
Responses from s7horton

Best stand mounted monitors
At first, I was going to recommend the M20, since I've owned it twice. But, with tubed gear, unless you have tons of power, I don't think you'll be happy. The Decapos would probably be my choice of you list above. Have you had a chance to hear the... 
Speaker Upgrade Suggestion
I think that if given the correct amount of power, you'll find the N803's will probably surpass the N804's. Just a guess, however. My suggestion is a little lower than your specified price, but I wouldn't be hesitant to look at the Paradigm line. ... 
Recommendations to drive Dynaudio Special 25
I've heard the good things about the Hovland Sapphire with the special 25's. Especially if you want to move to the HP 100 for a line stage. 
Good sounding carrousel cd player??
Well, if you don't have to have a carrousel, look at the anthem CD-1. There was one posted here just a couple days ago. It's a six disc changer, elevator style. It sounds very good. 
Amplifier recommendations for Adcom/Paradigm Ref.
I would have to agree about the parasound. If you are open to other suggestions, look for a used bryston 4b st. 
Jolida JD302B - Speaker Choice
I agree, the Siverlines would be worth looking into. I would also consider looking at Coincindent and also the Soliloquy line. Either the 5.0 bookshelf speaker or the 5.3 floor standing speaker. 
Narrowing down floorstander selection.
I agree that the M20 is a fantastic speaker. I've owned it twice. I'm sure the F30 is good as well, although I haven't heard it. I would personally recommend the audio physic virgo. Used they can be had for about 2200 and will have the bass you ar... 
integrated amp that matches well w/ Soliloquy 5.3s
I think the Unison would be a great match. Perfect amount of power unless you really crank it and will smooth out that brightness you are refering to. Also, don't be afraid to give a listen to the YBA line of integrateds. They can have the warm so... 
What amp for Paradigm Studio 60 v.2?
Anthem isn't made by Paradigm, but they do own them. I would suggest Anthem as well. Fantastic value. I would try to find a used Bryston before I went with a Rotel or a B&K. Anthem has such great value, I don't think I would look anywhere else... 
Speaker setup for HT in $2000 range
I compltetly agree with the paradigm suggestion. I would definetely go that route. Reference or monitor line - they are both excellent. 
$250-$400 CD player recommendations?
I second the Music Hall CD 25. For the money, I don't think it can be beat. The Rega Planet is good, but there are so many newer players out there that cost less and sound better. 
Upgrading from Tyler Ref Monitors
I think the Virgo III would fit perfect here. Not sure if you've had a chance to hear them or not, but they are pretty sweet. To keep it in your price range you might want to look at a used pair of Virgo II's. 
Moving Out of Matrix 805's
If I were you, these are what I would consider:Signature 805Revel M20Sonus Faber Auditor 
Best speakers for $500 or less
Without a doubt, I would look for a used pair of Paradigm Studio 20's. Version 1 or 2. 
Powering Audio Physic Virgos
Thanks for the comments. The room is about 12x18. The amplifier is a 50 wpc Audio Refinement Complete integrated. The Audio Physic is a 4 ohm speaker, so the amp is actually rated somewhere around 90 wpc at 4 ohms. I listen to all kinds of music, ...