
Responses from rives

"GoldWave" : Good for recording LPs to CD?
Try this link:CFB softwareThe LP recorder and ripper work very well for what you are trying to achieve I think. Pretty cost effective product too. I know people that have used it and like it very much. I do not know about the Goldwave. 
How long can you go with a phono cable?
This is the most sensitive cable in the system for the reason you mentioned--very low signal. I think most agree that cables do make a difference, and in my experience this cable it's a difference x2 or more. Shorter is better which is why most ar... 
Why is it so much more civil over here on Agon?
There were a few people that flamed around here on occasion. Two things happened. One was the moderators which not only would remove their comments if they were too far out of line, but would remove that person's moniker from the site. Of course, ... 
New Apple Lossless encoder??
I believe John Atkinson did an objective test on this as well, where he actually looked at the bits that were encoded and then decoded using the lossless compression and comparing it to the original data file. He found that it did retain all infor... 
Traps vs Equalizer
It's true--even at Rives we believe no equalizer is the best equalizer. Unfortunately, for low frequency problems sometimes that isn't possible. You have to get the bass right. It really is fundamental. We always concern ourselves with bass issues... 
You might be an audiophile if...
You have your entire LP and CD list downloaded to your palm pilot and take it with you shopping so you won't buy any more duplicates. (guilty) 
You might be an audiophile if...
You called Rives Audio to assist on the selection of your last home purchase (you'd be surprised how many times we've done this now).You're designing a new home and you spend more time with Rives Audio than you do with your architect on the remain... 
Man, am i losing my hearing?
Glad to have you back here Slappy. You said you were in the military. Did you have anything to do with morter shells or rocket launchers? These can have a drastic effect on hearing. I knew someone that was in the military and fired morter shells--... 
Building a Music server
I have not done a server, but have used the U24. It's excellent. I can highly recommend it for any computer based audio application. 
Listening Nirvana in Tiny Hideaway Room
Small rooms require a lot of engineering to get them to work. You also have to use appropriate speakers. Typically 2 way monitors. We did a small room which was less than 13 x 16 with Karma 3.2 speakers. It was absolutely incredible. I can put you... 
preamp for subwoofer
A passive attenuator would be the way to go. The problem is finding a good one with remote that's not extremely expensive. The Placette is great, but probably over the top for this application. There are great attenuators, but I can't think of any... 
RPG Room Optimizer and other software rives, etc.
Just to add to cinematic--the ETF software is fantastic. All of our dealers use it for acoustical measurements (they are required to in order to be a Rives dealer). We find it to be the most cost effective product out there. It's not the easiest t... 
RPG Room Optimizer and other software rives, etc.
We sell the optimizer and sizer from RPG and the CARA. The sizer is really only for new construction to get optimum dimensions. Not really applicable for you--and I figure you already knew that, but for others reading this post I wanted it to be c... 
Do unpowered Subwoofers/Speaker effect room modes?
The answer is yes--they do affect the sound. They act like a capacitor and absorb eneregy and then release it. In principle it can affect (reduce) the peaks caused by room modes. However, in practice, it is so inefficient unless you had a very lar... 
My Receiver Did What??
I've found the value at the lower end of the market has substantially increased in the last 10 years. I find it amazing what kind of sound can be had out of speakers between $300-500 today. Interestingly enough, the high end of the market has had ...