
Responses from rockvirgo

Danny Kirwan
A search over at Tower looks like he released a record in 2000 titled Ram Jam City. Future Games is my most played FM album. 
Fleetwood Mac - Say You Will- Your Thoughts?
Read it and weep: 
Good ROCK speakers
If you'd prefer something more modern try KEF speakers. I had a pair of Q90's that really liked to be driven hard. KEF called that model a no-compromise design. I regularly blasted mine and never found their upper limits. KEF used to make a big de... 
How to clean the exterior of an amp?
Ordinary window cleaner with ammonia works well. Splurge for Windex!To actually polish chromed or painted surfaces use a clearcoat-safe car wax like Meguiar's Cleaner/Wax. Avoid grit-bearing cleaners like Brasso and silver polish unless you're in ... 
High End Audio Equipment, Status Symbol?
Rb, post your system and you'll discover why the MSRP's are with the components listed. 
Analog Guys: Why Kimber?
Maybe some of the analog dudes recall simpler times. New components used to come with cables. They did the job and as long as they weren't intermittant you thanked your lucky stars. And back then, the only consideration in speaker cables was the g... 
driver moving too much
Looks alarming doesn't it? I've been coping with this phenomemon for decades and doubt it does any harm. I asked a trusted friend about it and he said all turntables exhibit woofer pumping to one degree or another. Perhaps Mara can address the ele... 
how does paypal work
Paypal works wonderfully in an auction situation provided the seller provides fixed shipping charges beforehand. When the auction ends there is nothing for the buyer and seller to waffle over and no time waiting for the payment to arrive; the buye... 
If it's not already clear, a pre/pro has a home theater use a stereo-only preamp lacks. 
Checking Anti-Skate?
The skating setting is always a compromise between the lead and final grooves. I set mine by hovering the tonearm over the middle of the LP, raising and lowering the arm to see what direction it wants to go, then setting the skating where it tends... 
NOS tubes, why can't modern tubes sound better?
I heard the wood laid in the canals in venice for at least a century before it was fileted to make the great instruments of yore. For tubes, I'll bet they simply cull fewer of the slugs from each run than they used to. So your chances of getting j... 
balanced cables
The end of a balanced signal chain compares the positive signal phase to its mirror, and negative phase, and rejects anything else it may have acquired along the way as noise. This technique requires precise circuit matching and costs $$$. To take... 
Re-recording ancient reel to reel tape?
Added wrinkle: with the recorder set to record, tape rolling or paused, and the earphone plugged in, the feed through the microphone sounds fine and responds to level adjustments. There's still barely any level on the tape. Help! 
How do you get past the pops and hiss of LPs?
Switch from classical to rock to drown out the sound of the hardware. 
What hurts a speaker?
Here is a rule of thumb: if you regularly drive your system into distortion, eventually it will break.Most commonly, pushing an underpowered amp to the point of distortion causes excessive heat inside the tweeters. The heat melts the tiny wires in...