
Responses from tobias

Room treatments without $$$
No mention of DIY acoustical treatment resources is complete, I think, without Jon Risch's pages.Jon Risch's pagesYou will find user's comments on the results if you search Audio Asylum.Search in AA's Tweaks Asylum for "John Risch acoustic" 
Adcom GFA 535II or 545II/suggestions
Elsewhere, Adcom amps of that series have been said to be better the lower the power, as long as your speakers are getting the juice they need. In other words, as you get more watts you pay for them in sound quality. So it is possible that you wou... 
I want a change, but what?
I use a Zu Ash digital cable and I like it a lot, but it cost more than the one you have. I think the Ash can be bettered, but not at the promo price I paid on eBay and probably not at list either. I agree that your front end justifies a better ca... 
Good sound possible on a bookshelf?
North Creek has one or two designs that are specifically intended for bookshelf or near-wall placement. 
Alain, as-tu essayĆ© de contacter Oracle ? ( 819 ) 864-0480. Bonne chance ! Tenez-nous au courant. English: Alain, have you tried contacting Oracle? Let us know what happens. Good luck! 
Best commercial press for flattening warped LP's
The very best? It's said to be the Air Tight Record Flatter. Made in Japan, and has to be ordered from there at a very cool $1,700.00. Nevertheless it is said to work, and it is the only such device I know of which has that reputation. I know one ... 
AR 2 xi speakers
Great answer from Rich. You can get a lot more info where he says.I bought a recone kit for my AR2ax woofers from Simply Speakers on eBay. I was going to do the job this weekend... maybe I can still get to it. Once that's done, if I did a reasonab... 
Equiment to change 120v/60hz to 220v/50hz
I think the PS Audio regenerators can do this. Check their Web site. Another way is to buy an isolation transformer with stepdown capacity. Such a unit may be cheaper, and clean up the AC for you too. 
Least Controversial, Reasonably Priced AC Upgrades
Here's my attempt at an answer for question 3.As I understand them, the Ultimate Outlets, and any other high-quality connector, are just that: connectors. They make a difference, sure, but they won't affect the electric power that goes into them. ... 
Least Controversial, Reasonably Priced AC Upgrades
Kdl, I think the point is to put your 5 KVA isolating transformer in the service area where you won't hear a hum. For example, mine will go where the second water heater used to be and buck twin-phase 220V down to 120 single. (I may need another t... 
Looking to Upgrade Amp & Preamp
My very humble opinion is, look for a Klyne SK-5A like mine. It will take some looking, but I believe this unit is still a contender today, twenty years after it was introduced. It contains an excellent phono preamp. 
How is your many titles in your digital collection
The last time I had to count our CDs was just after they all got stolen. I'm guessing again now: 350.No SACD, no DVD-A.They didn't steal any vinyl last time so I didn't have to count it. 
First time for this, opinions please.
Thanks a lot for sharing the the story, Dan--both the beginning and the end. I'm glad you and the buyer found a way to feel as good as possible about the deal. You both sound like great guys, and I'll remember you when I trade. 
Worst remote nomination...
The remote on my early Shanling CD-T100. This was the same as the one on the early CD-25 that Mwilson and others mention above. It was truly a tough remote to use. To my shame, I did not point this out in my review of the player, which later got a... 
the table or the arm first?
Smokester is right, I think, in suggesting that you put priority on the table, not the arm.My first good source was planned the other way round, with a great arm and cartridge (for the time) and a limited table. I think it was the wrong wayto go. ...