
Responses from tobias

Cartridge Suggestions for a Newbie
I went from a Shure V15Vmr to a Benz Micro Glider on my LP12/Lingo/RB300. I liked the Glider's improved top end but I missed the bass. Next was a Cardas Heart Reference, which is a better Benz, built to Cardas specs. Bass was back!Now I have a Koe... 
recommended redbook classics
Three that come to mind spontaneously are the Haydn cello concertos by Truls Mork/Iona Brown, on Virgin ; the Bach sonatas & partitas for solo violin played by James Ehnes, on Analekta, and Handel arias sung by Karina Gauvin with Tafelmusik, a... 
Tone Arm Help for a newbie
I won't be the last to suggest a Rega RB-300, tweaked with one of the upgrade kits now available ( Origin Live, for example ).I have an RB300 on my LP12 Lingo. It has been rewired with Cardas wire, the counterweight replaced by an Expressimo Heavy... 
What's wrong with this system?
You might try to deal with that left-side corner. A cheap way to see what effect treatment might have is to buy a standard bag of pink fiberglass insulation ( 4 feet tall ) and stand it in the corner. This is the simplest bass trap I know. Keep th... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
Pat, you are not the only one whose decision has been to forgo chemo and its consequences; my late stepmother did the same. I am sure she never regretted it. I believe the decision is a brave and true one and it touches me. Love, blessings and mus... 
Where to start with room treatments?
Too bad about the bass traps, but perhaps you can do something about first reflection points and the wall/wall and wall/ceiling junctions.First reflection points are the spots on the wall (and ceiling) where you would see a speaker's reflection fr... 
What's wrong with this system?
Two more cents, as if you needed them... you will be happier with a better player. A Music Hall CD-25 might do it for you. I liked mine a lot, and even more for what it cost. Later on I sold it for a Shanling CD-S100 Mk II, which is in another lea... 
I want a change, but what?
Hey, a transport kit--what a fascinating idea. I'll research this for sure. And you built one... congrats! How did the construction go? 
I want a change, but what?
I have finally made up two Apogee Wyde Eye digital cables, identical except for length. They are breaking in right now, but my initial impression is that Steve Nugent is right, and there is an improvement with a 1.5 meter cable over one meter of t... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
That is one great picture. You guys are gorgeous. Yes, I mean the couple shot... ;o) 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
I've been touched by the posts about forgiveness. You started it, Pat ! Thank you so much for your own story. Amen, Jmcgrogan2, to "life's too short to be carrying around all that anger." It's taken me a while to accept that my story, with its con... 
Anyone pay 1st price, Even if it's fair ? Poll
I have once or twice had a second offer higher than the asking price, when I was already committed to a sale. The message would be something like "I just saw the ad, I'll pay you $XX more to hold it for me."Needless to say I would have wished this... 
Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?
TEAC T1 transport and Apogee DA-1000E-20 DAC. I've added an isolation transformer and I'm experimenting with digital interconnects, but these two sound terrific with nothing better than an Apogee Wyde Eye. 
Please help--my ears are hurting
Rich, that's a very interesting post if I may say so.Papertrail may well be faced with either going to a dual-purpose system which can really play music, or having two systems dedicated to different purposes. Both routes involve extra expense, unf... 
Please help--my ears are hurting
Papertrail--yes, the power cord upgrade helped my player. It produced more extension, energy and definition in the bass and more detail overall. (If I'm not mistaken, this is the kind of improvement everyone notices when they upgrade power cords f...