
Responses from s7horton

recommendations for Paradigm Studio 20 V2
Why not use the 20's all the way around? If that is too much money, try the cheaper, but not lesser, paradigm mini monitor. 
How long to burn in Rotel rcd 1072?
If you bought from a dealer, you may want to take it back and question them. I just recently picked up the same player and am so happy I can't believe it. I was sceptical of a Rotel player, and heard nothing but good about this one. The night I pl... 
Musical Fidelity A3 vs A3.2 Integrated?
Steve, if I'm not mistaken, the A300 is actually 150 wpc. 
B&W 804 with ???
What about Classe? They seem to mate very well with B&W. Something about synergy with sister companies that you can't get elsewhere. Just something to think about. I think the CAP 151 would have enough power for your 804's. 
Amping JM Reynaud Twins II
Audio Refinement Complete. The last one I bought I was able to pick up at 500 shipped. I think you would like the match. A similar sound to tubes, but with solid state power to back it up. 
Cambridge Audio, Rotel, Arcam-apples and oranges?
I do know that I really never seriously considered any Rotel players until I heard the RCD 1072. It is one sweet player. I believe it does a better job than the Classe CDP .3 and also the Musical Fidelity A3. Atleast in my system. 
New vs Used when buying please share thoughts
I'm pretty sure everyone hear is going to suggest audiogon as the place to buy used. I also think that most people here will suggest buying used instead of new. When you consider the fact that you can usually find a mint condition product for half... 
Please give me your 2 cents...budget 30-50k
I'm not so sure the Parasound Halo gear belongs in your list. I love it, and own three of their pieces, but with 30-50 thousand to play with, I think you might be able to do a little bit better 
Integrated tube vs. solid state for Martin Logans
I had the Aerius I speaker for a while and found that they did not sound that great with tubes. Granted, I wasn't using a super expensive integrated. It was an antique sound labs that retails for 1200. Peronsally, if you can afford it, I would def... 
Audio Physics Virgo owners
Personally I would give them more power. I started with a 50 wpc integrated and have moved up to a 125 wpc (8 ohms) and it helped quite a bit. 
B&W Nautilus Update?
I would imagine it is the entire series. I heard that they are trying to compete more with their signature line, especially since the new 700 series closely rivals the Nautilus line. (Not my opinion, just what I heard) 
Monitor or fullrange ?
Green Mountain EuropaB&W CDM 1 SEParadigm Studio 20 V.3Monitor Audio Silver S1I believe any of these would do a fine job. 
Small diameter, flexible speaker cable under $200?
Maybe Kimber 4TC? The 4 is about half the size of the 8TC and sounds pretty good. Many strands without large shielding make it fairly flexible in my experience. 
Ever gone from seperates to an integrated?
Let's not forget that going to an integrated doesn't mean taking a loss in power, always. The best example is the Musical Fidelity Tri Vista. 
Good CD Player for UR Unico
you might want to give the rega planet a listen. You might be surprised. Also, I think you can find the jupiter in your price range every now and again.