
Responses from samzx12

What is an excellent power cable?
For $500 new the Synergistic Research UHF Black 10 gauge is really good on an amp.  
Missing the Old Days
I've had Tyler Acoustics speakers for several years.  Very satisfied and I've seen plenty of reviews online plus tons of discussion.  Give Ty a call and discuss options.  He is super friendly and very knowledgeable about the industry and his compe... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Use latex gloves when applying and forget about it. I doubt anyone is going to be sniffing dust from connector blades on power cables, etc if they like to  change cables often after this paste sets up. Me thinks Wolf has a great imagination and is... 
Primaluna Dialogue poremium, Rogue Cronus Magnum II or Jolida 801...who can advise me?
If you want a well built reliable tube integrated that sounds wonderful the PL is a no brainer.  
Shipping out of country.
As long as I get the money and ship I should be covered.  I'm not responsible afterward if it gets held up in customs.   
Shunyata Alpha/Delta NR Line.
Wow thanks everyone for the detailed explanation.  Gbmcleod you've had a lot of experience with Shunyata and it' nice to read about the models and their overall characteristics. I've owned the Python Helix in the past and currently have a Python C... 
Shipping out of country.
OK thanks guys. The buyer does NOT have any feedback here on Agon.  As long as I get my money and I don't have to jump through hoops at the USPS it should be ok but not having feedback bothers me a little.   
PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium
I would start with the Preamp and proceed one step at a time.   The front 2 slots or middle are the 2 tubes to replace 1st. Don't worry with the amp right now.   
PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium
1graber save money for the KT150s. Much better than 120s. The GL 88s are a great tube so enjoy. I loved them.  
Morrow IC's
It is very obvious fsonicsmith is a disgruntled customer who doesn’t represent the Morrow line fairly. His last post definitely makes that obvious calling out will62 for being a shill lol. If a company offers a burn in process you bet your arse I ... 
Morrow IC's
inforthemusic are you saying the Morrows are like a 1st level allowance horse compared to a Grade 1 Stakes winner? 
Shunyata Alpha/Delta NR Line.
Surely someone has opinions on the latest line up of Shunyata and the past couple series of power cords?  
Morrow IC's
Will62 I have Morrow MA4, MA5, SP4 and a phono cable and have been satisfied with all of the them. Not sure Fsonics beef with Mike but I am taking it with a grain of salt. Most reviews I have read are very positive and Mike seems like a stand up g... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Listened to some Lana Del Ray. What a voice. Was in the mood for something on the softer side and relaxing.  
recommendations for a replacement for a Levinson no 23
Pyramid Audio in Austin TX has been a recommended service center.  305 East Braker Ln. / Austin, TX 78753-2746Phone: (512) 458-8292 Fax: (512)