
Responses from tobias

Full range speakers with small footprint?
Interesting to note that here again, the Merlin VSMs and the Shearwater Hot Rods both have a keen following. Jeff, if you listen to both (or to other Meadowlarks than the discontinued Shearwaters), it would be fun to get your impressions. 
Best cassette deck for transferring to cdr?
My TEAC 8030S sounds different from my Nak Deck 1.5. Not better, I think. Equally good, but different. With Dolby S, the TEAC makes quieter recordings with slightly superior dynamics. The Nak's bias and level were not as easy to set, the cueing wa... 
isolation transformer vs line conditioner
Sean, I know you are characteristically forgiving of ignorance... ... most power supplies are lacking, hence the great variance in power cord effectiveness from component to component. When a component gains a lot from a power cord upgrade, does ... 
Full range speakers with small footprint?
Itsalldark, I stand corrected on Fidelios and watts. Thank you very much indeed. Maybe I can see my way to a pair a bit sooner now. BTW the Cary V12 is a very strong-shouldered piece of gear. I heard it driving Quad 988s a few years ago. I liked i... 
Full range speakers with small footprint?
It'salldark, I would grab Fidelios too, if I could get them for $2500! But I would hesitate to drive them with 60W tube amps, even Quicksilver quality. I heard Verities--Fidelios or Parsifals, don't remember which--with 150W Tenor monoblocks last ... 
Opinions please
I would agree with Avguygeorge if you asked my 2 cents. If I had your system I would look to be upgrading upstream before changing speakers. There is much more satisfaction to be had in taking this approach than in doing it speakers first, in my e... 
Full range speakers with small footprint?
Meadowlark Shearwater Hot Rod. The Sound Ideas review (see link on Meadowlark website) gives you some idea of the bass these are capable of in the right room, and your amps would be ideal for them. Well within your budget. 
isolation transformer vs line conditioner
Well, to the best of my limited knowledge, an iso transformer is only that. There are no other parts involved. Line conditioners, on the other hand, use capacitors, chokes, and perhaps resistors to try to clean up the AC, although some designs are... 
Preamps with Dual Main Out?
Klyne preamps are solid state units. Older models like mine don't have remotes. I don't know about newer models--Nrchy has one so he would know-- but sadly, your budget is too low for them anyway. There are other good choices, though. Happy hunting ! 
Preamps with Dual Main Out?
My Klyne SK-5A has dual outs, one set inverted. 
isolation transformer vs line conditioner
Aball, where can I see those output waveforms myself? Or if I can't (without setting up a 'scope on my line at home), then could you describe such a waveform?I ask because the evidence of my ears suggests that my iso trannies are doing something r... 
Integrated Tube Around $1000
Rich, about the relative loudness of your Prologue 2 vs the NAD 320BEE... do you mean that's a measure of the ability of these amps to play loud, or simply that the Prologue has more gain at a lower volume setting?I have the 320BEE on a short list... 
Linn Tables. Where to start? Please Help
Thanks Viridian for the reference--see how useful your post was, I'm not even the gentleman who asked for help!Drken, the great advantage of a used Linn LP12 Sondek (we are not talking about the Basic or the Axis, which were less-costly models) is... 
Cartridge Suggestions for a Newbie
Dan_ed, perhaps I could have been a little more specific. Bass from the Glider was more tuneful but less powerful than it had been from the V15 I'd had previously. I was not unhappy with it really, but when a pal brought over the Cardas Heart and ... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
Such offer is un-pass-uppable. Only damage control is possible (wear extra pair underwear when hug foreseen). Love the posts, Pat. Thinking of you daily.