
Responses from tobias

hospital grade or commercial grade receptacles ?
Irvrobinson, it's a lot more fun to argue with you than it is with some other visitors. You stand up for yourself fine but you don't seem to take it terribly seriously. And nobody has made any ad hominem attacks. Thanks, everyone, for that.In fact... 
should i do tube?
I went to tubes from a Simaudio power amp (the W-4070SE, rather less good-sounding than the amp in your integrated but still great at the price). My value-for-money choice was the Shanling SP-80 monobloc pair. These gorgeous amps get 50 watts from... 
FM Antenna basic questions
My antenna came from UHF magazine: the UHF Super Antenna! Looks like they build it theirselfs. It works very well on FM and on TV, is passive, cost CDN$ 55 and when my kids broke it they fixed it free.UHF accessories page 
using different amps for Bi-amping ,any good ?? l
Biwiring works well on some speakers, and by reports it does not work well for others. My own experience includes the AR2ax and the Meadowlark Shearwater Hot Rod.The AR model was introduced long before biwiring became popular, so it is a safe bet ... 
using different amps for Bi-amping ,any good ?? l
Hi Simon, I have heard biamped setups that did not have the problems you describe. In particular I would not expect less coherence across the midrange ; rather the contrary.I think biamping is definitely worth considering. My very humble opinion t... 
hospital grade or commercial grade receptacles ?
Don't read this folks, it's a rant.Audiophilia is prime territory for quacks and snake oil salesmen. We all know it. We can all get taken in. So what?A lot of us got taken in by the promise of the CD: perfect sound forever, they said. There were l... 
using different amps for Bi-amping ,any good ?? l
Biamping sounds like it would be a great idea, especially active biamping, which cuts the IM distortion of the speaker's crossover out of the system. However in my small experience (listening to Linn systems) it is not always the best choice. To m... 
hospital grade or commercial grade receptacles ?
Hi Saki70, the thing is just to make sure that both hot (black) and neutral (white) sides of your dedicated line are truly independent, all the way from your system outlets back to the circuit breakers at the point where the electrical service ent... 
hospital grade or commercial grade receptacles ?
Search the archives for posts on power by Lak and Psychicanimal. You'll find ideas that go a good way beyond what you have planned, but if isolation is important to you, you might be happy to know about them.One key point for me was the return or ... 
Old, grainy, bright & financially restricted
The Psychicanimal is truly about power delivery, among other things, and he's convinced me. I liked the effect of a high-grade isolation transformer I bought cheap on eBay. I now plug my digital source into it and the sound is subjectively more de... 
hospital grade or commercial grade receptacles ?
UHF magazine put it this way : when they put a high-end plug on their electric kettle, the water boiled 20 per cent faster.High-grade plugs and receptacles improve the power transfer to your equipment. You have to decide whether the gain is worth ... 
Best commercial press for flattening warped LP's
You can find a good deal of info, including some from people who have actually tried various techniques, at Audio Asylum. Record dewarping is a very tricky business and one is better off trying things out on junk records to start with.If I had any... 
AR 2 xi speakers
My hunch is, no. Do it if it sounds like fun to do, but as far as I know, Athena made some pretty nice-sounding speakers. The chances seem low to me that you'll prefer a pair of AR-2ax. 
I want a change, but what?
Stereo, I'm not sure either. I have never had a digital cable longer than one meter. When I upgraded my present cable, I went from a 1-meter Wyde Eye to a half-metre Ash. I got more focus, detail and timbral accuracy, and that helped my perception... 
I want a change, but what?
Hello Steve, thanks very much for responding. I humbly aver that I did read the article; however, "poor transport design" is my own interpretation of the situation. In other words, I consider the manufacturers' practice, which you describe as "des...