
Responses from samzx12

Subwoofer cable
Will do thank you.  
Mark Levinson 23.5
I loved the design and looks of the 23-27 series of amps and have heard the 23.5 was one of the better sounding of the series. OK I understand what your dealer meant now however, they aren't fixing the heat issue. It sucks your out $800 but it sta... 
Mark Levinson 23.5
I have owned a 27 and 27.5 and they never ran hot as you are describing.  Did your repair shop check the caps, resistors, etc?  Have you used Google to research this issue?  Personally I wouldn't use this shop any longer because they haven't found... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
Thanks tablejockey. Can't say I blame him for using KT150 as the HP version was running stock tubes.  
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
Kevin or anyone what were the driver and gain tubes used for this comparison? I assume stock Primaluna 12au7 for both the Premium and HP? Personally I think the KT150 is a totally different animal than the EL34. The EL34 is a bit richer, doesn’t h... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
dchang if you don't have anything positive to contribute I am sure most of us would appreciate keeping your negative comments to yourself. I'm sure Kevin can speak for himself but since I have known him he has been very helpful and forthright. I b... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
Kot which PL did you compare the Rogue to? The Dialogue Premium is a different animal than the earlier PL models. Not sure if this is a fair comparison but I had a Rogue Tempest II which is a nice integrated amp. I tube rolled quite a bit. Talked ... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
Aniwolfe makes a great point. Turn it on triode and it all goes away. I completely forgot about that after reading the long post on harmonic distortion.  
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
Fsonicsmith you bring up some great points and thank you. I had no idea how long it takes to build from start to finish a Ref 6 however, as pointed out above I doubt it sounds five times better. Congrats if you can afford ARC these days but I sure... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
Johnny I have enjoyed this hobby for several years now and never paid over $3000 for an amp, preamp or integrated amp. ARC these days have forgot about affordability and shot straight for the stratosphere so the majority of audiophiles can't affor... 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
Johnny your biased sarcasm makes me laugh. Enjoy your Quicksilvers and I do quite fine choosing MY OWN components. Always have and always will. I just don’t overpay for my components for example companies that start with an A. :)Happy 4th,Sam 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
Must be a lot of ARC owners chiming in here but I do have one question. Why does the PL Dialogue Premium get rave reviews from very well respected reviewer's in Stereophile and other major audio publications? Just curious :) 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
Sounds like Audioconnection has a beef with Uncle Kevy? Wonder why?I doubt Kevin would be posting without some sort of proof? 
Looking for vintage system suggestions (maranta, klipsch, etc...)
I have 3 vintage reoeivers. A Marantz 2252B, Sansui Model 8 and Luxman 1050-R. For sound quality alone the Luxman and Sansui sound best to my ears. The Marantz don't get me wrong sounds very good but the other 2 just sound better to my ears. You c... 
Anyone try KT150 in Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP
I’m pretty sure the HP can use the KT150. Ask Upscale Audio as they are the importer. It is a very nice tube as I have some with my Premium (non-HP). Mine aren’t quite broken in but they have a nice midrange, good extension and great bass punch. F...