
Responses from samzx12

Ayon's "Scorpio" tube imtegrated amp vs PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium tube integrated??.
They spend a lot on ads for sure.  
Need help with Music Hall mmf-5 setup?
Yea finally. Congrats and I am surprised MH isn't updating their manuals but glad you are in business.  Happy Listening. Sam 
Need help with Music Hall mmf-5 setup?
Sounds like you need to adjust the anti skate. With the table level and the correct tracking force either adjust the anti-skate or completely disengage it. I have a VPI Scout 1.1 and was having a hard time adjusting it and then according to the ma... 
Ayon's "Scorpio" tube imtegrated amp vs PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium tube integrated??.
I have the PL Dialogue integrated and love it. You can change the sound too suit your tastes via tubes plus it's built very well. I talked to Kevin at UA for awhile and never regret buying it. Plenty of reviews and support so funny think you can g... 
Ayon's "Scorpio" tube imtegrated amp vs PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium tube integrated??.
This is my opinion of course and without having heard a Raven I find it very far fetched that a Raven just "blows" the other amps out of the water or not even close. You can't tell me that a point to point wired, 65 lb Primaluna Premium integrated... 
Audiogon Anti-Lowball Offer setting
Maplegrovemusic is correct. I find some sellers are jacking up the price by several hundred dollars. Case in point and Mark Levinson 27.5 used to sell for $1700-$1900. A dealer had one not long ago for almost $2600. Has the Blue book gone up on Le... 
Has anyone compared K150 tubes and the stock EL34s in Primaluna integrated/amplifiers?
Saki70 which EL34's have you tried? What about Gold Lion KT77? How do the Black Treasures compare to the stock PL EL34? For example, tone, bass, extension, etc...?What I have found so far is the stock tubes sound very good and the overall timing o... 
Audiogon Anti-Lowball Offer setting
I got flamed for this awhile back on the same subject but I found over the years a certain nationality ALWAYS lowballed me 95% of the time over the rest. I can't make this crap up.  
Pass Labs 150.8 and XP-20 versus PrimaLuna Dialogue Premier HP integrated
Eniac26 your statement mentioning Primaluna in the same sentence as Pass Labs in my opinion is very uneducated and obviously sounds like you have a strong dislike for a particular brand. Have YOU compared the 2 products and listened back to back? ... 
Replacing 12AU7 tubes in a Prima Luna Dialogue integrated amp
I think you'll notice a difference. Whether it's better only you can decide.  
Replacing 12AU7 tubes in a Prima Luna Dialogue integrated amp
I'm not familiar with any of those tubes but my guess the Gold Lions would be better and not because they are more expensive.  I used to have some Tung Sol 12AX7 and they sounded nice so I would think the 12AU version would also.  
VPI Scout or GEM Dandy PolyTable
Scout no doubt. How much does the Polytable weigh? The Scout is a solid table with excellent build quality and components. Can't go wrong and consider resale value.  
Replacing 12AU7 tubes in a Prima Luna Dialogue integrated amp
Oh I definitely understand trying something new and didn't realize you were in Australia.  I just couldn't warm up to the 120 at all. Had great bass, drive and separation however, the mids were dry and couldn't tune it out with Mullards. Your mile... 
Replacing 12AU7 tubes in a Prima Luna Dialogue integrated amp
Before making any decisions I would call Upscale Audio and speak with Kevin or Jarod. Trust me he knows better than anyone PrimaLuna and tubes. Also look at the reviews on his website and that will also help and give you some insight.  
Replacing 12AU7 tubes in a Prima Luna Dialogue integrated amp
Yes research is good but only you know what your ears like. I didn't care for the KT120's at all.  The 120's had too much glare or upper midrange energy for my tastes. Maybe not your tastes however.  I had no idea you already had KT88's in the amp...