
Responses from tobias

Please help--my ears are hurting
I think I am in apparent contradiction with Rich--I would look at the electronics first.I ran my CD-25 (Shanling CD-S100) with a 70s-vintage HK 930 2-channel receiver (and DH Labs Silver Sonic cables). The 930 is widely regarded as the best-soundi... 
Speaker Suitable for Baby/Children - Wall Mount
Oz, that's a great idea. Only a few companies have tried it but they seem to do OK.I have a unique concept myself, though, and I think it goes one better. It's an audiophile door that comes with a listening room attached. You saw it here first, re... 
Best CD player...for ME ;
May I say that IMHO you really cannot waste your time listening. Everything you hear will teach you something. One trick I learned from reading UHF magazine was to make notes, during or after a listening session. This is a bit of an art but you pi... 
Speaker Suitable for Baby/Children - Wall Mount
My first thought is that your room has considerable volume and your speakers will need to move some serious air. Wall mounting sounds like an excellent idea, both parentally and sonically, but given the Magnepan reputation for needing watts, I won... 
Speaker recommendations for replacing existing pr
The Shearwaters would be too big for your room. I like Meadowlarks myself (I have Shearwaters). They're all easy to drive and very musical. I wouldn't hesitate to say listen to any model that will fit, starting with the Kestrel Hot Rod. (Both it a... 
Speaker recommendations for replacing existing pr
Depending on the size of your room, I would say listen to Meadowlark Shearwater, and Audio Physik Spark or Tempo if you can. I think the APs might need a little more power, but the Meadowlarks should do fine with your very nice-sounding amp. 
Room size and speaker position
Corner placement, if you have room for it, has worked well for me in the past. It seems to diffuse room nodes quite effectively, making for smoother response across the spectrum. In my case, I had Meadowlark Shearwaters placed unequally, that is, ... 
High energy dance music recommendations?
James Asher's Feet in the Soil. His other discs (Kali Thunder and more) are great for dancing too but this is still my favourite.Link to Amazon listing 
better ears than budget, so i would like to think
I would look for a YBA Integré DT, a Creek 5350, a SimAudio I-5 or perhaps a Bryston BP-60. There is also a chance you would be seduced by a tube integrated in that range, if you got the chance to hear one with your speakers. The Cayin/HIT Audio p... 
sexiest sounding female vocalists?
I agree about Dietrich. Laura Nyro was pretty hot. But the sexiest number I ever heard was by--wait for it--Nana Mouskouri, on "Nana Mouskouri in New York," available today on Mercury CD and on vinyl reissue. The first track, No Moon at All, is qu... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
Patrick, as Lugnut you emailed me spontaneously with the fruit of experience I could not have imagined getting in the normal course of events.I remember exchanging ideas with you on another thread and I felt privileged to be doing so. Thanks for i... 
Shoul I consider a power conditioner?
I have a dedicated line using Belden shielded cable, an Enacom (high-quality capacitor) across the circuit to short out AC muck, and an isolation transformer for my digital source. Each of these measures was relatively inexpensive but did a lot fo... 
Mistake to
I agree with Newbee and Improb that you don't seem to know yet just what you want to improve. You are juggling with too many unanswered questions. The danger, if you start changing components now, is that for your money you will get different but ... 
Linn Classik ? Sound good?
I have heard the Classik often at my father's home. It's impossible to say across-the-board that it is better than a NAD system but in my view it is better than _some_ NAD systems, notably the all-in-one L40 which I owned for a while (and liked fo... 
New Years Resolutions
You've been way generous with your knowledge and experience, Sean, and I hope this is the right time to say I appreciate it very much. Best wishes to you and to all for the New Year.My own resolution (audio that is) is to save enough, by sticking ...