
Responses from rockvirgo

60's/70's Talking/Singing Story Ballads
Shirelles?/The Leader of the Pack and The Beatles/Rocky Racoon. 
alternatives to spikes on wood floors?
Thanks Karls, I better put the kettle on. Did I mention how handy $100 bills are for lighting the stove? 
whatz up with hi-end speakers near walls?
I'm fed up watching the soundstage. It's too demanding. I'd rather relax and listen. Last night I moved the speakers alot closer to the back wall to unfocus the image and attain the blur that's closer to the real thing. The darn thing is still ima... 
Filling my speaker stands to weigh it down?
Yep, empty cavities have a tendency to resonate. So while you're at Home Depot checking out the kiddie sand, which typically contains pebbles and is stored outside in the damp, for a coupla dollars more splurge for the contractor's grade silica sa... 
alternatives to spikes on wood floors?
To make leveling with spikes possible without puncturing the wood floor, I chamfered eight pennies in their centers with a quarter inch drill bit and put these under my spikes. Cheap and easy! 
Threshold Fet 10 pPC vs Fet 10 Pe Phono Pre?
Maybe this will help. Back in the late 1980's Threshold offered two preamps, the FET nine and FET ten. These had silver badges. The FET nine came with a built in phono section. In the top of the line FET ten, you could buy the line level or the ph... 
Pristine Jazz
Warrenh, here are two CD's from ECM that'll keep you out of trouble for a couple of hours: Arild Andersen/If You look Far Enough (ECM 1493) and Charles Lloyd/Canto (ECM 1635). 
The Biggest Disappointments in Rock and Roll
Tweakgeek you sound like one unhappy camper. The best thing that ever happened to me after 1971 was getting turned on to jazz. It started with McCoy Tyner or Roland Kirk, and it took a while to get it, but I know I'd be one sad puppy if I was stil... 
Where have all the protest songs gone?
Give Natalie Merchant's Motherland a spin if you crave some not-too-happy-about-it social commentary. 
Question for Velvet Underground fans
The song title is ROCK & ROLL from the 1970 Velvet Underground LP LOADED on Cotillion Records, SD 9034. The big hit on the album is SWEET JANE. It's the only VU record I ever broke down and bought. Whether it sounds better on LP or vinyl is a ... 
Has the wool ever been pulled over YOUR eyes?
Too bad Loose, we all get sheared now and then. Can you say baaaaa?Recently I got a "mint condition" AES/EBU interconnect on eBay: hmmm, this is odd, the XLR is rotating freely at one end but it won't come apart. Well, after destroying the connect... 
Cassette deck head wear
Using TDK MA, the average level on rock rides around 6-7. I'm happy with the level so long as the ten bar only momentarily flashes. I haven't tried the MA-X's rationalizing that my deck, the least of the three-head designs, would not take full ben... 
Cassette deck head wear
Wow Inna, 500 hours is incredible. I feel I'm pushing my luck if I wait 50. Nak recommends cleaning every ten hours.Dolby C was relatively new on the scene when I got my Nak. The extra 6dB of published signal to noise ratio for C vs. B sold me. I ... 
would this Deter you from buying used gear????
Bravo to those who recognized the identity theft problem. I recently attended a neighborhood crime prevention talk hosted by the local constabulary. Its representative warned us not to use our cars as briefcases for personal documents to prevent i... 
Cassette deck head wear
Don't worry Inna. You'll know your heads are worn if, after cleaning and demagnetizing, and worse case, re-aligning the deck, it no longer sounds as good as the source material. I firmly believe that the rate of head wear is largely dependent on t...