
Responses from samzx12

PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium Preamplifier. DESTROYS SPEAKERS!!
Lesson learned....Don't mess with Al ;) 
PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium Preamplifier. DESTROYS SPEAKERS!!
Roxy I have wondered the same thing lol.  
PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium Preamplifier. DESTROYS SPEAKERS!!
Do not consider myself a groupie at all. Call it like I see it :) 
PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium Preamplifier. DESTROYS SPEAKERS!!
I haven't had any problems with my PL Premium Dialogue integrated whatsoever. There are many various units of PL products that aren't defective. I am very sorry to hear about your issue but don't blame the whole PL line as being a defective produc... 
Mark Levinson 334 Question
It is my understanding the 334 early on had some cap issues but not sure of the serial number Madrigal corrected or installed the better caps?  
Primaluna Diaglogue Premium Preamp Owners
What did the GL 12AU7 bring to the table? Are they much smoother than the stock PL tubes? 
Primaluna Diaglogue Premium Preamp Owners
If its anything like the integrated changing the tubes will definitely change the sound. The stock tubes will last forever as PL products are easy on tubes. The middle tubes make the most difference. What are you trying to achieve? More detail, le... 
Has anyone used the Primaluna Dialogue integrated as a Preamp only?
I thought it was a goof but I played it safe  :)Point taken and I appreciate your input :)  I was originally wanting to try a ss amp to mix things up and have a little fun. But since i don't have that Special Edition I guess my idea is out the doo... 
Has anyone used the Primaluna Dialogue integrated as a Preamp only?
Has anyone used an external preamp with the PL?  
Has anyone used the Primaluna Dialogue integrated as a Preamp only?
The only Special Edition I know of is the HP version of the Dialogue Premium.  
Has anyone used the Primaluna Dialogue integrated as a Preamp only?
Is that a Premium model picture which I forgot to mention lol? If so, don't I feel like a complete &^%$##@ for not checking myself.  Someone told me a long time ago to never "assume" so that is what I did haha.  
Mark Levinson 26 pre amp
What do you think of the 23? I've seen one here for $1700 but its a little rough shape. Not bad but a few dings.  
Mark Levinson 23.5
tubegb yes its a sweet little amp and wish I could have kept it but had to use the funds to buy another amp.  
Mark Levinson 23.5
Levinson would be Harmon International now and I ordered some parts for a ML 29 I used to have so I assume they are still in business?  However, a good repair shop should have no issue. Push your local shop and go from there. I feel its close to b... 
Subwoofer cable
Thanks everyone for the recommendations. I just ordered a 12 ft. Blue Jeans LC-1 for $30.