
Responses from s7horton

MF A300 to A308: notable improvement?
I can only share experience with the A308, and the A3 integrated amps, as those are the only ones I've owned. I had the 308 with two different speakers. First with the B&W Signature 805's and second with the Revel F30's. It was a great match f... 
Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor and Krell
I'm not so sure moving to the Dynaudio 1.3SE would be an upgrade. I would venture to guess it's actually a downgrade, I could be wrong though. 
What happens to speakers over time?
with the introduction of butyl rubber surrounds, it will be interesting to see if speakers need to be "re-foamed" anymore. My guess is probably not. 
HDCD, any new titles coming out?
I listen to almost all types of music. Most of it, however, is country. A lot of the recent country albums are HDCD. 
Went to see Bond last night-Don't criticize me yet
Does anyone know if their recordings are of decent quality? 
Advice.. Integrated vs Seperates - Low Budget..
I agree with Phil. Integrateds are the way to go for me. I've had numerous different integrateds, and have also had a few different separates systems. I like the simplicity of the intergrateds, the savings of not having to buy interconnets, and kn... 
YBA DT integrated vs. Musical Fidelity A308
I have a feeling the 308 will be more expensive on the used market. I owned one and just recently sold it. I'm kicking myself for doing so. I needed to downgrade to, so I went with an A3. I do know that if you go with the Audio Physic Virgos, the ... 
new gear vs used gear
I used to be 100% used. Now, I'm about 50/50. I buy used any chance the item I am looking for is available at a reasonable price. Lately, I've been buying new cheaper than I've seen used pieces listed here on audiogon. 
How Much Time do You Surf on Audiogon?
I'm good for about 1-2 hours per day. More on the weekends. Depending on how many new today listings there are. No ebay or asylum for me, I'm strictly audiogon, maybe that helps cut down some of the time. I tried to stay away. I lasted almost a we... 
Anyone heard about B&W revamping their 800 series
Yes, they are supposed to revamp the whole line. It will supposedly be a lot closer to the signature line. Similar to what happened when they changed from the CDM line to the 700 series. The 700 series moved a lot closer in performance to the 800 ... 
B&W Nautilus 805 Stand Advice
You'll probably get a lot of different responses. Some technical, and others based solely on experience. I've used lead shot, but have had a lot of interest in trying sand with lead shot, as the sand should fill in the spaces left by the shot. If ... 
Distance from the speakers to the seating position
The manual for my signature 805's says the best location is like Beavis said, at the apex of an equilateral triangle. I always thought I should be farther back. I tried it then and found that it did sound best for me right at the apex. 
Looking for a speaker under $1000. used.
I agree with Soliloquy. That would be my first choice. Also, there is B&W 603 S3. Some used meadowlark can be found at that price. 
Dynamic monitors for Audio Refinement Complete
I've owned the audio refinement numerous times. I still love it. I had it paired with some B&W CDM 1NT's with some great success. If you can afford to jump up to the N805's, I would go that route. The s N805's will be even better when you can ... 
Multichannel amp s for an all B&W system?
I think classe amps have exactly what you are looking for. Plus, they have great synergy with your speakers. Perhaps the CA-201?