
Responses from samzx12

Rogue Audio - Cronus vs Tempest II
samzx12757 posts04-04-2017 8:08pmI am selling my Tempest II with upgraded KT90's from Rogue if you are interested. Just haven't got around listing it yet.Smooth move Ex-Lax !!!!!!!Thanks Docolax 
Rogue Audio - Cronus vs Tempest II
I am selling my Tempest II with upgraded KT90's from Rogue if you are interested. Just haven't got around listing it yet.  
What PrimaLuna tube amp / integrated or not will work best with B&W 804 standard speakers
 I was thinking he usually is a straight shooter but understand why you would want to wait. Have you tried a Google search?  
What PrimaLuna tube amp / integrated or not will work best with B&W 804 standard speakers
Have you tried talking to Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio?  
Has anyone compared K150 tubes and the stock EL34s in Primaluna integrated/amplifiers?
Ron I need to listen more to get a good grasp on the GL KT88.  So far they are favorable. Great bass control, top end extension is good with no brightness,  mid-range is nice but I'm trying to find the correct 12AU7 combo. The Cifte is in the fron... 
KT-88 vs. EL34
psickerson what exactly are you looking to gain and are you using the stock EL34?? I have the non HP and rolled in some KT150's.  They are a nice tube and much better than the KT120 but weren't giving me what I wanted or expected.  The Gold Lion K... 
Has anyone compared K150 tubes and the stock EL34s in Primaluna integrated/amplifiers?
aniwolfe thank you very much for the Mullard and Tungsram advice.I will check out the seller on Ebay. Happy listening. 
Has anyone compared K150 tubes and the stock EL34s in Primaluna integrated/amplifiers?
Thanks for the heads up on the KT77 :)  What are the characteristics of the Tungsram?  The Mullards in my system while sounding ok seem to really deaden the sound or its like someone placed a sheet over the speakers. I am speaking of CV4003 NOS Mu... 
Has anyone compared K150 tubes and the stock EL34s in Primaluna integrated/amplifiers?
The KT77 is a good tube with plenty of bass however, I didn't hear it takes that long to break in.  I will take your word for it. Maybe the Mullards need more break in time but its noticeable that it doesn't have the bass output of the stock EL34 ... 
Has anyone compared K150 tubes and the stock EL34s in Primaluna integrated/amplifiers?
What did you think of the Cifte 12AU7 and reissue Mullard EL34 JB?  I tried this combo and found it sounds very good but lacking in bass weight. Overall the sound was very clear and concise but the Mullard doesn't have the bass of even the stock P... 
General Initial Impressions--Genalex Gold Lion KT88 Reissue
Thank you very much jbhiller. It is nice to hear what others think about a particular tube characteristic.  I have a quad of GL KT88 arriving tomorrow. A quad popped up on here after I posted my question so guess I will find out soon. The PL EL34 ... 
General Initial Impressions--Genalex Gold Lion KT88 Reissue
I think the PL are decent tubes to start with as they are voiced for the amp. If there is something you don't like about the sound then you can change to tubes. Just my 2 cents.  
General Initial Impressions--Genalex Gold Lion KT88 Reissue
Can you please tell me what were your initial impressions of the GL KT88 and what didn't you like about the stock EL PL EL34?  I have tried quite a number of power tubes in my PL Dialogue Premium and I do have to say while they are all different t... 
Which preamp tubes in my amp make the most difference when rolling?
Wolf has posted several times he is a tube flash whore lol :) 
Ayon's "Scorpio" tube imtegrated amp vs PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium tube integrated??.
This is why I don't like this seller (See below).  The beauty of an amp that will take various power tubes is an asset because you can tailor the sound as you want.  If the amp IS designed around a particular tube then possibly it will sound best ...