
Responses from samzx12

KT150s in Audio Research Ref 110.
Moo foo how would you describe the differences between the 6550 and 120? 
KT150s in Audio Research Ref 110.
George I understand.  Sometimes you have to pay to play. Been there with a  few tube amps.  From my understanding ARC ran low on 6550 tubes and the later production runs of Ref 110s used the KT120s.   
KT150s in Audio Research Ref 110.
Those are some expensive tubes.  
KT150s in Audio Research Ref 110.
Exactly what I needed to see. Thank you jea48.  The Ref110 sounds awesome with the KT120 but I have 4 KT150 and was thinking about buying 4 more if the amp could handle the KT150s.  
KT150s in Audio Research Ref 110.
They said the plate current is to high for the power supply I believe.  
ARC LS26/27 vs BAT VK31SE
Update:  The LS26 has been a very nice addition and a great match for the Ref 110.  The overall sound is very cohesive and balanced.  My gut feeling was correct  :) 
Mark Levinson 27.5 versus modern day amps
There is something to be said for a beefy or brawny amp that exhibits eye candy, power and finesse.  The older Levinson amps are hard to beat in this regard IMO.  
2000-2500 USD budget for an integrated amplifier. Do amplifiers sound the same? :)
Low to mid watt tube integrated amp. Choices are many but Primaluna, Rogue and Raven Blackhawk should be on the shortlist.  Just my 2 cents because Klipsch are a relatively simple load.   
ARC LS26/27 vs BAT VK31SE
Quick update.  I will be trading my VK31SE for a LS26 very soon so I hope this is a good move.  I think it will but we'll see.  
Amp comparison
Well playing devils advocate a fellow Audiogoner has had both the Ref 150 and SE.  He preferred the 150.  Felt it was a overall tubier sounding amp.  
ARC Ref 110 with KT 150 tubes
Just in case anyone is still wondering the KT150 is NOT recommended in the Ref 110. I was told this 2 weeks ago by ARC.  
ARC LS26/27 vs BAT VK31SE
Thanks for the feedback so far. I can't afford the Ref Series preamps right now so that's why I'm around $3k or below. The BAT VK31SE I wouldn't consider it really tubey but musical and relatively neutral.  Of course this is my opinion.  Would lov... 
ARC LS26/27 vs BAT VK31SE
Thanks for the information guys. Wondering whether it's worth it to switch to a ARC preamp. The LS 26/27 series is in my price range.  
ARC LS26/27 vs BAT VK31SE
Does the ARC LS 26/27 have a more tube-like sound than the BAT in general?  What about soundstage, sense of attack, tonality, bass, etc...? 
Soliciting Member Perspectives: Levinson vs Bryston vs Audio Research
I have owned Levinson 27, 27.5 and 29 amps and 36 DAC.  All are great products and pride of ownership high.  Have never owned ARC until recently when I bought a Ref 110 amp. I have to say it is the best sounding amp I have ever owned but I like tu...