V to the Kuzma (the SME did have a somewhat darker sound, the Kuzma a bit more lively).  I also have the Koetsu Black cartridge that I have used with my current setup.  In my view it is much more musical than the Dynavector but rather less detailed and dynamic than the Dynavector.  
I have tried the Kuzma/Dynavector at gain of 60/66/72 dB and loads of 60/100/200/47k ohms.  I like the 200 ohm setting best as it gets me a bit closer to the sound I am looking for.

As mentioned I am a bit cartridge setup challenged (I am less steady of hand and keen of sight than I once was). The existing setup that I have was done by a the setup guru from the retailer that I purchased the Kuzma Tonearm from.  Consequently, I can shed much light in the protractor that was used as he had his own gear.  That said, during the setup process he tried many different variables with me to tune the setup to that which best achieved my sonic goals.
BTW-Definitely get a SRA platform for the TT. The entry level VR is excellent and the up line is even better. The improvement is not small.
The most gorgeous tube sound I ever heard was the Zesto Andros phono stage. The mid line Deluxe is their sweet spot and is very close to the top line just in one chassis not two and can only take two cartridges not four. I would have the Zesto but am very happy with my Atma-Sphere MP-1. Think the Zesto has a more delicious tube sound and can stand up to the phono in the Atma and even pricier ones.
And a destination cartridge for me is my Lyra Atlas SL. The one below Etna is also good.
Dear @chilli42 : Do you already tested your 1s in both tonearms? in which performs the better? which impedance value are you trying? do you already tested the 1s with a different impedance values?

which protractor did you use for the cartridge/tonearm set up and which alignment are using with?

Thank's in advance.

Dear @karl_desch  : The OP speakers  works at around 10 ohms impedance except for two peaks, one at the midrange resonance frequency ( 53hz. ) and one at 19khz resonance tweeter.

The 60.8 is really fine with those speakers and is very good design. Along the speakers exist two OP system subwoofers.

Main " problem "  seems to me is not down there for what the OP is looking for.

I think you have to go with some generalizations to point yourself in your preferred direction.  As @mulveling describes earlier there are the vDH, A90, Lyra type carts and then there are the Koetsu type.  I would put SoundSmith somewhere in between that continuum.  If to have the right arm and phono stage you should be able to try those different types and see what you like.  Start used lower in the line and go from there?
One problem I have had selecting cartridges in the past is that nobody seems willing to let you do a home trial … I can understand why. Each system and room is so idiosyncratic that I don’t see how you can select a cartridge without trying it in your system, especially those +$5,000 cartridges.  That is a lot of money to spend when you can’t know how it will sound in your system/room.  How do you overcome this?
At the risk of totally being off track here, and not to diminish the high likelihood that a cartridge change will indeed give the OP what he is looking for, does anyone think the combo of Pass XA60.8 and Avant-Guard a strange one? I clearly don’t know AG speakers well enough to know if they like high current SS amps but I do know they are highly efficient and to me that usually suggests tubes as a better (but potentially noisier) choice.  Are there impedance curves a better match with SS?
As you see, us audiophiles don’t have very strong opinions on this stuff lol. From here, the only way to add clarity to your particular situation will be to try something. Maybe you’ll fall into the camp of Raul and friends, who like clean SS phono stages and fast, clean, neutral, does-everything-well cartridges like Ortofon A90 or Van Den Hul Colibri - it’s very fine sounding gear; nothing wrong with that! Or maybe you’ll swoon to fat sounding tube phono stages, full bodied SUTs, and cartridges with softer-sounding-than-neodymium magnets e.g. Koetsu (as I do, most of the time). Or maybe you’ll have the most fun mixing and match from both sides! Only you can answer now.

I think everyone’s impressed by your table & arms, so at least that hasn’t come under the gun (yet), lol. And personally I’d love to try a Dynavector XV-1s (alnico magnets, etc). I’ll be shocked if that ends up being the weak link, unless it’s worn.
I am not sure it will help the discussion much but the PS Audio Stellar Phono stage replaced a Tom Evans The Groove (from 2003).  I was happy enough with the Tom Evans though there are certainly much better phono stages mentioned by members on this thread. The reason for making the change is that the Tom Evans met an untimely end at the hands of a young family member.
@rauliruegas you really don't have to SHOUT, I'm well aware the cartridge is the source. I have over 30 of them. But system synergy involves more than simply choosing the 'best' cartridge you can afford.

If the OP is convinced by your suggestions he will be replacing a Dynavector XV-1S - still a current model that retails for 5k - by a Colibri or other high level MC, probably costing >5k. I really hope this will get him what he's looking for, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Do you listened the XV-1t against today top cartridges in a good room/system?

I did and have first hand experiences as I posted about and this is the real issue here.

THE CARTRIDGE IS THE SOURCE and I can see that you don’t get it yet and maybe you don’t know how performs the OP 1t cartridge.

Forgeret about the phono stage and read what I said about transducers : HAVE THE DOMINANT/LEADER ROLES in any audio system. Period.


Btw, the measurements in the Stellar unit confirm its very high quality design, these measurements are fact and please don’t tell me thattoday measurements don’t tell nothing of the item overall performance because if you still think in that way then I can tell you that have a today misunderstood. Measurements confirm too the quality design levelof the Reference 6 that for a tube unit is really good.
Dear @rauliruegas, you have a strong positive opinion about the Stellar, which I assume is based on personal experience? I don’t know about you, but I have learned not to trust reviewers at face value. But reading between the lines of these reviews the Stellar appears to be something special, I’ll give ’em that. I haven’t heard it myself, so don’t have an opinion. I only suggested that lack of synergy with the line stage might be a possible reason for the OP’s discontent. Which is why it would be interesting to learn what phono amp it replaced.
Dear @edgewear : Certainly I agree in almost all your post and I clarify again that every single link in the system chain is important and speaking of analog the phono stage is the first critical system link after the source/cartridge.

Look, you can read several reviews ( all positive and different systems. ) in the net where you can read that the stellar was mated with top cartridges as Transfiguration Proteus, Anna diamond, Lyra Atlas and even the venerable DL 103.

In one of that reviews Fremer started with this:

""  to hear how a $2500 phono preamp would perform when driven by a $200,000 front end, itself driving a bigger rig than would most likely be used by most Stellar purchasers.  ""

Continuum Caliburn TT and SAT tonearm and compared against 3 other " monsters "/$$$ big names phono stages where he does not noted any problem when the Stellar was connected to line preamps. He used too the VPI HW-40 TT and the Airforce One Premium Not kidding here.

Read this:

""  The midrange on this phono preamp is as open, uncongested, transparent, and revealing as that of any phono preamp I've heard at any price.  ""

Fremer is very enthusiast with the big names but not with items coming from very humble manufacturers as PS Audio.

He continue:

""  How's that for a "pull quote"? But it's true, not hyperbole, and I stand by it. In the midrange department, the Stellar Phono is the darTZeel of phono preamplifiers. Considering the price differential, that's saying a lot! ""

and followed with something that was a big surprise for him and for any one:

""  Because of its openness, transparency, and freedom from midband congestion, the Stellar did tell me some things I didn't already know, on many recordings. Small, subtle-though-significant things that surprised me.""

I know that synergy in between link system chain is way important but here the Stellar is an accurated and " neutral " phono stage with all characteristics to worry if makes synergy with the Reference 6 or any other line stage. If exist no synergy then change your line stage not the Stellar .

Btw, yes the Colibri is exactly as you said: temperamental and demands to be mated with first rate items in the audio chain and when you have this as the OP it's only dependent of the Colibri owner skills to make the precise cartridge set up and alignment.

@chilli42 does not mentioned that he has two REL subwoofers in his system.


The OP has now informed on the other Ancillaries used on the System.
The Silent Source Interconnects and Audioquest Power Cables might be having an impact on the Sound Quality within the Vinyl Chain.
As they are not being identified with by any of the follow up Posts, it is difficult to determine how they are being rated when used within another System. 
These Cable Brands are looking to be carrying a Fairly High asking price.
The Interconnects appear to be a design based on Cryo Treated Solid Core Silver Wire.
The Construction of the Silver Wire is not identified.
The Power Cables are referring to a Grain Structure within a Wire but does not identify the Construction Method of the Wire.

I would assume if the Cables I have looked into are the same as the Ones in use with the OP, it will be a difficult option for them to consider an alternative.

To help put my post into context, I have for a long period used a
OCC Pure Silver Wire 5 Pin DIN Phono Cable.

I heard this owned cable in a Comparison Demonstrations along with other 5 Pin DIN Phono Cables that were a Selection of Cables on Trial by the owner of the SME 20/2 turntable and the SME Series V Tonearm, Transifiguration ?? MC. The Selection of Cables added up to Multiple Thousands of £££££'s.
With the Most expensive Individual Phono Cable approaching the + side of £1500.
My Cable was not the Worst on this Day, nor did I hear anything to encourage a Change, so I maintained my interest in it.

Just recently after a change of Phono Cable to a Modern Wire Design.
The OCC Silver Phono Cable was superseded.
@rauliruegas as much as I love my Colibri, it’s a temperamental bird and its performance is more system dependant than most other cartridges. I’ve heard four different ones (different coil and body materials) in quick succession in the same system and they all sounded (very) different. If the rest of the system is not well balanced and within the ’neutral’ zone, the outcome has every chance of being highly unpredictable.

The ’unanswered question’ in this discussion is if the OP had the same issue before acquiring the Stellar, which must have been very recently. What phono amp did he use before, what made him decide to change and was it an improvement?

Let me try to put it differently: the best new and vintage MC’s all more or less play in the same ballpark, with different strenghts and flavours. But a change in phono amp several years ago elevated the performance plateau completely, making all cartridges sound much better. Some were transformed almost beyond recognition.

To the OP I would say: changing the cartridge to one of the top MC’s will surely change the sound and most likely for the better, just don’t underestimate the impact of the phono amp.

Dear @edgewear : In an analog audio system transducers have the dominant /leader roles for achieve a top quality performance levels and this means: cartridges and speakers.

. Any change, no matters what, in those transducers makes always a difference as in no other system link.
Obviously that all other room/system links are important too but transducers are at the very top of the list.

This is de Vdh model you mentioned but with gold coils and it’s in the low output design ( I like it at around 0.24mv but I think Vdh already choosed for higher output designs. ) and " new " for a very good price and with the advantage that after 300 hours of cartridge playing Vdh will make a check up and fine tune its cartridges and when return to you comes performing better than ever:

If I was @chilli42 and before touch the phono stage I buy that Vdh or other top today cartridge and after the cartridge already broken/sttled up l make the fine tunning and listen to it, I have no doubt that @chilli42 will has differences for the better " even " with the Stellar that all of you diminished because its humble price tag and that does not comes with a name as Boulder, Dartzeel or CH ( we are accustomed to look for the " big " names where no one of them is perfect, all with trade-offs. ) but this does not matters what it matters is its design that’s an excellent one.

Even one reviewer compared against the CH that has a price tag of 50+K where the Stellar ( acording the reviewer. ) makes a good work and something unexpected when the Stellar was under in deep measurements things are that it measures better than the manufacturer specs and this is the very first time that I read something like that because normally all electronics goes a little down of specs in the measurements proccess.

In reality the " ball " is in the OP field and if he decide to go for the phono stage good because that it’s a personal choose where not you, me or any one else can argue against it.

I respect all opinions but opinions with out true/objective reasons/facts just means almost nothing to help any one. Why to change the Stellar? what's wrong with/down there?

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
@rauliruegas I agree that every cartridge has its own signature and 'natural color'. That is exactly why it makes sense to have more than one, because no single cartridge can do everything right. There is no 'best' in this game. And I will stand by my remark that in this sense today's 'best' cartridges are not generically 'better' than the 'best' of yesterday.

Changing cartridges has become one of the more enjoyable aspects of my audio life, but it is also good to have a benchmark, a reference you can return to in order to reset your ears. For me that's the Van den Hul Colibri XPW Blackwood, a low output version with platinum coil wires (no longer in production). This does many things better than most, but not everything.

Obviously this is all very much system dependent, so it makes sense to select a phono amp that is as 'neutral' as possible and adds as little of a signature or 'natural color' of its own. I don't know if the Stellar meets up to this, but I agree SS is probably 'best' in handling the extremily low voltage levels generated by MC's.

The rest of the OP's system is also very high level: the speakers are known for their dynamic capabilities, solid class A power amp and a preamp that provides the 'natural color' of tubes which many people value. To be honest I have my reservations about the Stellar's capability to keep up with this quality level. It may be the overachiever some people claim it to be, but that's still no guarantee it is a great match for the ARC pre and Pass power, which are often used together and seem to work very well as a team. So your first priority should be to make sure that the phono amp has good synergy with these, before you start messing around with the 'natural color' of top dollar MC's.

You highlight " introduce more dynamic sound, detail" ...I would strongly suggest auditioning a Funk Firm Achromat if your TT has the VTA height adjustment to accomodate its 5mm thickness. I recently put one on my platter and realised I could have spent the rest of my life swapping out components, cables, cartridges in a futile search for those qualities and all I would have achieved is better and better amplification of the resonances trapped in the vinyl itself. I was astounded at the difference it made. Cork, Rubber and felt are insulators that keep the energy created by the stylus trapped inside the vinyl. The Achromat absorbs and dissipates it. And it works.
@chilli42 thanks for your system info.  Just wanted to make sure your system was transparent enough to hear changes/upgrade to your analog front end which it apparently is.  However, I’m not familiar with Silent Source interconnects so not sure if adequate for your audio chain.

I agree that both cartridge and phono preamp upgrades should be your next sonic upgrade steps. The cartridge change would move you towards the sound you’re looking for while the phono preamp upgrade would increase the quality of the sound and should lower the noise floor.
I would like to thank everyone for the great advice and input.  It’s been very helpful and further confirms to me that the turntable and tonearm do not need to be changed.  
Some people have mentioned that there is a place to list out system components (perhaps  in my profile).  I will try to figure that out and update it.
it looked like your looking for an upgrade to  your PS Audio Stellar phono stage. I doubt you would have a problem selling that. You should match the phono preamp with the TT or at least the cartridge. 
I am going to suggest Sutherland products.
I think you should take a listen to the Little LOCO or it’s big brother the Phono LOCO. I have tried the Sutherland TZ Vibe (MC only) and the Little Loco. They are so good. Sutherland has a little something for most everyone. I think for $3800 the Little LOCO is a steal for what it does. Luckily the store I buy gear from is a dealer. They are located in the Chicagoland area. They let you try in your home before you pull the financial trigger.
I think the TZ Vibe is $1400 and the Little LOCO is $3800. One really cool thing about these two phono preamps is you don’t need to mess with setting up the cartridge loads.  “The endless worry about finding the ‘best’ load value is obviated.
The cartridge must be the moving coil type.”Plus, you can add 6db of gain if you need it. I listened to it on the VPI Prime Signature with the AT 1000 cart on the normal gain setting and it sounded really good. Same thing for the TZ Vibe on the new VPI Prime 21 with the Shyla cartridge. (AT Art 9+) If you want to go higher or need MM Sutherland has options for that too. I am waiting for my Linn Axis motor board to be rebuilt so I have to wait to decide what is best for my TT and system but it will be a Sutherland. I hope this helped. 
The rest of my system: Pass Labs XA60.8 amp, Audio Research Ref 6, Avantgarde Uno speakers, Silent Source interconnects, Audioquest power cables.  The kind of sound I am looking for: dynamic speed/without the hardness, fullness/rounded/balanced, musical (sounds like real instruments/voices nothing added and nothing taken away), wide/deep soundstage, revealing but not at the expense of musicality.  
+1 @mikelavigne
it’s hard to specifically recommend a phono pre without knowing the rest of your system and musical tastes. 
without knowing the rest of the system one cannot judge if it’s at the same level as your front end to avoid sonic bottlenecks.  It would also be helpful what kind of sound one is looking for: midrange warmth, linearity, fool you realism, slam, etc so we can make more informed suggestions 

+1 @mikelavigne
so i’ll just throw out the van den Hul Grail as a good very high performance phono that won’t break the bank and fits your stated goals. it plays with the big boys.
While trying to achieve the best sound the cheapest way possible without sacrificing sound quality I picked up a used VDH Grail SB.  Fremer August 2018 “…exceptionally fine-sounding, startlingly transparent, liquid yer gritty (when called for), super-quiet…the Grail is a sleeper…” 
Think about your speakers after all. 
And about basic room treatment if possible.
Whilst I haven't heard the PS Audio, I can comment upon what I have. If you want dynamics and transparency - a sort of front row seat consider a TOM Evans phono stage - i have auditioned and heard various Groove phono stages and Toms designs are all dynamic front row perspective. I would also highly recommend that you audition a Whest - very powerful, dynamic, silent, extraordinary imaging and authoritative. The problem with both stages are that they do not have alternative EQ curves - that's a problem if you have old records. IMHO I would get the best RIAA i can, then a cheap (relatively) phono stagee with other eq curves such as a Graham Slee
Dear @edgewear @chilli42 : I own or owned or listen in my system all the vintage cartridges and new ones you named including the 9Rex and yes are good performers and there are reasons about and the main reason is because cartridge designs did not changes over the last 40+ years. Main changes are on build materials used for today designs and other 2-3 " designers details "

I own very old Ortofon cartridges ranging from MC-10 or the MC2000 and today ones and certainly exist differences for the better in today designs and I’m not trying to diminish the MC2000 that’s really good.

I own the XV-1s and the 13D and Ilistened the 1t ( the OP model. I listened the original not a SS refurbished like the OP sample. ).
The 13 D ( I own the wood version. ) is very good but the XV-1s detail retriaval is better and that puts in our ears the sensation of more dynamics along that the 1s handled better the high frequency range. The 1t is a little less " dynamic " than the is but it’s a very good performer too.

Now, what we can or what we can’t listen in a cartridge quality level performance depends mainly in the room/system resolution levels.

I know that you know this: if any one of us want to have a different " natural color " of the MUSIC we are reproducing then where do you have to go? when each cartridge has it’s own " natural color " and sometimes differences for the better are or could be significant.

I know for sure that the first step for the OP is in his cartridge’s system.

Now, I like a lot the Colibri by Vdh specially its lower output designs and if you listen in your system this kind of Colibri design against not only the good vintage performers but against any other today/vintage designs you will be surprised of how many differences exist in between but if we take a ZYX or other manufacturer as the new Lyra Lamda series we can find something like that.

You own the Anna and the A95 and each one has its own " signature " its own " natural color ".

We don’t want a phono stages be with its own " natural color " but to be acurated and neutral to leave pass the cartridge signal " intact ". The OP unit is way neutral and accurate it does not matters its price tag.

That’s my opinion and some of the reasons of my opinion.

Other advantage of the Stellar is not only that’s a fully discrete, very low noise, high overloadin/headroom, pure class A ", high gain active, hand selected parts design but that is a SS design because for a phono stage , like it or not, the rigth way to do it is through SS electronics not tubes and I don’t want to open any " new door/window " about tubes because is not the issue in this thread.


Dear friends: As I posted I respect all of you  Now all those gentlemans that posted to change the phono stage and if you don't mind I would like to ask :

why? where are your facts/objectiove reasons against the OP phono stage compared to any of the unit you own? where are the advantages of what you propose to the OP?

Btw and in the other side: the phono stage as important as it's unfortunately it's not the source in an analog rig but the cartridge. The MUSIC/sound is generated through the cartridge tracking abilities and its motor/engine quality design.
What we expect to listen through that cartridge is what that cartridge can pick-up or not, the phono stage can enhance nothing about the best that can make a phono stage is that that cartridge signal suffers the less distortions/noises ( everykind of it ) and the lower degradation .

Which of the phono stages you own achieves that in better way than the OP phono stage ?

Do you thing that the price tag ( 2.5K ) of the OP is so low that can't outperform phono stages in the 20K+ prices?  Well it can do it.

I would start with the ps audio phono stage all the rest of your stuff is top notch all i can say is the phono stage you choose will be very important for the rest of your vinyl front end.
A Member of my Local HiFi Group has a SME 20/2 turntable and the SME Series V Tonearm, in use with a Transifiguration ?? MC.

Prior to COVID I have heard this on a few occasions in the Owners System, with a GRAAF OTL into Quad ESL's.
I missed a very recent date to listen to the above Vinyl Set Up,
but the Groups reports on the meeting was unanimous, in being very positive and complimentary.
Not too bad an outcome when their most recent Meetings prior to this have been using a SP10R >  12" Glanz > Miyajima.

I do not see any reasons for there to be any concerns for the TT and Tonearm, as needing to be replaced as part of a Upgrade Method.

To introduce a more dynamic sound, and add detail without drawing the attention to the Clinical Element, along with creating a perception of being engaging and as having a musicality that is a attractor.

There are few things that can be considered, prior to the investigations to be undertaken.

I know there is not any doubts for rest of the System, but a little extra thought and consideration might prove extremely beneficial,
especially when focused at the Systems Interfaces.

These options at the Interface can be prove to be cheaper to in vestigate and in some cases can be achieved for free, as some of the choices available might come with a offer of  a Trial and return Period as part of the Offer from the Vendor.

I have adopted the thought chain, where the Vinyl Chain in the System from Wall Outlet to Speaker a System that is totally dependent on the Umbilical's that combines the Individual Devices into a Whole, and will Treat these as an Individual Part, that has the potential to add or detract  to the Chain as a Whole.

The Phono Stage from PS Audio in my view will have the potential to improve on its Performance if the Power Cord is exchanged to a Modern Wired Design Power Cord. (My own use of such Power Cable Types has changed my thoughts on the subject permanently, a PS Audio Device was one that really benefitted, I am at presently working towards all Devices being Powered by such Modern Designed Wire)

The Cartridge Tag Wires can become quite revealing if exchanged for a Modern Design Wire. ( I have had this experience and am not interested in reverting back to my previous used Tag Wires)

The 5 Pin DIN > RCA Phono Cable 'if this type is used' can become again a very noticeable improvement if a Modern Design Wire is used.
The use of the same Wire Types between SUT and Phonostage or Phon' and Pre' ,  has the potential to underpin the Value being perceived for the use of the Modern Designed Wire. (Again this is a Method I am permanently using, and have no intention to return to previously used Wires, during Loans of these New Used Wiring configurations, on friends owned Systems, the reception for them is very positive and one that will at some stage be aspired to by the system owners).
I am working my way toward the Pre > Power Amp Cable Exchanges,
but I am not able to offer a report on this at present.

Where there was not too much added expectation to be further impressed by a Large Measure, I was proved quite wrong.
When the Speaker Cables were exchanged to a Solid Strand Modern Design Wire, my initial thoughts were that there was not much to be gained, within about Two Hours of being Hooked Up, I was Jaw on the Floor, what was a very well acquainted Subtle Breath on a recording was now a Room Filling Sound, and the improvements were very noticeable across different recordings.
(There are still stranded wires on standby to be used that are a Modern Wire Design, to be compared in place of the Solid Wire)

If by Dynamics it is meant the range between the Quietest and Loudest Sound.
Then I believe that the changes being made to the Cables in my System have shown that the previous cables in use, although produced from a Wire with a popular following, were not able to reveal the Dynamics at the same level being presented with the New Wires that are presently in use.
This is a result of my using just one type of a Modern Designed Wires at the Interfaces.
(There are different configurations of these Wires and the varying Levels of Purity within the structure of the Wires that can be used.)   
The exchanged Cables are still going through a Settlement period, and the way they are revealing Details, and showing the capability of being able to present the Whole Envelope is already noticeably improved. 

As said previously, certain Cables may be able to found on a offer for a period of loan, prior to fully committing to the purchase.

My Suggestion is not encouraging a change of a TT > Tonearm > Cartridge as a Source.
It is about encouraging the Devices to be connected with a Cable to be given a New Interface and offer the Devices a chance to deliver in a manner that has not been imagined.
A friend with a Audionote IO MC was shocked at how the DIN Cable and RCA Cables I loaned to them to use with their Tonearm and SUT TO Phon' Pre' produced a Presentation that was more than they had imagined and much wanted to be maintained.    

The Suggestion that ones hearing might be showing signs of deterioration is a good point, as age and environmental exposure can affect the Hearing.

My own were checked with a Testing Equipment during a Medical Three Years ago, I informed the Clinician of my added interest in the Test and asked for a demanding Test.
The Clinicians evaluation was that for my age, my investment in my HiFi
System was still able to reward me.  
Chilli, all you have to do is stick a Lyra Atlas in that 4 Point 9 and you will be there. The less expensive approach to very high dynamics is getting a Clearaudio Charisma. It is the most dynamic cartridge I have ever heard and also the quietest. I would like to make a comments on Soundsmith cartridges as their design makes a lot of sense, so much so that I finally bought one but, until I get a turntable it will have to stay in it's box. The Turntable is slated for delivery in mid August. 
Depending on your setting, diffusers will brighten up the sound a whole bunch specially if you only have absorbers. Sometimes it's not the equipment, it's the acoustics.
You have a great front end.  Check the arms and carts are still set up correctly.
The cart and the phono amp are the weaker areas but still quality pieces.

If your feeling that the system is missing dynamics is only recent, may I respectfully suggest you take a hearing test.  I don't know how old you are but many aspects of hearing quality and completeness start to become challenged as we get older.  If you're not hearing the top end of the frequency range so strongly or at all, you will certainly perceive this as a loss of dynamics.

I am 72 and am going through just that.  So I recently tested my HF hearing with a Hi-fi News Test CD.  It has a range of frequency tones, all recorded at the same level.   I found I could only just hear 8kH.
So my system doesn't sound so exciting.  But I find I'm listening more to the music than the system, so that's alright in a way.
The PS Audio Stellar is a new item that was most likely introduced very recently in your system. So my question is this: did you develop this desire for more dynamics before you purchased the Stellar or after? For this it would help to know what phono amp it replaced and also the rest of the system. As it stands now, anything could be the cause of your discontent.

I do not know your analog front end from personal experience, but these are highly respected components, including that Dynavector. As for the Stellar, maybe it is 'stellar' especially at the price which is 'sane' for a change. But perhaps it doesn't sit well with your pre amp, there's no way to tell.

However, do not for a moment believe that one of the current top price MC's will significantly improve on the Dyna in the dynamics department, although more fine detail can be retrieved by some of these. I have many MC's from current to quite old and there is no across the board improvement in moving coil cartridge design, no matter what the reviewers and some posters here would like you to believe. My Dynavector Karat Nova 13D from the 1980's (to stay with Dyna) is no less dynamic or detailed than - say - my Ortofon MC Anna or A95. An early 2000's original cantileverless Ikeda 9 Rex will be hard to beat on dynamics by ANY new cartridge, regardless of their 'break through' design, marketing or price. 

Musicality is a personal call and not necessarily related to your other demands and very much the result of system synergy. To my ears and in my system some of the 'old' cartridges like Miyabi Standard or even Fidelity Research FR-7fz are more 'musical' than any of these modern 'state of the art' cartridges. So think hard before you fork out at least 7 or 8 grand for one of these.

@ OP,
I don't see your system listed so I have no clue what you got if any acoustic treatment at all. If you don't, that may be some of the best improvements on your system you can make.
On a more general note, anyone who discusses anything here and does not have their system posted makes it extremely difficult for me to take seriously. After all the system we each have is  truly what defines us as audiophiles. Just me.
I guess Michael Fremer knows nothing about phono preamps since he speaks so highly of the stellar. Totally agree with rauliruegas.
If you are considering an upgrade to the weakest link in your system, I would join the camp who are pointing at your phono cartridge. Actually, all your equipment is fine but a different cartridge can give you more of what you are seeking. There are many choices, (I don't make suggestion as it's your system and your choice) so do some research, talk to dealers, and do some listening. Good luck!
Post removed 
I would consider upgrading the phono stage to something on the same level as the rest of the system (Dagostino, Boulder, Brinkmann, Zesto), if budget allows i would also change the cartridge.
Dear @chilli42 : "" I am looking to introduce more dynamic sound, detail..........""

What you are looking for is generated by the source in the analog rig and that means by the cartridge. It’s here the best item to start and achieve your targets.

You can choose from today top quality performers from Ortofon, Van denhul, the humble Hana Umami Red, Lyra Etna SL, My Sonic Lab, ZYX , etc, etc..

Stay with your phono stage that’s a lot better that what some of the gentlemans ( I respect all of them. ) that posted here could even dream/have no idea of what are talking about..

I know very well Dynavector cartridges including the one you own and yes it’s here where you need to try a change.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
You have a truly fabulous deck. I would agree with the other posters that you should focus 100% on phono stage for upgrade, even though the Stellar was probably a recent purchase for you.

I’m partial to the VAC tube MM stages. Then add a good external SUT (Bob’s Devices Sky, EAR, etc), and you will never ever again feel your music is lacking an iota of: body, soul, musicality. There was a VAC Standard preamp with their excellent onboard 3-tube phono stage for sale here at about $2K, I believe (I have no association to the seller). I would get that JUST for the phono stage, even bypassing its line stage if you find your current one better. Then add a better external SUT. Or you could start with a nice warm fleshy sounding SUT (Bob’s Devices Sky) and add that to your Stella and see how you like that to start!
with vinyl set-up can many times be maybe the easiest leap forward. if you are not expert on that, then if you know someone who can make sure you are hearing everything your present set-up can do that is a good place to start.

i do agree that your tt, arm, and cartridge are very high level; and would involve significant investments to push higher since your phono stage would mute the advances. your SME 20/2 is not held back by being from 2005. it can still deliver fine sound.

it’s hard to specifically recommend a phono pre without knowing the rest of your system and musical tastes. so i’ll just throw out the van den Hul Grail as a good very high performance phono that won’t break the bank and fits your stated goals. it plays with the big boys. there are many others to mention when we know more. do you prefer tubes or solid state?

you can run across them used from time to time.