
Responses from tobias

What happened to Loth-X?
Loth-X was present last year at the Montreal show, in both of the Canadian distributor's two rooms, and they sounded as great as ever. I'm hoping to get a listen to the Polaris again this year--I had never heard a reproduced piano sound so lively. 
Got money in the bank. Please help
Keep looking for your planars, sez me. They'll come up again. There were two pairs of Aerius on the last time I looked. If those are gone, there'll be more. Hang in there ! Took me nine months to get my turntable--you won't nee... 
Keep equipement or trade?
Wow Jond, you described me almost exactly. I just haven't made any trades, but what a good idea! I have gear like your Alon Lotuses--my preamp is a good example.When I started building up my current system, I was looking to hear music the way it p... 
Cal Audio CL-15 vs Music Hall, Jolida, Carin Fog
Think about why you are considering changing your player. In my experience, when I'm really satisfied with the sound of a component, I don't want to change it. My guess is there's something that's not quite good enough for you somewhere. If it's o... 
Best cheap cartridge for college student
Oh, I had a Shure M97 (not the xE) a long time ago and I wouldn't buy one again, sorry. I didn't like the midrange balance. Any cheap Grado, like a Black, would be my preference now. They sound fine in the mids where the music is, are rugged and w... 
Wharfedale Diamond 8.4
I liked the Totem Arro a lot when I heard it at the Montreal show a few years ago. Vince Bruzzese was playing it with a SimAudio I-5 integrated and a Rega Planet--this was before Totem brought out their own integrated amp. Very musical, lots of pr... 
Better SS amp than my Bryston?
When I compared Bryston to SimAudio amps I thought the SimAudio units were a good deal better. Bass was not as lean, the midrange was less dry.Later, though, I listened to CJ amps with the same speakers (Totem Forest and Mani-2) and from then on, ... 
Cd player for my NAD320bee
I third the Music Hall (also called Shanling CD-S100, off this continent). It is really a superb player for what it costs, and it can be tweaked if you get the bug. If you could get a CD-S100 Mark II, that would be even better value, but they are ... 
Speaker advice please for Bryston B60...
I like Audio Physik much more than ProAc, in fact I would say that if you choose the Sparks, your speakers will outlast your amp--because you'll upgrade the amp first. But that's my taste.Your room will likely sound bright-ish (which is better tha... 
New kit for small room speaker advice needed
I like the ribbon-tweeter Aurum Cantus Leisure 2 SE, or its bigger brother, the Leisure 3 SE. I've had the 2 SE (nearfield, in my bedroom system) and a pal had the 3 SE.The 2 SE is great for the money, a really good small monitor with an amazingly... 
"I think a Graham 2.0 or 2.2, or top SME arm is going beyond what the Tarantella can do. You will have more tonearm than you do turntable."Well put, Twl, if I may say so. I lived with just such an analog source for a few years way back in the seve... 
If your Rega is stock, I would place it roughly at the same level as your Black Cube: a good match. You can certainly get better arms and better phono stages--the trick being to maintain the same value for money, because the two pieces you do have... 
Best way to ship small value items--US to Canada??
Mike_z, perhaps you should make this a thread of its own to get more responses. For my part, having shipped to Japan only once, I can say that Canada Post Xpress to the Far East worked very well, and in the time promised. The only surprise was tha... 
Best way to ship small value items--US to Canada??
On shipments to Canada, UPS seems to tack on extra charges which others don't, notably brokerage fees. They have managed to break things for me in the past where others have not. Their claims process (if what they put me through can be dignified b... 
Budget tuner?
The Yamaha T-1 is the one I have. If you want the best possible tuner buy under $100 this may be the one you should have too. It is not a super-tuner, nor could be at the price, but it is astonishingly musical.I also like Rich's suggestion, above,...