
Responses from samzx12

Music Fidelity V-Link 192
Makes perfect sense. Thanks for the information.   
Music Fidelity V-Link 192
I guess I was under the assumption that the V-link improved the signal from the laptop and passed it on to the DAC.  But since the V90 has asynchronous USB input the VLink or any USB/SPDIF Converter does nothing for sound improvement?   
Music Fidelity V-Link 192
Yes my V90 has USB input, coaxial and SPDIF.  Elevick you seem to get the opposite benefits from what ghosthouse experienced.  The whole assumption or the reason the V-Link was designed is to take the signal from the laptop and improve it so the D... 
Thiel Owners
samzx12Nice score! The CS 2.7 is a fine speaker indeed. Keep me posted as you massage them with the Mark Levinson or B.A.T. power amp. Happy Listening!Thank you. I am excited.  Curious to find out which amp will work best. As far as overall sound... 
Thiel Owners
I'll have a pair of 2.7 coming next week so cant wait to hear these puppies.  Never owned Thiel before but a local buddy has the 3.7 and I love them. Will drive them with either a BAT VK55 or Mark Levinson 27.5. I'm sure the 27.5 will control the ... 
Spotify vs other streaming services
I have Spotify Premium so I'm getting the 320 kbps FYI.   
Spotify vs other streaming services
OK I am new to streaming and using Spotify. I use a Music Fidelity V90 DAC so does it matter the quality of the streaming if one is using a separate DAC?  
New Parasound A21 VS Mark Levinson #23
If you go the A21 route I would wait on the fuses to get acquainted with the stock sound and then later on add the fuses. Just my 2 cents.  
Need quick Shunyata answer
Has anyone compared K150 tubes and the stock EL34s in Primaluna integrated/amplifiers?
Yes I tried the 90s when I had my Dialogue PL Premium and did not like them at all.  Felt as if a blanket was over my speakers.  YMMV but felt it was horrible in this amp.   
what is the best Kt88 to get
What amp do you have? KT88s can sound different depending on the amps design.  I found Gold Lion KT88 to sound very good in my Primaluna Dialogue Premium versus other KT88s. The worst was Preferred Series from the Tube Store.  This doesn't mean th... 
Upgrading from Integrated Amp to Separates
Uberwalt if you read auxinputs post you would know why I said BAT is not dark.  
Upgrading from Integrated Amp to Separates
BAT is NOT dark sounding. Before passing on judgement or information please don't post this unless you have heard BAT in YOUR system.  It isn't as sterile or analytical as some tubed manufacturers but I would not consider it dark.  I think speaker... 
Upgrading from Integrated Amp to Separates
I have the PL Dialogue Premium and went to BAT separates. VK55 amp and VK31SE preamp with great results. Yes they are older but sound fantastic. With your budget I'm sure you can get better.  Grannyring brings up a good suggestion also.  I know an... 
Anyone try KT150 in Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP
I think you will find the KT150's midrange will sound much better than the KT120. As far as bass the KT120 didn't have bad bass at all but like you are experiencing it had an annoying harshness I could never tame.