
Responses from samzx12

Primaluna Integrated with a seperate preamp
I never found this thread as I asked the same question Saki did.   I borrowed a buddies ARC LS26 and hooked it up through the HT bypass and was disappointed.  It sounded great with his ss amp but completed different with the PL.  I also called Kev... 
Power Cords
Has anyone tried Morrow Audio power cords? How do they compare to the upper echelon mentioned in this thread?  I know their IC's offer a great bang for the buck. I have never owned any of the Audioquest line.  I can tell you this, there are big di... 
Morrow Audio MA5 Interconnects.
I am using the MA4 from CDP to preamp and really like it. Just ordered the MA5 and Mike told me its definitely a step up from the MA4. Just more of a good thing. Sometimes I think too much of one type of cable can be either a good or bad thing. Is... 
What makes you build a system around an amplifier?
Amps are personal (in my opinion)  and I think it is perfectly fine to build a system around one.  Sure preamps and speakers are very important but an amp is the soul of the system.  Of course so are fuses, power cords and isolation lol ;) 
Scam dealer on Ebay?
OK some dude in Japan is trying to lure total idiots to buy high end at inflated prices.  It may not technically be a scam however, it is close to it.  Are you a conspiracy theorist lol? 
Scam dealer on Ebay?
Geoffkait I notice you seem to condone this behavior of trying to scam or ask high prices.  Who in their right mind is going to buy for example a ML amp for $7500 that sold for $2000 less new? Or selling for $5000 less on the used market. The OP w... 
Scam dealer on Ebay?
A car dealer told me years ago.  There's an ass for every seat lol.   
Scam dealer on Ebay?
I've noticed this guy pricing Levinson amps at 3-4 times their used value. I emailed him and asked why is he asking these crazy prices and never did answer lol.  The OP just asked a simple question and figures someone would make a mockery out of i... 
Preamp for a BAT VK-55.
FYI I have a VK31SE on the way. From what I have read it is more musical and dynamic than the 32SE.  Also it is very close to BATs early 50 series which is out of my price range.  
Preamp for a BAT VK-55.
Stingreen I didn't think the adapters would help the sound just wondering if they would hurt it?  One can become very confused after reading reviews and opinions on each BAT preamp (VK30-32 SE and non SE). The opinions are all over the place.  
Preamp for a BAT VK-55.
I'm leaning towards a BAT pre-amp.  Used to have a VK5i a few years ago but the VK30 and up look to be more attractive and functional with the newish interface.   
Preamp for a BAT VK-55.
Also would using XLR to RCA adapters affect the sound? 
Mark Levinson 27.5 versus modern day amps
Thanks tecknik I will check into it.  
Mark Levinson 27.5 versus modern day amps
Someone here I would think has an opinion on the 27.5 I would hope.  I know its one of their best amps ever but worth it overall? They didn't have the cap issues like the 300 series.  
Seller suspended from Audiogon...
Oh WOW I was talking to him about the pre-amp and shared a few emails. He stopped responding. Sad :(