
Responses from rockvirgo

Where do you draw the line???
People who need to draw the line seldom convince me of anything, except that they seek validation, which makes them even less convincing. Tubes and the way they sound fascinate me but no way will I ever put a time bomb into my system just because ... 
Which artists do you just not get?
Most gazillionaires have a time honored method for keeping in touch with the beat on the street: they quiz their chauffeurs! :^) 
Are Audio Dealers Missing the Boat?
Sounds like a good option. I'm sure some well heeled buyers and sellers would prefer to avoid dealing with the unwashed public altogether. On the other hand, involving a salesperson in your transaction could be like inviting a cat to the mouse pic... 
Proac D15 versus....
I've got 2000 Signatures. While shopping, the dealer had none in stock but the nice sound of the 1.5 convinced me to get them. The down firing port in the D15 scares me off. Does placing it over hardwood or wall-to-wall carpet make a difference? T... 
Which artists do you just not get?
Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart. I've heard isolated cuts that were incredibly musical, but never was able to connect with the contexts these artists created. 
what is a good sound stage suppose to sound like?
With a well recorded soundstage you'll be able to localize sounds coming from lots of different places between and behind your speakers. For example, with a drum solo the high hat may seem somewhere in the right quadrant and the floor toms somewhe... 
Has audiophilia changed your music taste?
My tastes have changed over the years. And because I've always been interested in music reproduction that surely has something to do with it. My folks had a heavy wooden console stereo when I was growing up. Like Gunbei, we had the first stereo re... 
How to not stub your toe -in
ProAc offers a simple way to toe the line: angle the speakers until you can't see their sides. Of course some speakers sound, and look, better firing full on forward. To make moving them around easy, put pennies under the spikes. 
Jethro Tull "Aqualung" Shoot out results
While visiting the UK, my folks brought me a copy of Genesis/...and then there were three... on Charisma; CDS4010. It's remarkably lower in volume compared to all my other LP's. It too sounds muffled until you turn it up to compensate. An English ... 
Jethro Tull "Aqualung" Shoot out results
Thanks Johnny, keep the 'em coming! 
Dealer needs input, next wave of gear?
I have a friend who's already uploaded all his CD's to his iMac. He says he's got no use for DAC's and is happy with the convenience and sound quality. He never was much of an audiofile per se, but he had at least 1000 CD's. He mostly prefers to r... 
We all want to change the world. Really?
From the liner notes of Keith Jarrett/The Survivors' Suite :"And those that create out of the holocaust of their own inheritance anything more than a convenient self-made tomb shall be known as 'Survivors'."The revolution will not be televised. 
New Fleetwood Mac album, any opinions?
It's lackluster in spots, alarmingly bad in others and transferred at high level. The occasional old timey tremolo is neat-o. The whole thing sounded better the second time I listened, skipping about 25% with the track button. Her tunes are better... 
PayPal Surcharge
Sugarbrie is right on it. In general, I'm all for venting about injustice but why whine about Paypal on the surcharge deal? They are simply protecting their ability to accept Mastercard/Visa which, like it or not, sets the rules of the credit card... 
Fairport Convention fans - help
For years I've been looking for the "elephant" album on CD and couldn't find it. Now I know why. The Expletive Delighted site is wonderful. Thanks to all for the confirmation and enlightenment!The latest CD remaster is tempting but apparently shav...