
Responses from s7horton

Help me spend my $1500, interated or separate?
I agree with the A300 comment. I think that would be a wise choice. My other advice would be to audition a Sim Audio I-5 integrated. I've heard they are magic with Dynaudio speakesr. 
Best Integrated for Audio Physic Virgo III?
I have one vote for the Musical Fidelity A308. I would take that over all the others listed in my opinion. I've heard it with the Virgo III's and thought it sounded great. 
blue collar workers
I run a huge construction crew in michigan as well. I guess the difference is all the side work I do is with my hands. So I guess you could say during the day I'm white collar and after work I'm blue collar. 
Speaker specs: Sensitivity, & Amp match
Elevick, I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure to double the perceived volume, an increase of 6 db is needed. Can anyone else confirm this? 
Feelings on Classe CDP 0.3
I owned the Classe CDP .3 and was less than impressed. I had a hard time getting rid of it as well. The CDP 10 is an awesome player. If you are sticking to the budget of the .3, you really should give a listen to the Rotel RCD 1072. It is incredib... 
Pathos Classic One
I had the newer 70 wpc version and didn't like it at all. It's got really good looks, but that's about it. I was using it to drive a pair of Meadowlark Audio Swift speakers and didn't have any luck. It was tough to get any kind of volume at all. D... 
ProAc Response 1SC vs. Revel M20
I can speak for the M20's as I have owned them twice. They sounded their best when I heard them with a Levinson integrated. I never owned it, just heard it demoed. They can be a little tough to drive, but are very worth it. The bass is very good f... 
Postal Money Order versus Bank Money Order ???
Bank money orders vary depending on the bank. My bank will cut me a money order for up to 1000 dollars. I've done this numerous times. After that, you have to either get more than one, or use a cashier's check. I don't get charged for any of them. 
Rotel 1072: Deserving of product of the year?
I own one and have to agree that it is pretty awesome. I'm tempted to upgrade, but think that for the money, it is very hard to beat. I put it up against my friend's Electro EMC1 UP. His comment after we compared the two was "it does everything ri... 
Postal Money Order versus Bank Money Order ???
I always ship bank money orders. My bank verifies that the money is as good as cash. I know that not everyone agrees with this. 
Best amp with Dynaudio
I've heard that Sim Audio mates well with Dynaudio speakers, although I don't know this first hand. If that is the case, you may want to look at the I-5 integrated. 
integrated or separate to match triangle NAIA
I've owned the Pathos. It seemed a little bright at times. It just didn't do anything for me, it seemed expensive for the sound that I got in my room. I've moved on since then, and have had numerous integrateds. I'm currently using the Musical Fid... 
Current Trends in multi thousand dollar speakers
Sean, this is the second time I've read about you going on in length about your feelings of Legacy. I could think of a couple companies I would like to say the same about, but why the public bashing more than once?Your beginning paragraph that sta... 
Help me setting up a 2 channel system
I'm using the signature 805 and can't say enough good about it. Especially if set up properly. There will be some people that say they don't like the sound or that is has the classic "B&W house sound". Either way, I'm thrilled with what I hear. 
Wadia Y'all think of Classe for 2 channel Preamps
You might want to hold out until all the new classe gear comes out in a month or so. The prices of used classe should drop drastically.