
Responses from rockvirgo

Best way s to clean CD's? Any updates?
News flash - On a recent visit to the new & used CD shop in my town the proprietor was using a grinder/polisher specially designed to make beat-up CD's look new. From a distance, it resembles one of those water centrifuges they have at some la... 
Hendrix blues
The latest splash in the Experience Hendrix pond is Blue Wild Angel, the complete 18-cut Isle of Wight Concert on 2 CD's in original festival programming. On vinyl too. It contains Hey Joe and Red House. Here's a blurb from the previous, incomplet... 
Is it worth it?
A day or so ago someone listed ProAc 2000 signatures in birds eye maple at a fair price. A salesperson once told me their designer voices the whole line using Audio Research tube gear. Give em a try until you figure out how to spend 3x as much.You... 
B-wire - four cables or jumpers?
Ok, let's add this to the puzzle: electrical devices draw current when processing electrical energy. Assuming an inexhaustible supply and an amplitude of signal to process, the load dictates the energy flow. No load, no flow. This explains why you... 
B-wire - four cables or jumpers?
When you use one set of speaker leads all the current passes thru the same wires. When you split the leads for high and low frequencies, each carries only the current it uses because the high and low frequency drivers have different appetites for ... 
What's simplest effective record cleaning process
Dust them with anything that leaves no residue before you play. I use a dry Discwasher to pick up the loose & hairy bits. Spin the disc, rotate the brush during contact, wipe the brush in the opposite direction on your jeans - viola; clean rec... 
If you insist on using those cables that don't match your speakers, switch one set of bananas to spades, tighten down the spades, slip in the bananas, and you're in business. FWIW, in ancient, utilitarian times many banana pins incorporated female... 
Does equipment get old?
From my memory of the Last Whole Earth catalog: The flow of energy through a system tends to organize it.I put a 1970 Dynaco Stereo 120 in the attic that worked fine when I stashed it. Years later, the moment I fired it up it lost a channel. The o... 
Sound quality of Rhino Records remasters?
When faced with a choice between the original CD and the Rhino reissue on the used market, the Rhino always gets the nod. Added plus, they usually contain some bonus selections. Most recent used Rhino purchase: Iron Butterfly / In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida ... 
No more music CDs without copy protection
Hoarder alert! Sounds like soon we'll have the pleasure of distinguishing pre- and post-protection CD's on the used market.I'll betcha that once the protected kind are unmasked as inferior for high rez playback BMG will offer "approved" unprotecte... 
need help with vinyl
Once you've cleaned your records there's little need to use the fluid every time. It's ok to use the dry brush to pick up bits of dust. Back in the good old Discwasher days I wetted the brush ever time like the directions said. Then my pal in the ... 
OT: History / slang terms and what they all mean
very entertaining, thanks sean.more diversions...confucious say:"though many are cold few are frozen"and"many man smoke but fumanchu" 
20th Anniversary of CD Today
Imagine the day a genuine replacement for the CD ever catches on and how loony the starved-for-software CD freaks will sound... well lessee, I have a $199 MII (musical implant interface; perfect mind forever) but no way does Britney's grandaughter... 
Why bi-wiring is bad
The advantage of biwiring is that the high and low frequency drivers have dedicated leads to carry their differing current needs. Speakers are NOT fed or forced anything. Electricity wants to run to ground. When an audio circuit is complete the ju... 
Woofer pumping - what gives?
Thanks to all for the responses. Mike's description of the exponential phenomenon is spot on. I ran some comparisons tonight and the dramatic looking woofer-wubbing occurs only at rock-approved levels or slightly below; equally with the dustcover ...