
Responses from rockvirgo

PayPal Surcharge
Thanks for your post. My gut reaction when I see the Paypal surcharge in an ad is problematic, nickel-dime seller. It becomes especially ridiculous on items priced under a couple of hundred bucks.Credit card processing is an arcane and labyrinthin... 
CD playing Rituals
My collection consists of over 800 CD's. My CD ritual consists of sometimes carrying the remote to my listening position before pressing the play button. Doing so occasionaly heightens the dramatic effect. Wish I could say more but I've never felt... 
Older Nakamichi Gear ?? Stasis ??
I enjoyed a Nak CD Player2 for many years and especially liked the MusicBank feature. It conveyed emotion moreso than the asian entry level CD Player it replaced. The Nak presented an undistorted but entirely flat soundstage. Addition of a quality... 
Power cord? Why?
cfmartin,try these simple exercises with the cords you already have and see if they change the overall sound of your system:1. put the heaviest gauge cords on the most current hungry components. mine are all marked 16/3 or 18/3. 16 is heavier. the... 
Every make a purchase you truly regret?
Yes, once upon a time I was resurrecting my Dual 1219 turntable after a period of inactivity. So it seemed like time for a new cartridge. Up to that point I'd had a Shure M91E, a parade of Stanton 681EEE's, an occasional Grado, and an Ortofon TM20... 
Kimber cable owners Is my cable 8TC or 4TC ??
If you meant they have eight blue and eight black wires at the amp end, you have internally biwired 8TC. 
What is the difference between DCC and MFSL lp's?
Based on a comparison of the original LP to its Gold CD reissue, DCC gets my vote for higher quality. DCC's Cream/Wheels of Fire is more vivid with a clearer, more lively rendition. Oddly, MFSL's Derek & the Dominoes/Layla is a disappointment ... 
Warm vs. Analytical
Asdf and Zman this sounds like the chicken and the egg to me. Which came first, the warm sounding recording or the warm sounding speaker? Interesting thought loop. 
Warm vs. Analytical
When the system is overly warm you're left with a "it can sound better than this" uneasy feeling. Too analytical and you have lots of "wow, listen to that!" distracting experiences.Warm is too much forest. Analytical is too many trees. 
Sweet Baby James, ever remastered ?
Dunno either, but I've always thought the CD transfer on Warner Bros. 1843-2 sounded remarkably good too. Except for the "napalm bomb" line, great album! 
RCA vs XLR which would say is the BEST?????
A lot of the NOT truly balanced preamps still generate twice the gain at the XLR outputs. This may reduce the useful range of your volume control. Check the specs to see if the output of the Bryston doubles between the RCA and XLR outs. Then let y... 
Slight hiss when amp on and system off.
Don't worry at all. It's normal. A word of caution - don't advance the volume beyond your maximum listening level just to hear how much noise it makes. Some amps/speakers freak when the gate is wide open with no signal. 
Jazzfest in Molde Norway
If you're still out there, here's one that was just released:Terje Rypdal/Lux Aeterna; ECM Records 1818; 60:47; recorded live at Molde Domkirke, July 19, 2000 and commissioned by the Molde Jazz Festival.Rypdal/guitar; Palle Mikkelborg/trumpet; Ive... 
What's up with the analog "echo" phenomenon?
It's part of the vinyl experience. The sound you hear is in the adjacent, upcoming groove. 
Equipment fetish
Bemo I feel for ya. My condition eventually got so bad that I had enuf stuff for three complete systems. As time wore on, my ex got all the B units when we split and I sold off the C units at giveaway prices. By some miracle of good taste and judg...