
Responses from s7horton

Paradigm Signature S4: Any info please
I heard it at my local dealer while they were demoing it to decided if they wanted to include the signature line in their inventory. I am a huge fan of paradigm speakers and have owned multiple pairs. I thought the signature line sucked. They were... 
Mus. Fidelity A3.2 or Krell KAV 4000xi integra-amp
Likwise, the Musical Fidelity A308 can be had for the same used price as the Krell. I would take that over the A3.2 anyday. I know Kevin at Upscale Audio has had one advertised here without much luck of selling it. 
Whatever happened to REAL "owners manuals" ???
I believe that Audio Physic sends graphs along to help with room placement. Nice, since most everything is side firing woofers from them. 
Integrated For Revel M20s
I'm using a Musical Fidelity A308 with some F30's and am pretty happy with it. When I had M20's I was using an audio refinement complete integrated with pretty good success. I also owned the Pathos Classic One (version 2), although not while I had... 
In wall speakers?
B&W makes their impressive signature line for in wall speakers. They also make a box that goes inside the wall that is optional that dramatically increases the sound. I had the luxury of listening to them at my local dealer. If I had to go in ... 
Your favorite but unknown
Glen Phillips. Used to be the lead singer of Toad the Wet Sproket. His first solo album was named Abulum. He has a great sense of humor, and his music is enjoyable to listen to. Not the best recording, but part of the fun of being an audiophile is... 
Candid opinions regarding Kharma Ceramique 2.2
I'm sure you'll get a lot more experience from other audiophiles on this site, but I'll share my thoughts. I have heard some very expensive Kharmas. They were run by Tenor 75 watt monoblocks. At that point, it was, by far, the best system I've hea... 
what speaker cables with AP Libra/Virgo &
Try some analysis plus crystal oval 8's. I think you might like them. 
Parasound Vs Adcom
If you hold out long enough, you can probably find a used parasound A23. I'd say that is by far your best bet. I would think 125 wpc at 8 ohms would be enough to drive boston acoustics in wall speakers. 
What 2 Channel Receiver would be a good choice?
Oh yeah, thanks for the correction Ellery, KVR was all I could remember, but it didn't sound right to me either. 
What 2 Channel Receiver would be a good choice?
Well, since you didn't mention a budget, I'll offer what I think is probably the best two channel reciever out there. It is made by Krell, and I believe the model number is KVR-300. I think you can find them for around 2K used. New I think they ar... 
wilson vs competitor battle demo
Wilson has done this more than once. In fact, I think he does it at almost every show. It's very important to point out that just because the competition with driven with 7k worth of electronics doesn't mean it was good synergy. It is quite possib... 
How do I design a home audio system?
I've done two of them myself. I'm not sure you could get it done for 1000 dollars. That won't cover the cost of speakers, wires, and volume controls. You may want to consider doing less rooms at once if budget is a big issue. I'm in the middle of ... 
Who Would Have Thought?
Quite a few manufacturers make a radio similar to this. DeWalt and Milwaukee to name just a few. They all charge cordless tool batteries while they play music. I work in construction. Pretty much every subcontractor I use has music on at some poin... 
Amp for my Salons
I wonder if the salon/436 system wasn't set up right. When I heard that system it was awesome. I would stick with Levinson all the way with Revel. One of the best "synergy" systems I've heard in a long while...