
Responses from samzx12

Music Hall MMF 7.3 Question
Good advice chayro.  Thanks.  
Music Hall MMF 7.3 Question
Have you tried a regular cork mat?  
Music Hall MMF 7.3 Question
Thank you Chakster for taking the time to recommend some cartridges.  I realize the 7.3 isn't a VPI or a substantial turntable build wise however,  I don't need a TT of that build quality right now.  The Music Hall hits a sweet spot in their line-... 
Music Hall MMF 7.3 Question
Nice recommendation Noromance. Approximately what do they sell for? 
Music Hall MMF 7.3 Question
Big Greg my phono preamp is a Vincent PHO 8. Not high dollar but very good for the money and yes I've wondered about the feet myself. I'm going to try 2 different isolation devices.  One a Delrin platform a friend gave me and another is an acrylic... 
Pro-Ject Debut Carbon DC with Ortofon 2M Red Cartridge: BASS sounds 'muddy' The Reason?
Wow lots of GREAT advice here 👍 
Music Hall MMF 7.3 Question
Suggestions please?  
Power Cable from wall to my conditioner?
I would take the advice of renting some cables from The Cable Company.  They usually give good advice and have very good knowledge of component matching.   Is there something missing in your system or would like to change?  
CD Player vs. music streaming
LUMIN U1 Mini with a T+A DAC 8 is what I have. Sounds wonderful and I do not miss my CDP.  Also you can stream with the LUMIN and it supports a multitude of services.  Its future proof.   
Yep same ad in Lexington.   A local audio buddy told me about it and same responses.  Didn't take long to figure out it was a scam.  
SACD or not
I just listed a Marantz SA-11S1 on Audiomart.  Had the S2 and sold it awhile back.  Great players and I say that owning 2 Marantz and plenty of other CD players.    
Who needs a Preamp??
I have always said and experienced that there is nothing like a good preamp in a system. YMMV but my systems have always sounded best with an active preamp.  
Why does my old CD player sound so much better than my new streamer?
Audio Troy brings up some good points and advice. However, the issue IMO is Tidal itself.  I don't think you are getting good quality sound with it in comparison to a CD player.  Try ripping some CDs and playing those and do a comparison with the ... 
KT150s in Audio Research Ref 110.
I also had a Primaluna Dialogue Premium with 120s and I agree they were waaay to zippy.  My favorite tubes were the Winged C EL34. I tried many but not the 6550. The Sovteks aren't that expensive so i may give them a whirl in the near future. The ... 
KT150s in Audio Research Ref 110.
Thank you Minorl. Very informative and exactly what I was wanting to hear. I would never use tubes not recommended by the manufacturer.  I'm really not into taking unnecessary chances with expensive equipment as some people evidently are as I saw ...