
Responses from s7horton

Music everywhere, too much?
Actually, I'm completely opposite. I want music everywhere. I can't get enough of it. The TV can be a little much at times, but honestly, my TV isn't on that much. 
Audiophile 2 channel Receiver?
Krell makes one. I believe it's the KVR 300? I know the 300 part is right, but I'm not sure about the KVR. I've heard it once. It sounded decent and it wasn't very large. Might be perfect for you. 
The Best Live album
One of my favorites has always been The Eagles - "Hell Freezes Over" 
Pre and Amp for Virgo II's
The time I heard them at their best is when they were paired with a Hovland HP 100 and a Music Reference RM 200 tube amplifier. They were incredible. Then, I brought them home, and couldn't make the magic work in my system. 
Looking for recommendations for CD player
You can probably pick up a Rotel RCD 1072 for about 600 brand new. It's an excellent player. 
++++Virgo II Owners++++
Hi, I had the virgos for a while. They were beat in my system by a pair of B&W Nautilus 805's. Then, I moved to the Signature 805's. In my system and my room, they weren't even close. I was very surprised at how much more detail the 805's had,... 
2 channel movie lstening;is it worth the sacrafice
I always watch movies in stereo. I couldn't care less about home theater. My main focus is on two channel music. I prefer the sound of my stereo for movies over the sound of my tv speakers. Because of that, if I were you, I would be investing in a... 
Best Monitor speaker - low volume level listening
You might want to check the archives. If I'm not mistaken there was quite a lengthy thread on this same subject. 
Why was Audiogon started?
Audiogon was started by a dealer in Ann Arbor, MI. So it kind of makes sense that it is going in the direction it is. I'm not so sure I care for it. A fews years back there were hardly any dealers. The one nice thing about all the dealers is that ... 
Paradigm Speaker Question:
To answer your question simply, there is a large difference between the studio 40 and the monitor line. Detail, openess, just to name a few. If it were me, I would, without a doubt, go with the studio line. 
Just got my B&W Signature 805's long
Hi, I too just bought a set of Sig 805's and love them. I'm looking for a different power amp and would love to hear some suggestions. 
Anyone own Eggleston Works Isabel?
Thanks, would you say they are similiar in sound to the Andras, just missing the bottom end? Thanks 
No Budget Amp?
I'm a little confused why you put a post up about a budget amp, when on the same day you posted a question about which integrated is the best of your list. And a couple days before you posted another "best integrated" thread. Are you building two ... 
Dual layer pause when playing DVD's?
My NAD T550 dvd player does the exact same thing. Luckily I'm an audiophile way before I'm a videophile. 
What version Paradigm Studio 20's
Version one has has rectangular grill. Version 2 has a rounded top on the grill. Version three does as well. Version three is not available in real wood finish if that helps. How old are they?