
Responses from samzx12

20 Year Old Amplifiers compared to 2017
Great thread.  I posted a similar thread not long ago and love to read everyone's opinions.  
Audio Research Pre Amp
Have you done a search here on Agon? 
The Levinson Sound?
To my ears the 23.5 and 27.5 series amps are some of the best sounding Levinson amps ever produced. The 300 series also sound fantastic but the earlier series were best because of the 300 series capacitor issues. Levinson from my understanding fix... 
Primaluna Dialogue Premium vs VPI 299D?
 The PL Dialogue Premium operates in both triode and ultralinear mode by flipping the switch on the left side? I have never heard the VPI but the PL is very versatile by swapping out multiple types of power tubes and 12AU7.  
Mark Levinson 27.5 versus modern day amps
That may be true but I am referring to crowded high priced areas such as San Francisco, New York, etc...Smaller living spaces that people don't want bigger gear stuffed in tight spaces. My main point of reference is someone who lives in the Bay ar... 
Mark Levinson 27.5 versus modern day amps
That is a very respectful comment for the 27.5. Which Soulution amp did you compare it against? Testpilot I think the US market has gravitated to smaller one box solutions in recent years as real estate has skyrocketed resulting in audiophiles in ... 
Mark Levinson 27.5 versus modern day amps
Ernie I am keeping the VK-55. It’s like the best of both worlds. Tube magic which the 55 is very romantic and the 27.5 "just sounds right". Sorry Conrad Johnson haha :) Everything about it puts a smile on my face. I feel very fortunate to have bot... 
Mark Levinson 27.5 versus modern day amps
Thanks for the reply Ernie.  You and I obviously have great tastes in amps lol.  I bought your VK-55 and purchased a gently used 27.5 couple of weeks ago and totally agree. There is no grain or edginess to the sound. Just pure music.  I have had a... 
Anticables, Morrow Cables SP1 or PNF Cables
I have the SP4 and recommend.  
Anyone have experience with the Tung Sol 7581a vs. EL34, KT66, KT88, 6L6
JB you might want to add a Winged C EL34 to your list. I have never heard of the 7581. Is it a hybrid of EL34 and KT series maybe?  
Opening a can of worms
Blindjim makes a lot of good points or a great voice of reason.  He has been around the block a few times so I would listen to his advice.  Just my 2 cents haha :) 
Opening a can of worms
Good advice Randy.  Plus I am slowly learning about tweaks. The best tweak so far is a SR Black Fuse. Another can of worms lol ;) 
Opening a can of worms
>>>>>I suspect one might actually be better off using different brands, to allow any anomalies in say, frequency response, to average out. Just as one cannot generalize about copper and silver conductors, it depends on where they’... 
Primaluna Integrated with a seperate preamp
Odyssey7 I agree the PL power amp is fantastic on its own. I have found Winged "C" EL34 tubes offer the best overall sound IMO. The Gold Lion KT88 also are very good but if one prefers EL34's the Winged C's are the shiznit or at least in my system... 
Opening a can of worms
Ah Blindjim is the voice of wisdom and reasoning. Pay attention grasshoppa's because he knows what he is talking about. I think most of have been on this merry go round for awhile and I know there  are doubters however, there ARE differences in ca...