
Responses from rockvirgo

Why can't I hear 20 years of phono 'progress'??
Before jumping to any hasty conclusions, make sure you minutely set the precise interface angle twixt the frammistat and the jammostan :^)Actually, as the satisfied owner/operator of a 30-plus year old Dual 1219, your comparative results are music... 
Cables - When Did it All Start?
In my experience, Gold-ends were the first ever "fru fru" interconnects, circa 1975. They had a thick, black rubbery outer insulation, coil spring strain reliefs and gold plated, solid metal RCA's: basically everything the OEM and Radio Shack cabl... 
Can you buy a quiet fan for amp?
Last time I looked Radio Shack had quiet AC fans, about 4 inches square with twin leads. Just add power cord! 
Songs of the sea and shanties
Procul Harem/A Salty Dog is an inspired rock album filled with nautical allusions of nearly Wagnerian proportions. The early BeeGees song Odessa is about an 1800's shipwreck, but unlike A Salty Dog does not carry the seafaring theme past the openi... 
Does your system reflect your personality?
Nope, it's not perfect! 
Please explain upsampling CDs
For your further edification read this one: 
hardwood floors and spikes
Pennies work well. After time they do require replacement. The first time around I chamfered the pennies with a drill but now I just set the spikes in the center of the Lincoln Memorial. For extra thickness spring for nickels. 
Solid state design options...
1, 4 and 5 are bare minimums for a nice amp. 2 is cool if you can balance the entire signal chain. 3 is nice if you can live with the heat and the electric bill. If you dig spec'ing out solid-state amps, compare the number of output devices/channe... 
converting to gitital
Prior to going digital I scored a new 3-head recorder and transferred 200 of my fave albums to metal cassette tape. 15 years later I still play the tapes alot. Even though my TT is all hooked up I seldom fuss with the LP's. Color me spoiled. LP's ... 
Feel vs. Think - take an objective look...
Interesting thread. In the classroom whenever I prefaced an answer with "I think" more often than not the clever educator ensconced for my enlightenment would interject "You think?! Don't you know?!" In the age of instant karma, delving past the f... 
Best RCA female output connector.....a CD player ?
The Tiffany line of connectors are quite nice and come in a variety of diameters. Mate gold male and female and never fret over an oxydized silver connector again. 
Make me feel better
Don't feel bad, at least it was an accident. Out of curiosity, I removed the stylus assembly from a Grado cartridge and a bunch of fibrous grey stuff came out with it - total loss. 
Rebuilt laser any good?
The nice Theta guy's 95% was in response to the fact that the CDM-9 pro is no longer available. Has anyone else been there, done that? 
Dynaco owners please comment
The Stereo 120 originally came as a kit or assembled. The A stands for assembled, meaning it came that way from the factory. I've no idea what the C stands for.Use 0000 steel wool to de-rust the chrome and chase it with a clearcoat-safe car wax li... 
Which Classic Componets Would You Collect?
The ones I have already :^)