
Responses from rives

Hum and hiss with Rives Parc
We did receive an e-mail yesterday and responded to it yesterday. Some of the suggestions you've already tried. Others have to do with other equipment in the system that we have found issues with. Because the answer does speak about some specific ... 
Our we Lazy?
I like both. My reference system is based on solid state, Levinson Ref 20.0 bi-amped with Krell KMA 160 on the bottom. You can see the reference system here. My office system consists of VAC auricle monoblocks a passive pre-amp, and Talon Hawks. I... 
Breaking into the industry
While Ttrhp was joking, Best Buy actually has some of the best sales training out there. Go to a Best Buy--you'll find the sales people are friendly and knowledgeable, and if they don't know the answer they will find someone that does. Going to a ... 
HELP Setting up my home studio
There are a variety of good sites out there to help you on your quest. I don't think Audiogon is the best one. Here is one: Home Recording 
Good percussion
Mickey Hart Dafos. It's on reference recordings. I like it much better than Planet Drum. Planet drum is leaning towards a techno industrial kind of mix, where as Dafos is more exploritory in full percussion--not just drums. It's also a great quali... 
A question to you all........
Rives Audio will be there. At CES Audiogon did put people's monikers on their badges--actually it was Stacy, and pretty much everyone was more than happy to have Stacy do this. It was nice to be able to find and meet some A'goners there. Hopefully... 
Thoughts about these forums
Wow--some people can just babble on about just about anything without ever actually saying a thing! What was that all about? Did it have anything to do with audio at all?Just kidding JD. I couldn't help it--your thread left it wide open for that one. 
Don't get floor standers. Get quality bookshelf/monitors that will match your center channel (you should mention what the other speakers are). Set up the citation will all speakers small and crossover at 80 Hz to the sub. This will be the best for... 
Speaker distance and tow in?????/
Here's an article we wrote on this subject that might be helpful.Loudspeaker Placement 
King of the Hill
I recently saw Natalie MacMasters (great concert by the way). She played at our rotary club that afternoon before the concert that evening (really cool). Someone asked her about her fiddle. She discussed it and her bow. Her bow costs $17k, and she... 
Bookshelf vs Floorstand speakers for HT????
I would go bookshelf for that application and line up the tweeters. Use 2 subs if you can. 
15" vs 18" subwoofer - which to buy?
Eldartford: I probably didn't state things very clearly. You are correct, it's not really inertia in the classical sense, rather it's the amount of current needed in the voice coil to get the driver moving in the first place. You have to overcome ... 
15" vs 18" subwoofer - which to buy?
Your question is now much more difficult. Since cost is not an issue, go with 2 subs. Now which sub is not so easy. It depends on the volume of the room, the size of the cone, and the subwoofer design itself. The first two are pretty easy. Suffice... 
speaker cable that will soften the highs
I agree with Rsbeck and Newbee. Occupational hazard thought, since we are an acoustical design group. However, I also agree with Newbee, that you may just have some very fundamental issues that you can tackle yourself. See our resource page for m... 
CD burning from a CD to improve audio quality .
Yamaha recorders are fantastic, so are the Mitsui gold. This is what we use for our masters for our Test CD. Will it improve a current CD? That is very debateable. I'm not even going to open that can of worms. But I can confirm that the Yamaha and...