
Responses from tobias

Used Preamp that sound as good as newer
Any Klyne preamp--wonderful. I have an SK-5A and I'd happily put it up against any in your list. Super phono. 
Do You Remember Your First CD Player?
I bought my first CDP late in 1999. Talk about early adopters. My s.o. was so happy--she could now buy music and listen to it (she'd been afraid to use the Linn Sondek).It was the turn of the millennium and we danced it in with the player--a Cambr... 
Oooops Just got caught...
" Do you think we should have a fireplace, dear? " 
Best Platter Mat For Linn Sondek
I've never been tempted to swap my felt mat for anything else. The Sondek's metal platter rings, and the felt damps it fine for little money. I haven't ever encountered a consensus on another mat that worked better.In fact, UHF magazine suggests, ... 
luxman lv105u amp
techman777 is an eBay seller who has served me very well and fast in the past. I know he has Luxman manuals and he might have yours. Cost is generally $6.99 for starters and around 12 bucks if you use Buy It Now. 
Advice on integrated tube amps
You'll want something that does both voice and rhythm. It's possible. There are tube amps, even reasonably-priced integrateds, that can give you both that lovely, liquid, almost 3-D singer floating in space between your speakers and the speed and ... 
Advice on integrated tube amps
I have a pal who uses the HIT Audio MT-88 (rated 45 wpc from a quad of 6550s in p-p ) with his Dynaudios. He chose that amp because it's a rocker, he says. I haven't heard his setup yet, but he's used Sim Moon electronics in the past, if that's an... 
Advice on integrated tube amps
I like Refsquared's answer--it's hard to make good suggestions out of context. Dynaudios are pretty dynamic (hence the name, perhaps) and if you have them you may be a rocker at heart. If that's the case you might prefer an amp built for 6550 or K... 
Decca cartridge experiences
Oh dear, John, you have reminded me of my first high-end source, which I took out a loan to buy and then traded away in a d-i-v-o-r-c-e. It was a London Export, gray case, in an International arm and it certainly boogied. I had champagne tastes th... 
Best floorstanders for classical?
Funny, I picked up on this thread and I have Meadowlark Shearwaters, the Hot Rod version. They worked fine with my old +/-60 wpc ss amp. In fact, the bass was rather astounding for a two-way, although your room may vary.Imaging depends a lot on ro... 
Do power conditioners help with unwanted hum/noise
Thanks for the help, Sean, very much. I think I can go ahead and buy a transformer, thanks to you. 
hospital grade or commercial grade receptacles ?
I second Tvad. Quality power cords on amps are low-priority in my experience--that is, if the amp already has something that's not the 18-gauge 3-dollar molded kind. Players, then preamps benefit most, and in that order.If you have separates, the ... 
Setting switches on phono stage of Klyne SK-5a
You are lucky to have an SK-5A. It will do justice to a front end even better than the one you have now (I use a Cardas Heart Reference and soon a Koetsu Rosewood Signature). Stan Klyne still repairs this unit, too, the last I heard.The SK-5A allo... 
Do power conditioners help with unwanted hum/noise
Sean, thanks much for the tip. I have done a bit of research here and lurked eBay. The best kind appears to be what's called an ultra isolation transformer with very (high? low?) internal capacitance, on the order of 0.0005 pF. I have a 220V three... 
Do power conditioners help with unwanted hum/noise
Gs5556 puts his finger on the problem that has just been solved for me by an isolation transformer.Since home heating season began this year in Montreal (and electricity use went up), I had been getting a hum on my bedroom lullaby system (HK 930, ...