
Responses from s7horton

How much difference between balanced XLR and RCA
Check with your manufacturer, some that I know of say that their component is designed to run either balanced or singled ended better than the other, but offer both ways for connection. Musical Fidelity for one beileves that their components sound... 
Detroit, Michigan
I'm in Grand Rapids, but up for the drive if audio is involved..I know a couple other guys that are near the detroit area that may be up for it as well. 
jm lab mezzo /passlabs 600-good synergy?
I agree with Ramy, I was going to suggest the YBA passion mnonoblocs. 
Rotel RCD1072 / Cambridge Azur640C / Micromega CD3
I can only comment on the Rotel, since that is the only one I've tried in your list. It is, in my mind, a great player. I'm fairly happy with every aspect of it in my system. I don't even know how it compares in price to the others listed above, b... 
Cremona Auditors and Tubes
I would image, although I've never heard them paired together, that tubes would make the auditors a little too warm? I'm anxious to hear other people's responses. 
which amp for 12,500
With B&W, Classe Omega is a must audition. 
Homemade amp switcher
Not every power switch on amplifiers kills all the current. Some will just go into standby mode. Jeff rowland comes to mind. 
Advice on Budget System for newbie
If it were me, I would upgrade one component at a time. If you can afford to spend 800 now, I would work on the amplification, then when you can afford to, upgrade the cd player. There are many good integrateds in your price range. Audio Refinemen... 
Besides Audio, what other ''passion'' do you have?
Mijknarf, you and I have a lot in common. I'm into wood working hard core. I've designed and built every piece of furniture in my apartment including the stands for my signature 805's. My taste ranges from mission to shaker and everything in betwe... 
Speakers to replace B&W N804s ?????
Give a listen to the Signature 805 before you leave the B&W line. It is by far the best speaker I've ever owned. If you really need something other than B&W, my suggestion is Audio Physic. Either the Yara, or the Tempo. I think you would b... 
No Audiophiles in Hollywood
Besides the Martin Logans on Friends, they also had some blue room mini pods. Those replaced the martin logans. I thought for a while that the towers in "As Good As It Gets" were the real expensive Sony towers. What Woman What does have Madrigal g... 
Best $500-$700 amp/preamp or integrated
Mcfavre4, I believe the model number from Rotel is the RA-1062. The now famous cd player is the RCD-1072. Or, do I have it confused? 
Can satellite radio be connected to DAC?
Yes, if you have it broadcast over a satellite dish. I don't believe the simple home units have a digital output, but the motorla box does. 
B&W 805 versus Dynaudio 52SE
I totally agree with Richard. The signature 805 is leaps and bounds better the than 805. People that say it is only a finish upgrade don't know about the B&W line, because that is not true. For starters, all you to have to do is look at the bi... 
Best $500-$700 amp/preamp or integrated
Parasound is a little bright for my taste, except the new halo series, which I think is incredible. I usually recommend the audio refinement complete in your price range. It is exactly as you describe, a warm transistor sound. However, I'm a littl...